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Russia, Pakistan conduct first-ever joint military drills (PHOTOS)

a tight slap on arnab goswami, maroof raza, and all the other clowns on times now :tup:
well china north korea russia turkey iran pakistan plus brics can be bull wark against nato.
I thought india media had proclaimed Russia called it off after indian requests? How strange? :laugh:

Looking forward to a productive joint exercise for both sides.

What the hell !!!! Didn't our great truthful neighbors said that Russia has cancelled the war games ? How dare Russia betray epitome of truth Modi and India ???? How dare you Putin !!!!!!

Sir i was literally just wondering the same thing :rofl:

no Indian "military strikes" in Azad Kashmir for 30 days

forget 30 days...never in their wildest dreams even when the cows fly home
Agree. As I said in post above I confess I got this entirely. Given Pak's history with Russia I actually thought despite the winds now blowing in differant direction the Russians as token of support to their "Ganga comrades" would at least postpone or cancell the exercises as mark of support. That they did not says there is major change going on as you stated.
Sir, I will add something that you may not agree but Russia is antithetically different from USSR. Russia was a spiritual country and this character was suppressed by the Bolsheviks for time being under USSR but after its collapse, Russia has returned to its spiritual roots especially under Putin. People in Russia have vehemently rejected the same-sex marriage. Furthermore, Moscow has largest Muslim population among all the European cities (though that nothing to do with Pak-Russia relations).
Russia has been looking towards Pakistan with smile. It's Pakistan that has been taking time and finding it difficult to get out of the clutches of Uncle Sam until very recently when the latter very openly offered strategic partnership to Pakistan's arch rival and the meanest of all enemies in the world. The brain deads of PAF planners only got out of the trance of the F-16s when uncle sam only offered India block-70s but also showed its intention to move the production line to India...wow what a failure of these zombies. I could see that happening why could they see because literally they have been drinking American wine that usurped their ability to think and see :) and lost their touch from reality.
I will add something that you may not agree but Russia is antithetically different from USSR
Yes, I am aware of the strong hold of Russian Orthodox Church pre revolution and that it is has made it's way back in Russian psyche under Putin. Also the Russian temperament (like most East Euros) is not very liberal. As regards the Muslims in Russia I am aware of them - be advised though on two points. First that these Muslims are not migrants but their lands have been incorporated into Russia like Tataristan, Daghestan, Bashkiristan, Chechens etc. Secondly these Muslims are very secular and far more integrated into the greater Russia project then most migrant Muslims. Although the Chechens did have hardline Muslim streak but that has been almost wiped out with massive firepower.

As regards rest of your post it is interesting and I will be doing more reading to take stock of the situation.
Yes, I am aware of the strong hold of Russian Orthodox Church pre revolution and that it is has made it's way back in Russian psyche under Putin. Also the Russian temperament (like most East Euros) is not very liberal. As regards the Muslims in Russia I am aware of them - be advised though on two points. First that these Muslims are not migrants but their lands have been incorporated into Russia like Tataristan, Daghestan, Bashkiristan, Chechens etc. Secondly these Muslims are very secular and far more integrated into the greater Russia project then most migrant Muslims. Although the Chechens did have hardline Muslim streak but that has been almost wiped out with massive firepower.

As regards rest of your post it is interesting and I will be doing more reading to take stock of the situation.
I have spent some quality time with them in Moscow and I can assure you they are far from being secular or perhaps we have different understanding of the word. I was received with love and respect both by Christians and Muslims in Moscow and I found that in stark contrast to the ever-increasing Islamophobia in the West.
Intriguing but how? I thought it was more of sign of displeasure by Putin for the increasing Indian tilt toward US although I suppose that does also relate to the same - if indirectly. But I thought the primary intended recipient was India.
Pakistan, for it's entirety, has been an US ally(whether you like it or not).As a former KGB agent, Putin would never forget Pakistan's role in Afghanistan against Soviet Union and India was almost opposite.I think these political dynamics were the main reasons why Russia never really trusted Pakistan or developed any substantial Military relation after fall of USSR.Now, after Ukraine events,Russia's(Putin) literally trying to reinvest itself in power-play game. And just like you said when US's been busy trying to lure India in it's Military Orbit Russia's trying exactly the same thing with Pakistan.
Just a few months ago, people would think Russia will surely keep it's neutral stance in South China Seas(given all the other parties involved with whom Russia has significant Military ties).That's why I think it's more to with US than India.
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I have spent some quality time
Well I have had some contact with them in UK. However I guess your right it very well depends what you mean by secularism. It means one thing in Pakistan and another in Turkey. Anyway I look forward to more of your insights on Russia.

