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Russia Offers India Participation In GLONASS GPS Satellite Project

The uptight babu will spend even more money on weird GAGAN than a well tested and operational system being offered to them...
for ur kind information Gagan is not a GPS system it's GPS aided geo augmented navigation system:taz:
they r different things even Japan has a system similar to GAGAN

so do some research before posting on any topic:hitwall:
for GLONASS the receiver exists and due to being already in mass production its cheap..
For IRNSS...the receiver manufacturing infrastructure will have to be created and that will add to the cost of receiver and consomers wont be tempted to buy it for this simple reason when existing,reliable cheap alternatives are available.
May be a diferent story for indian military,but i wonder how much it will cost to integrate and then test IRNSS guidance in existing weapon systems...wont be cheap...and wont be easy.

thats why i say indians are masters of creating unnecessary complications,and that too... expensive ones.
for GLONASS the receiver exists and due to being already in mass production its cheap..
For IRNSS...the receiver manufacturing infrastructure will have to be created and that will add to the cost of receiver and consomers wont be tempted to buy it for this simple reason when existing,reliable cheap alternatives are available.
May be a diferent story for indian military,but i wonder how much it will cost to integrate and then test IRNSS guidance in existing weapon systems...wont be cheap...and wont be easy.
Agreed but we HAVE to do it coz China have significant lead over us....and our own navigational system makes it more secure or make much more sense than using others (I think so).

Partnering in GLONASS now and then independent navigational system is best approach.
and while DRDO keeps whipping their tail trying make an overly complicated system work at expenditure of thousands of caror..
Pakistan's simpler approach is up and running at fraction of the cost.
Agreed but we HAVE to do it coz China have significant lead over us....and our own navigational system makes it more secure or make much more sense than using others (I think so).

Partnering in GLONASS now and then independent navigational system is best approach.

Probably yes....
But its a well known fact that GLONASS is in shambles due to shortage of money and indian money can buy water tight partnership in GLONASS.
For example a second master station in indian territory..so that india can upload navigation data into GLONASS and track the satelites same as Russian master station would do..
That way even in was Russians wont be able to deteriorate accuracy or shut down the system.
The americans did it during first few tests of brahmos...
and while DRDO keeps whipping their tail trying make an overly complicated system work at expenditure of thousands of caror..
Pakistan's simpler approach is up and running at fraction of the cost.
brother its ISRO not DRDO who is responsible for these projects n it has a way better track record than DRDO like the Chandrayan for example

but i think india should partner for now bcoz it will take us a lot of time that to only if the russians r providing a fair price with no future cost escalations:coffee:
Best way is join the russian and use GLONASS GPS for now untill when our GPS system gets fully integrated and mature enough we should switch to it:meeting:

But we should not give up Its own navigation system development at any cost.
ISRO can surely and will achieve it
weren't they agreed to give GLONASS signals years ago? :what:

any way good news for India


and IRNSS is not global, its for Asia only so our missiles can be guided to target China with our own system

that's why it is IRNSS (Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System )




The proposed system would consist of a constellation of seven satellites and a support ground segment. Three of the satellites in the constellation will be placed in geostationary orbit. These GEOs will be located at 34 East 83 East and 132 East longitude. The GSOs will be in orbits with a 24,000 km apogee and 250 km perigee inclined at 29 degrees. Two of the GSOs will cross the equator at 55 East and two at 111 East. [8] Such an arrangement would mean all seven satellites would have continuous radio visibility with Indian control stations. The satellite payloads would consist of atomic clocks and electronic equipment to generate the navigation signals.
weren't they agreed to give GLONASS signals years ago? :what:

any way good news for India

Yes, India have the access for GLONASS signals, what the Russians are saying is India to partner in this project i.e. launch GLONASS satellites, have stations in India or help develop the project by investing money in it. This will be a good thing for India to do since we can get an assured GPS system (second best in the world after US') with global coverage both in peace & wartime.

India shud spend money on this insyead of mars mission,

both are important in there respective area, space missions like mars helps the country's stature in international arena (remember chandrayaan-1 & it's finding of water on moon), it's obvious that 2 decades from now leading space countries in the world will be fighting to colonize both moon & mars, that will mean US, China, Russia, EU, India etc. will give each other tough competition, whoever will remain last in this race will be at a great loss.

Whereas GLONASS systems are very necessary for both peacetime & wartime usage & Russia as a trusted friend of India it is good for India to join the project.

well this is a great news , but india should get IRRS ready ASAP , why to be rely one someone, if we can have our own

IRNSS & GLONASS are two totally different ball game, IRNSS is a constellation of 7 satellites just for the coverage of entire south Asian region & parts of Tibet, whereas GLONASS with it's 24 satellites give coverage of entire world, It is the second best system of GPS in the world after US. But yes we should extensively work on IRNSS, initially for 7 sats only & than it can slowly be increased to give a global coverage.

The uptight babu will spend even more money on weird GAGAN than a well tested and operational system being offered to them...

& the verdict on GAGAN has been out even before it has been implemented.........:hitwall:
We can have IRRS to target Pakistan and China and spy IO . Mean while we should take advantage of GLONASS that would be much better .
I think a agreement should be made... Indian IRNSS satellites must be combined with GLONASS system.. It will save time and cost on both sides... Russia using IRNSS and India using GLONASS satellites... We will have full Co-Op in this case !! :)
Optimal utilization of money before it goes to tax havens....such collaborations should be made swiftly.
Indian participation as in forking out buckets of $$$?

In return Russia will slap on an Indian flag sticker and provide token sharing of the satelites/signal.

In participating with Russia, India will always be the junior partner and subject to Russian whims and demands.
Indian participation as in forking out buckets of $$$?

In return Russia will slap on an Indian flag sticker and provide token sharing of the satelites/signal.

In participating with Russia, India will always be the junior partner and subject to Russian whims and demands.

The project is nearing its completion.

We have been dealing with Russia for quite long time which runs to several decades.

We dont need a certain +4vsgorillas-Apebane from pdf to make us belief its for our bad.

Your post is funnier though.
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