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Russia says Israel used 2 civilian airliners as cover to carry out Syria strike


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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Russia says Israel used 2 civilian airliners as cover to carry out Syria strike

By TOI staff and AFP
15 October 2021, 5:04 am Updated at 7:32 am

In this photo taken from a video provided on May 25, 2021, by the Russian Defense Ministry Press Service, crew members leave a Russian Tu-22M3 bomber upon its landing at Hemeimeem air base in Syria. (Russian Defense Ministry Press Service via AP)
In this photo taken from a video provided on May 25, 2021, by the Russian Defense Ministry Press Service, crew members leave a Russian Tu-22M3 bomber upon its landing at Hemeimeem air base in Syria. (Russian Defense Ministry Press Service via AP)

A Russian general on Thursday said that Syrian air defenses did not engage Israeli jets that reportedly carried out a strike in central Syria because there were two civilian airliners in the air at the time.

A Britain-based war monitor said the alleged Israeli airstrike in central Syria killed nine pro-government fighters, four of them Syrians and five of undetermined nationality.

Syrian Rear Admiral Vadim Kulit told the Sputnik news site that the strike was carried out by four Israeli F-16 jets.

“The Syrian military leadership decided not to use air defense systems since at the time of the Israeli aviation attack, two civilian passenger aircraft were in the zone of destruction of the anti-aircraft systems,” Kulit said.

Russia has repeatedly accused Israel of using civilian aircraft as a “shield” against Syrian air defenses, amid lingering anger over a case in 2018, when the Syrian military shot down a Russian spy plane while responding to an Israeli strike over Syrian airspace.

Russia later declared that Israel was responsible for that incident, in which 15 crew members were killed, saying the Israel Air Force jets used the Russian plane as cover.

In that case, the Israeli military flatly denied the allegation that IDF jets had used the spy plane as shield, and defense analysts also cast doubts on the feasibility of such a maneuver.

Nevertheless, the incident led to a major diplomatic spat between Moscow and Jerusalem.

The Syrian state news agency SANA had earlier quoted a military source as saying that the late Wednesday attack near the city of Palmyra had killed a soldier and wounded three others.

“At around 11:34 p.m., the Israeli enemy carried out an aerial aggression… on the area of Palmyra, targeting a communication tower and several positions in its vicinity,” the source told SANA.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an opposition-linked group with unclear funding, said that the attack targeted several Iranian positions, among them the communication tower, near the T4 airbase east of Palmyra. The Britain-based Observatory has at times been accused of inflating casualty numbers.

It reported that the attack killed four Syrians fighting with pro-Iran groups backing the Damascus government, including one Syrian army soldier, as well as five others whose nationality was not immediately clear.

Neither Israel nor the United States has acknowledged conducting the attack. Israel, as a rule, does not comment on specific strikes it allegedly carries out in Syria, but does generally acknowledge that it conducts operations against Iran-linked groups in the country in order to prevent the transfer of advanced weapons and to prevent attacks against Israel from Syria.

Last week, an Israeli missile strike on the same airbase killed two pro-Iran foreign fighters, the Observatory claimed.

SANA said six soldiers were wounded in that attack.

Since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in 2011, Israel has routinely carried out airstrikes inside Syria, mostly targeting Syrian government troops, as well as allied Iranian and Lebanese forces.

Before the latest strike, Israel’s head of military intelligence, Major General Aharon Haliva, said Iran was “continuing to promote subversion and terror” in the Middle East.

“We will continue to hinder Iran’s actions, to hedge and harm its abilities, and take action to preserve Israel’s power,” he said in comments relayed by the military.

Iran, a close ally of Assad, both maintains its own military presence in Syria and supports a number of predominantly Shiite militias in the country. These groups fight alongside Assad’s troops against the country’s opposition, but Israel maintains they also are used to conduct attacks against Israel and to facilitate the transfer of weapons and other materiel throughout the region.


Yet another illegal action, one that potentially puts civilians in harm's way, by the "most moral army of the world" as it likes to portray itself. Next time the regime in Tel Aviv accuses the Palestinian or Lebanese Resistance of using local civilians as human shields, it should be reminded of these tactics it employs.
Of all the Russian bravado and getting irked by Israel, the former puts up with a lot of Israeli shenanigans.

