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Russia proposes to Iran to organize licensed production of Russian T-90S tanks

I think we need just 5000-15000 infantry mobile vehicle ( in first phase ) ... and for signing a deal to produce this kind of cars under license is easier than buying Tank and it is more easier to include them to our Defensive Doctrine ....

there is some options :
1- continue our project ( Youze and .... ) -- I don't see any hope because they don't take these project seriously
2- produce these vehicle under licenses ...

there is some options :

Gaz_Tiger --- > Russia !!!
Cobra II ---->: Turkey !!

I think we should negation with Turks , they are far more reliable than Russians and Their Cobra I is battle tested ( so Cobra II should be better than Cobra I ) ... it will be a win-win deal for both side ...
Mate, you are in need of 5000-15000 IFVs against what ?

Bureaucrats, Government Strategists, Intelligence Agencies, Military, Government sits downs once a years and anaylzes the geo-politics of the region and does a risk assesments. "Who are our enemies in the region, who are our friends, with whom do we have chance to war, what does our enemies has in arsenal, what should we do to get the upper hand"

Greece was in top in our list and vice versa, so our military more or less shaped against Greece.

Like FNSS designed and produced these amphibious bridges incase of a war against Greece and we have to invade Greece. If Greece destroyes the bridges on river Meriç, how we are going to transfer our MBTs to Greece mainland ? Solution is this.

So, you have to ask yourself against whom we are going to use this much IFV.
Mate, you are in need of 5000-15000 IFVs against what ?

we have a long border with so many military base , so at least we need 2000 IFV for then ....

and we need 15000 IFV against our unfriendly neighbors ...
and we need 15000 IFV against our unfriendly neighbors ...
A war between Turkey and Iran would most probably be mostly air warfare, the topography on Turkish-Iranian border isnt very suitable for ground offensive on either side, you dont need IFV's but modern fighters.

A war between Turkey and Iran would most probably be mostly air warfare, the topography on Turkish-Iranian border isnt very suitable for ground offensive on either side, you dont need IFV's but modern fighters.


you a
A war between Turkey and Iran would most probably be mostly air warfare, the topography on Turkish-Iranian border isnt very suitable for ground offensive on either side, you dont need IFV's but modern fighters.


Iraq is a threat , Pakistan is a threat and so on .... there is a golden rule in ME , " never show any weakness ... "
Are you high ? what do you smoke ? bad stuff i suppose .
is this a prank ?
Pakistan have strong pro Saudi bloke in it , and just don't rely on Iraqis too much ...

Be honest, you really meant Iraq and Pakistan? :D

yeah , Iraq , Pakistan and Turkey , but Turkey can't operate its armor force against us efficiently in mountains ...
Pakistan have strong pro Saudi bloke in it , and just don't rely on Iraqis too much..
Don't relying on someone doesn't make them a threat . Iraqis are our allies and you're ignoring that on purpose which doesn't take a genius to figure out why

And Pakistan has never ever been a threat . of course things can change in future but based on the current situation and our history together , claiming that Pakistan is a threat NOW is mere stupidity .
Don't relying on someone doesn't make them a threat . Iraqis are our allies and you're ignoring that on purpose which doesn't take a genius to figure out why

And Pakistan has never ever been a threat . of course things can change in future but based on the current situation and our history together , claiming that Pakistan is a threat NOW is mere stupidity .

they are potential threat ... we should make ourselves strong that they don't become actual threat ....
you a

Iraq is a threat , Pakistan is a threat and so on .... there is a golden rule in ME , " never show any weakness ... "

How is Pak a threat to you? Lol

they are potential threat ... we should make ourselves strong that they don't become actual threat ....

We didn't join Yemen or Syria wars.. We called for peaceful negotiations between KSA & Iran... We held ex with Iran,import electricity from Iran .. Are building IPP .. Offered you partnership in CPEC.. We don't have any border disputes either ..

A war between Turkey and Iran would most probably be mostly air warfare, the topography on Turkish-Iranian border isnt very suitable for ground offensive on either side, you dont need IFV's but modern fighters.


As well as the Pak Iran border.. It's mountainous and stony desert.
Are you high ? what do you smoke ? bad stuff i suppose .

is this a prank ?

@Madali i'm trying man ,but i'm thinking this guy will eventually make a post about how he has fooled us all and this is a prank

I did my shar'ee duty, now let it rip :D

they are potential threat ... we should make ourselves strong that they don't become actual threat ....

If we use all our money on big weapons, we will be like the Shah, who had a lot of arms, but he was missed out other important threats.

We have to choose our priority and invest in that path. Anything can happen in the future (who knows, maybe in 60 years, we will have a war with Turkeminstan). For now, there is very unlikely we will have any land wars in the foreseeable future.

Capital and time is limited. Imagine you have a budget. Which would you think is our highest threat to our security in the short term?
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