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Russia ready for war as Putin assumes presidency

Over all Putin is a nice guy and the world should get ready for some interesting time ahead. There is almost a mutiny in Israel where the military and intelligence are refusing to take orders from prime minister and publicly say that war with Iran is nothing good. Putin is back in Russia. Sarkozy is out and so is the US puppet regime in Greece. Soon it is expected Merkel will go too and Germany will have a new leader. Things are changing and who knows what is in store for UK and Canada. As for as Iran is concerned, this is Ahmadinejad's last year and so he is going to be mostly ceremonial with little vigor of the past trying to prepare for his retirement. I am sure there are quite a few in Iran who are thinking of running for the job. Ahmadinejad was good though. He made alot of things for Iran. From improvement in science and technology to a boost in nationalism and GDP and abolishing subsidies and replacing gasoline with natural gas in transportation. He also made huge progress on infrastructure development. But my advice to Iranians is next time to vote for a president like him minus his agile foreign policy. Some one more diplomatic perhaps. Also some one with a prettier face so that when western ladies see him on their TV's on late night shows, they do not freak out rather fall in love with the guy. It will go a long way to improve Iran's image in that department.
So they need a dictator who blatantly manipulates the election process, bans, jails and kills opposition candidates and the reporters who dare to write about it to keep his soviet-style grip on power ? Nice !! His ham-handed ploy (the Medvedev puppet) to stay in power makes the world laugh.:rofl: 'Those' types ALWAYS get theirs in the end.:hang2: Maybe the 'dioxin bug' will hit him one day.

For a second I thought you were talking about Bush! Remember him?
Seems the world isn't interested in blowing itself up for the sake of some small, deviant nations.

And who decides which countries are "deviant" - the U.S government? Intelligent people know that U.S. is the most "deviant" country across the globe...

For a second I thought you were talking about Bush! Remember him?

Americans still think they are a democracy. A democracy ruled by a bunch of bankers, the weapon industry, petroleum companies, corrupt politicians and the corrupt media. All as bad as each other.

For a second I thought you were talking about Bush! Remember him?

Obama isn't any better.
Over all Putin is a nice guy and the world should get ready for some interesting time ahead. There is almost a mutiny in Israel where the military and intelligence are refusing to take orders from prime minister and publicly say that war with Iran is nothing good. Putin is back in Russia. Sarkozy is out and so is the US puppet regime in Greece. Soon it is expected Merkel will go too and Germany will have a new leader. Things are changing and who knows what is in store for UK and Canada. As for as Iran is concerned, this is Ahmadinejad's last year and so he is going to be mostly ceremonial with little vigor of the past trying to prepare for his retirement. I am sure there are quite a few in Iran who are thinking of running for the job. Ahmadinejad was good though. He made alot of things for Iran. From improvement in science and technology to a boost in nationalism and GDP and abolishing subsidies and replacing gasoline with natural gas in transportation. He also made huge progress on infrastructure development. But my advice to Iranians is next time to vote for a president like him minus his agile foreign policy. Some one more diplomatic perhaps. Also some one with a prettier face so that when western ladies see him on their TV's on late night shows, they do not freak out rather fall in love with the guy. It will go a long way to improve Iran's image in that department.
wow seriously i mean the isreal part on mutiny can u gimme a link to read or some further reference plz
There is almost a mutiny in Israel where the military and intelligence are refusing to take orders from prime minister
Quit smoking.

Putin is back in Russia.
Putin is not back, since he didnot go anywhere.

Sarkozy is out and so is the US puppet regime in Greece.
Who will pay their debts?

Ahmadinejad was good though.
No doubt. During his rule Iran recieved more than 500 billion petrodollars and he somehow managed to waste most of these money. In addition he managed to isolate Iran and put it under sanctions.
Quit smoking.

Putin is not back, since he didnot go anywhere.

Who will pay their debts?

No doubt. During his rule Iran recieved more than 500 billion petrodollars and he somehow managed to waste most of these money. In addition he managed to isolate Iran!!! and put it under sanctions.

HA HA HA !!! iran or zion regime !?
Americans still think they are a democracy. A democracy ruled by a bunch of bankers, the weapon industry, petroleum companies, corrupt politicians and the corrupt media. All as bad as each other.
:lol: As if your TR and NL is any better. Show me a country that does not have bankers, arms makers, oil companies, and politicians and I will show you a fictional Utopian society.
:lol: As if your TR and NL is any better. Show me a country that does not have bankers, arms makers, oil companies, and politicians and I will show you a fictional Utopian society.

All have !!! but USA more ... :coffee:

Russian borders will always be secure we are ready to go to the next level for it.
Over all Putin is a nice guy and the world should get ready for some interesting time ahead. There is almost a mutiny in Israel where the military and intelligence are refusing to take orders from prime minister and publicly say that war with Iran is nothing good. Putin is back in Russia. Sarkozy is out and so is the US puppet regime in Greece. Soon it is expected Merkel will go too and Germany will have a new leader. Things are changing and who knows what is in store for UK and Canada. As for as Iran is concerned, this is Ahmadinejad's last year and so he is going to be mostly ceremonial with little vigor of the past trying to prepare for his retirement. I am sure there are quite a few in Iran who are thinking of running for the job. Ahmadinejad was good though. He made alot of things for Iran. From improvement in science and technology to a boost in nationalism and GDP and abolishing subsidies and replacing gasoline with natural gas in transportation. He also made huge progress on infrastructure development. But my advice to Iranians is next time to vote for a president like him minus his agile foreign policy. Some one more diplomatic perhaps. Also some one with a prettier face so that when western ladies see him on their TV's on late night shows, they do not freak out rather fall in love with the guy. It will go a long way to improve Iran's image in that department.

You said the truth but than turned back and criticised Dr Ahmadinajad "Agile" foreign policies, so how do you want them to be?
To be agile is good, since you can manoeuvre easily in difficult terrains and troubled waters and it takes brains to do that not beauty.
No Iranian wants western ladies to fall in love with him, at least in Iran.
If the criteria of a president of the islamic republic of Iran is met and beauty is there than there is no real problem, but to choose a president based on his beauty is dump.
So your post is 90% positive, but you managed to screw it up by a 10% that outweighs the whole posting.

so, to come back to the subject of the thread:

President Putin is the real deal.

You had Medyedev who was prettier, but couldn't handle the job at hand, he tried hard to kiss America's ars, but forgot it was a black widow spider.
He was even forced to declare defensive weapons offensive as in the case of the S-300.
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