Which leads me to believe Russia with it's history of communism and the role Russian Jews played in it's inception tends to stay neutral and outright passive on Israel to it's own detriment, there may still be residual influence on matters of Russian state from the tribe that they are dealing with.
Russia says Israel used 2 civilian airliners as cover to carry out Syria strike

By TOI staff and AFP
15 October 2021, 5:04 am Updated at 7:32 am

In this photo taken from a video provided on May 25, 2021, by the Russian Defense Ministry Press Service, crew members leave a Russian Tu-22M3 bomber upon its landing at Hemeimeem air base in Syria. (Russian Defense Ministry Press Service via AP)
In this photo taken from a video provided on May 25, 2021, by the Russian Defense Ministry Press Service, crew members leave a Russian Tu-22M3 bomber upon its landing at Hemeimeem air base in Syria. (Russian Defense Ministry Press Service via AP)

A Russian general on Thursday said that Syrian air defenses did not engage Israeli jets that reportedly carried out a strike in central Syria because there were two civilian airliners in the air at the time.

A Britain-based war monitor said the alleged Israeli airstrike in central Syria killed nine pro-government fighters, four of them Syrians and five of undetermined nationality.

Syrian Rear Admiral Vadim Kulit told the Sputnik news site that the strike was carried out by four Israeli F-16 jets.

“The Syrian military leadership decided not to use air defense systems since at the time of the Israeli aviation attack, two civilian passenger aircraft were in the zone of destruction of the anti-aircraft systems,” Kulit said.

Russia has repeatedly accused Israel of using civilian aircraft as a “shield” against Syrian air defenses, amid lingering anger over a case in 2018, when the Syrian military shot down a Russian spy plane while responding to an Israeli strike over Syrian airspace.

Russia later declared that Israel was responsible for that incident, in which 15 crew members were killed, saying the Israel Air Force jets used the Russian plane as cover.

In that case, the Israeli military flatly denied the allegation that IDF jets had used the spy plane as shield, and defense analysts also cast doubts on the feasibility of such a maneuver.

Nevertheless, the incident led to a major diplomatic spat between Moscow and Jerusalem.

The Syrian state news agency SANA had earlier quoted a military source as saying that the late Wednesday attack near the city of Palmyra had killed a soldier and wounded three others.

“At around 11:34 p.m., the Israeli enemy carried out an aerial aggression… on the area of Palmyra, targeting a communication tower and several positions in its vicinity,” the source told SANA.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an opposition-linked group with unclear funding, said that the attack targeted several Iranian positions, among them the communication tower, near the T4 airbase east of Palmyra. The Britain-based Observatory has at times been accused of inflating casualty numbers.

It reported that the attack killed four Syrians fighting with pro-Iran groups backing the Damascus government, including one Syrian army soldier, as well as five others whose nationality was not immediately clear.

Neither Israel nor the United States has acknowledged conducting the attack. Israel, as a rule, does not comment on specific strikes it allegedly carries out in Syria, but does generally acknowledge that it conducts operations against Iran-linked groups in the country in order to prevent the transfer of advanced weapons and to prevent attacks against Israel from Syria.

Last week, an Israeli missile strike on the same airbase killed two pro-Iran foreign fighters, the Observatory claimed.

SANA said six soldiers were wounded in that attack.

Since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in 2011, Israel has routinely carried out airstrikes inside Syria, mostly targeting Syrian government troops, as well as allied Iranian and Lebanese forces.

Before the latest strike, Israel’s head of military intelligence, Major General Aharon Haliva, said Iran was “continuing to promote subversion and terror” in the Middle East.

“We will continue to hinder Iran’s actions, to hedge and harm its abilities, and take action to preserve Israel’s power,” he said in comments relayed by the military.

Iran, a close ally of Assad, both maintains its own military presence in Syria and supports a number of predominantly Shiite militias in the country. These groups fight alongside Assad’s troops against the country’s opposition, but Israel maintains they also are used to conduct attacks against Israel and to facilitate the transfer of weapons and other materiel throughout the region.


Yet another illegal action, one that potentially puts civilians in harm's way, by the "most moral army of the world" as it likes to portray itself. Next time the regime in Tel Aviv accuses the Palestinian or Lebanese Resistance of using local civilians as human shields, it should be reminded of these tactics it employs.

