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Russia says Chinese arms better than Russian arms

It's better than USAF B-1B. Doesn't need to be stealthy to deliver huge payloads. We don't need a stealth bomber we need a Tu-160 bomber that can level Tokyo by itself.

We don't need a strategic bomber to take care of Japan, but DF-21 can already handle that.

The strategic bomber is supposed to hit the US soil, so it needs to be stealthy in order to penetrate into their defence system.

The Tu-160 bomber was 1980s technology, i don't think it is sufficient to deal with today's US defence system.
if russia wasnt a mafia state they would have more money and be well ahead of china

china is getting to powerful for every other nations good.... china will go to war and invade other countrys soon

If USSR did take the economic reform, then they would indeed be ahead of us today.

And China isn't aggressive by nature, we only want to prove our living standard, and invading other nations isn't our national interest.
Should have bought the Tu-160 from Ukraine.

Bombers like that needs a certain level of air-superiority to operate effectively. Let's focus on attaining that level of air-superiority first and until then use missiles.

Also we should not fall for the trap of think everything the US has we need a counter-part to. I believe that the most effective strategies in this situation are asymmetrical responses.
Well , this russian dude has surely caused some embarrassment to his country .

IF at all this this is true , may i ask why are we Indians still buying from the Russians ? I mean i understand the long lasting friendship part but can we compromise our national security and armed force's competence for that ?

Worth pondering upon i think .
Guys, you do not get it. The army chief was speaking at a parlamentary session and what he wanted to is to more budget money being allocated in the army. This is not Russia's official posture nor is the military industry's one. His statement was not based on facts and it was not sustained from the technical view.

Conclusion: Politically motivated arguments should be used only to discuss politics, some chinese members here stand on them to base their funny arguments, though.
Guys, you do not get it. The army chief was speaking at a parlamentary session and what he wanted to is to more budget money being allocated in the army. This is not Russia's official posture nor is the military industry's one. His statement was not based on facts and it was not sustained from the technical view.

Conclusion: Politically motivated arguments should be used only to discuss politics, some chinese members here stand on them to base their funny arguments, though.

If not today then tomorrow. Russian military industry is not progressing as fast as China's and China's civilian sector micro-electronics is something that Russia altogether lacks.
Russian military industry is not progressing as fast as China's and China's civilian sector micro-electronics is something that Russia altogether lacks.

Yes, a scientifically/technologically atrassed country like China which gets knowledge mostly from copying, stealing and illegally manufacturing foreign systems progresses more than a strongly developed country as Russia or the European Union, in relatives, but out of that, it's out of comparison.

As of microelectronics, don't come up with that tale because China developes none of them. They are all license produced on chinese soil by foreign company's with foreign technology, as far as I know.

And Russia/USSR had a real electronics industry. Not really world-class but it had/has the capability to manufacture them by itself. Search Elbrus processors if you want to.
Bombers like that needs a certain level of air-superiority to operate effectively. Let's focus on attaining that level of air-superiority first and until then use missiles.

Also we should not fall for the trap of think everything the US has we need a counter-part to. I believe that the most effective strategies in this situation are asymmetrical responses.

We should use missiles for US and strong countries but the Tu-160 or even the B-1 is the most useful for scaring small, high population density countries like Japan and South Korea. Missiles can only do so much, they only have 1 warhead and it's only for nuclear war, while heavy bombers can drop huge conventional loads on Seoul/Tokyo.

I mean, with the population density of Seoul/Tokyo, probably 3 Tu-160s can kill more people than the nukes on Japan in WW2.

Yes, a scientifically/technologically atrassed country like China which gets knowledge mostly from copying, stealing and illegally manufacturing foreign systems progresses more than a strongly developed country as Russia or the European Union, in relatives, but out of that, it's out of comparison.

As of microelectronics, don't come up with that tale because China developes none of them. They are all license produced on chinese soil by foreign company's with foreign technology, as far as I know.

And Russia/USSR had a real electronics industry. Not really world-class but it had/has the capability to manufacture them by itself. Search Elbrus processors if you want to.

Hahahaha... you're talking about electronics? You think foreigners will LET us license produce their chips? They don't even dare sell 32 nm photolithography machines to us. Despite the sanctions, well, just click some links.

Loongson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Huawei - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Founder Group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Foundry model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

ZERO russian companies in the top list. 4 mainland China 3 Taiwan on that list. In 2008, 6 mainland China on that list (but zero Russians still). Russia has an electronics industry? Show me the companies?
Yes, a scientifically/technologically atrassed country like China which gets knowledge mostly from copying, stealing and illegally manufacturing foreign systems progresses more than a strongly developed country as Russia or the European Union, in relatives, but out of that, it's out of comparison.

As of microelectronics, don't come up with that tale because China developes none of them. They are all license produced on chinese soil by foreign company's with foreign technology, as far as I know.

And Russia/USSR had a real electronics industry. Not really world-class but it had/has the capability to manufacture them by itself. Search Elbrus processors if you want to.

No more dribbling the $hit, but give me the actual proof to show where you were not intended to troll.
Yes, a scientifically/technologically atrassed country like China which gets knowledge mostly from copying, stealing and illegally manufacturing foreign systems progresses more than a strongly developed country as Russia or the European Union, in relatives, but out of that, it's out of comparison.

You have to start off somewhere, and we won't be behind for long, just like we weren't used to be behind. And you make it sounds like as if the sole existential purpose of chinese people is to steal and copy.
On the other hand, absolutely no spying is involved when soviet russia developed her first nuclear bomb. :rolleyes:
"The combat vehicle arsenal, artillery systems and small arms produced by the domestic defense industry fall behind NATO and even Chinese arms," the official stated..

Worse than even Chinese is used as a hyperbole. Even a retarded guy will understand that.
Worse than even Chinese is used as a hyperbole. Even a retarded guy will understand that.

No. Worse than Indian arms would be a hyperbole.

In ground forces Russia is behind China be it MBTs, Artillery, APCs, MLRS, and the like. Looking at comparable Russian Chinese equipment its rather obvious.

Type 99 > type 90

58 tons with 1500 Hp at 80Km/hour


46.5 tons with 1100 Hp at 60 Km/hour


Type 04 > 2S19 Msta

155mm 54 cal 10 rounds a minute with laser munitions up to 50 Km


152 mm 6-8 rounds per minute up to 36 Km


SY 400 > Smerch

400 Km with 400mm rockets with terminal guidance


90 Km with 300mm rockets

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