Pakistan, for it's entirety, has been an US ally(weather you like it or not).As a former KGB agent, Putin would never forget Pakistan's role in Afghanistan against Soviet Union and India was almost opposite.I think these political dynamics were the main reasons why Russia never really trusted Pakistan or developed any substantial Military relation after fall of USSR.Now, after Ukraine events,Russia's(Putin) literally trying to reinvest itself in power-play game. And just like you said when US's been busy trying to lure India in it's Military Orbit Russia's trying exactly the same thing with Pakistan.
Just a few months ago, people would think Russia will surely keep it's neutral stance in South China Seas(given all the other parties involved with whom Russia has significant Military ties).That's why I think it's more to with US than India.
Interesting. I guess your looking at the same jar as me but from another angle. And yes, Pakistan has been from late 1940s on a beneficiary of US life saving support. I hold no particular dislike of US. I am firmly of the opinion that Pakistan was born premature and US provided the incubator that grew Pakistan to be able to stand up by itself around early 1970s. Without US support from 1950-1970 Pakistan woould have been snuffed by India. Therefore I hold no illusions. I believe that Pakistan is product of the two Anglo-Saxon powers. UK and US. The former birthed it. The latter incubated it to strength.

That the relationship went sour is partly geostrategic and partly Pakistani immaturity. However for sure time has come to move forward while you recognize the past and in doing so perhaps not make the same mistakes.

As a addendum I must admit the Russians know how to build new mosques. I am not particuar fan of mosques but after they destroyed Grozny the Russians are rebuilding the city. The new central mosque is so aesthetically pleasing that it brings joy and warmth to cold hearted guy like me. Makes the mosques in Pakistan look like hovels.

Grozny Mosque - New



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This is the deepest dagger and humiliation by Russians towards India....it has fcked India very bad....India has lost its consciousness and sense of balance...A psychotic India is in retreat.

Pakistan should move forward boldly and capture Indian space more....It has to now...it must now. India always looses...India always breaks into pieces since 1947.
Sad day for Indo-Russian relations..

Finally the reality is creeping into the heads of people who have been living in denial. Modi and his goons thought that they could fool even an ex-KGB head indefinitely. Putin is a backdoor player, he says very little but carries a big stick. Indians have found it out the hard way.

Our neighbors miscalculated lots of things and lots of happenings. That "World believes", that "World knows", that "World hates" beliefs fed to their gullible minds by their very own deluded media analysts has brought them nothing but frustration and hate. They kept repeating day in day out on this forum "Its interests only" but they forgot people would be interested in Pakistan, it was just a matter time and world would be interested in Pakistan. And "now when they see it with their own eyes they abuse and curse the world live on their tv channels they don't talk of interests anymore but they want world to ignore and hate Pakistan why? …………. Because they cannot stop hating Pakistan so the world too should follow their pursuit".

There is no greater price and pain for a nation that pays it with its blood and Pakistanis paid this price once for their newly founded country and again for the peace of this world, world is not stupid and deluded like our neighbor not to acknowledge that.

@Farah Sohail ………….. This is what happens when you address people and problems instead of whining and crying. Feel confident and remain steadfast we are headed in the right direction INSHALLAH. The time will come when our generations would proudly say "This is all because of sacrifices of our forefathers and their forefathers" as we say today for our forefathers who lost their lives for a newly founded country PAKISTAN.
Agree. As I said in post above I confess I got this entirely wrong. Given Pak's history with Russia I actually thought despite the winds now blowing in differant direction the Russians as token of support to their "Ganga comrades" would at least postpone or cancell the exercises as mark of support. That they did not says there is major change going on as you stated.
Russians are taking me totally by surprise also in the Turkish context. Staffs are happening in lightning speeds. Suddenly erstwhile "dumbs" are getting "smart" and vice versa...

Arnab is best comedian of indian media...He always try to hype things up and get Indians ready on their warmongering theory .After every single attack hes bring the panel of few retired indian generals who are more jokers than him
their strategy is always after every incident to fool the indian with war , isolation. surgical strike for 3 to 4 days.. after that.. then all of sudden next day their topic will be kick out pakistan artists. revenge taken lol

They are paid to do that!!! They have a family to feed too!!!! At the least they're offering some quality "comedy" time..

On a serious note, ashes of Gandhi or Subas Bose or bones of Mevlana Azad must be turning in sorrow seeing what their great Indian ideology has turned to...

The new world order of Bush is getting flushed in toilet, and a new world order is emerging. Those who jumped with joy and embraced the PNAC (Project for new American century), giving their services to be American policeman in their respective regions, will go down with the yanks.

Man proposes GOD disposes. PNAC got disproved in year 01 - "A" got replaced by "X"...

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