This is a "trap tactic" only a sadistic, cowardly nation's military would hide behind a civilian airliner. If it were Syrian Air Force, or an Air Force of any Muslim country that did what the israeli-scum did, it would've been condemned all over the Western Media, crippling economic sanctions would have been imposed and airstrikes would have been carried out .... of course all this would have been done ignoring the United Nations Security Council and the International Law, heck while they're at it, would even violate the Geneva Convention for good measure.

This is the "Zionist-West," take a long hard look at it because those dumb@$$es amongst the Muslim world who arduously support and worship the West do everything to convince you that the West is benevolent and the evil is everyone else who challenges them. That is the insidious face of the Zionists and their Western Slave States.
Well Russian air defence systems are only usefull against airliners. Nobody should be suprised they can't take out military jets
Well Russian air defence systems are only usefull against airliners. Nobody should be suprised they can't take out military jets

If that were the case, zionist fighter jets wouldn't be seeking cover right beside civilian airliners to conduct illegal strikes on Syria, since they too would then run the risk of getting shot down in the process.
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If that were the case, zionist fighter jets wouldn't be seeking cover right beside civilian airliners to conduct illegal strikes on Syria, since they too would then run the risk of getting shot down in the process.

Talk about hypocrisy . . .

You are worried about civilian casualties from airplanes , but not a word about the thousands that died from assad"s barrel bombing or those who died from at the hands of Iran supported militia.

from this article :

" They say Syrian and Russian bombing and Iran-backed militias were responsible for the bulk of civilian deaths. "

Factbox: The cost of ten years of devastating war in Syria

AMMAN, May 26 (Reuters) - What started as peaceful protests against President Bashar al Assad's rule in Syria has spiralled into a decade-old multi-sided conflict that has sucked in neighbours and world powers and caused the largest displacement crisis since World War Two.

As Assad prepares for a fourth term in office, here is a summary of the human and financial cost of the conflict according to data from United Nations bodies, international NGOs and Syrian civil society groups.


*Death count and detainee estimates:

The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR), which has been documenting the war from outside Syria and briefs UN agencies, has documented 227,749 civilians who were killed from March 2011 until now. This figure includes only documented civilian deaths, while researchers estimate another 250,000 combatants from all sides have also been killed.

The figures are broadly in line with estimates by rights groups and U.N-commissioned investigators. They say Syrian and Russian bombing and Iran-backed militias were responsible for the bulk of civilian deaths.

Syria's prisons hold tens of thousands of detainees. Many have been arbitrarily detained for participating in peaceful protests or for expressing dissenting political opinion, according to Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International.

SNHR has documented 149,361 political detainees, of whom 101,678 remain missing. Those figures match estimates by groups such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty.

*Refugees and Displacement:

Half the Syrian population, which stood at 23 million at the start of the conflict, have been forced to flee their homes, U.N. bodies say.

Of those, 5.5 million are living as refugees in the region, mostly in Turkey, the UN's refugee body UNHCR says. Hundreds of thousands more are scattered across 130 countries, while 6.7 million have been displaced inside the country, including an estimated 2.5 million children.



The U.N's ESCWA agency estimated physical capital destruction at $117.7 billion and the economic damage in terms of lost GDP (Gross Domestic Product) at $324.5 billion - putting the cost of the conflict at about $442.5 billion.

The report also cites official data which showed by the end of 2018 real GDP had lost 54% of its pre-conflict level.

The World Bank has estimated cumulative GDP losses from 2011 to 2016 at $226 billion and warned that the longer the conflict lasts, the more difficult recovery will be as losses become more persistent over time.

*Battered economy:

Syria's economy is in its worst state since the start of the conflict and economists say the challenge is to stop it deteriorating further. Many industrialists have fled to Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan.

In the past year alone, the Syrian pound has lost three quarters of its value while the cost of food and essential items has rocketed by more than 200%, according to the World Bank.

The COVID-19 pandemic has made an already dire situation worse, analysts say.

Syrians have suffered a dramatic reduction in purchasing power and rising levels of debt, leaving millions incapable of putting food on the table and meeting their basic needs.

*Poverty and worsening conditions:

Today, over 13 million Syrians require humanitarian and protection assistance and almost 90% of the population lives in poverty, according to U.N. and Western relief agencies.

U.K. based aid group World Vision International said this year a child's life expectancy in Syria has been reduced by 13 years.

Talk about hypocrisy . . .

You are worried about civilian casualties from airplanes , but not a word about the thousands that died from assad"s barrel bombing or those who died from at the hands of Iran supported militia.

from this article :

" They say Syrian and Russian bombing and Iran-backed militias were responsible for the bulk of civilian deaths. "

Factbox: The cost of ten years of devastating war in Syria

AMMAN, May 26 (Reuters) - What started as peaceful protests against President Bashar al Assad's rule in Syria has spiralled into a decade-old multi-sided conflict that has sucked in neighbours and world powers and caused the largest displacement crisis since World War Two.

As Assad prepares for a fourth term in office, here is a summary of the human and financial cost of the conflict according to data from United Nations bodies, international NGOs and Syrian civil society groups.


*Death count and detainee estimates:

The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR), which has been documenting the war from outside Syria and briefs UN agencies, has documented 227,749 civilians who were killed from March 2011 until now. This figure includes only documented civilian deaths, while researchers estimate another 250,000 combatants from all sides have also been killed.

The figures are broadly in line with estimates by rights groups and U.N-commissioned investigators. They say Syrian and Russian bombing and Iran-backed militias were responsible for the bulk of civilian deaths.

Syria's prisons hold tens of thousands of detainees. Many have been arbitrarily detained for participating in peaceful protests or for expressing dissenting political opinion, according to Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International.

SNHR has documented 149,361 political detainees, of whom 101,678 remain missing. Those figures match estimates by groups such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty.

*Refugees and Displacement:

Half the Syrian population, which stood at 23 million at the start of the conflict, have been forced to flee their homes, U.N. bodies say.

Of those, 5.5 million are living as refugees in the region, mostly in Turkey, the UN's refugee body UNHCR says. Hundreds of thousands more are scattered across 130 countries, while 6.7 million have been displaced inside the country, including an estimated 2.5 million children.



The U.N's ESCWA agency estimated physical capital destruction at $117.7 billion and the economic damage in terms of lost GDP (Gross Domestic Product) at $324.5 billion - putting the cost of the conflict at about $442.5 billion.

The report also cites official data which showed by the end of 2018 real GDP had lost 54% of its pre-conflict level.

The World Bank has estimated cumulative GDP losses from 2011 to 2016 at $226 billion and warned that the longer the conflict lasts, the more difficult recovery will be as losses become more persistent over time.

*Battered economy:

Syria's economy is in its worst state since the start of the conflict and economists say the challenge is to stop it deteriorating further. Many industrialists have fled to Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan.

In the past year alone, the Syrian pound has lost three quarters of its value while the cost of food and essential items has rocketed by more than 200%, according to the World Bank.

The COVID-19 pandemic has made an already dire situation worse, analysts say.

Syrians have suffered a dramatic reduction in purchasing power and rising levels of debt, leaving millions incapable of putting food on the table and meeting their basic needs.

*Poverty and worsening conditions:

Today, over 13 million Syrians require humanitarian and protection assistance and almost 90% of the population lives in poverty, according to U.N. and Western relief agencies.

U.K. based aid group World Vision International said this year a child's life expectancy in Syria has been reduced by 13 years.


1) I was correcting a deductive flaw in the reasoning of another user's remark. Has nothing much to do with being worried or not.

2) This thread is about the recent abuse by the zionist military of two civilian aircrafts, which were deliberately turned into shields. Not about the Syrian war in general. For that, there's a dedicated topic, where I addressed the issue of civilian casualties / collateral damage in that war many times at length.

3) Quoting each of my posts won't make the shared news less credible and users here appear to agree.

4) How about staying out of my conversations with others. If not, it's not a problem either since from now on, quoting me in this thread will result in conducting monologues only.
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Apart from s400, I doubt we have anything russian for ground to air defence
all your air-defense is Russians or based on Russians design
from this article :

" They say Syrian and Russian bombing and Iran-backed militias were responsible for the bulk of civilian deaths. "
who is They , that famous tailor in London that probably has never seen Syria in all his life
The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR), which has been documenting the war from outside Syria and briefs UN agencies, has documented 227,749 civilians who were killed from March 2011 until now. This figure includes only documented civilian deaths, while researchers estimate another 250,000 combatants from all sides have also been killed.

The figures are broadly in line with estimates by rights groups and U.N-commissioned investigators. They say Syrian and Russian bombing and Iran-backed militias were responsible for the bulk of civilian deaths.
yes I was right that infamous tailor in London
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