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Russia offers Fighter Jets , S400 , Turbofan Engine and Submarine technologies to Turkey

When did he mention that Turkey is going to invade Israel?
He's boasted many times about Turkey being able to invade Israel easily. And some others as well. I even tried to explain that this is very hard to do.
You think Pakistan would go in a nuclear war to save Turkey? You think that wouldn't make many of the other nuclear powers nuke Pakistan? Or that the international community will do nothing if Pakistan gave nuclear weapons to Erdoğan?
Bro who said that Pakistan would go in nuclear war to save Turkey? Nobody is going to nuke Turkey so there is no need for Pakistan to go in a nuclear war.

What makes think that we wont use all of our nukes if our country is attacked by a foreign power? You think we would hesitate to use our entire arsenal if Pakistan's existenceis in danger? The moment any nuclear power(does not matter which nation) drops a single nuke on Pakistan. We will fire all of our 150 nukes at India. India will fire all of their 140 nukes. Remember that Pakistan's ballistic missiles are ready to fire at "any moments notice".So the moment any strategic nuclear weapons lands in anywhere in Pakistan. Minutes later, if not seconds you will see nuclear missiles flying towards India. A full scale nuclear war between India and Pakistan would destroy the world.

I am not saying that Pakistan will choose to do this. But if the very existence of Pakistan is in danger than I am not ruling it out.

Listen from 8:00

He's boasted many times about Turkey being able to invade Israel easily. And some others as well. I even tried to explain that this is very hard to do.

you are a liar as always

I never said anything about to invade İsrael
Turkiye doesnt need tiny İsrael which is smaller than our ADANA City

I said that
İran and Turkiye being able to produce 10.000 Ballistic and Cruise Missiles to hit all military targets in İsrael
no need to invade İsrael
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Turkey was the first Country in the World that used Laser weapon technology to shoot down Chinese UCAV Wing Loong II in Libya

lol, a 1.25kw veichle mounted laser system with a range of only 500 meters shoots down a UCAV flying above 5km, what a genius.

"according to the company’s statement, the new laser defense system (LSS), developed by Turkish defense giant Aselsan, has been successfully tested on Saturday.

The LSS was developed to effectively eliminate threats posed by unmanned aerial and underwater vehicles at the range of 500 meters as well as improvised explosive devices and suspicious roadside packages at the range of 200 meters reported the Undersecretary for Defense Industries Ismail Demir."

lol, a 1.25kw veichle mounted laser system with a range of only 500 meters shoots down a UCAV flying above 5km, what a genius.

1 ) not 1.25kw but 20kw and 4x 5kw single mode laser weapon technology ( only USA and Turkey )

2 ) not flying above 5km for operation because of low quality E/O system on Chinese Wing Loong II

Chinese UCAV was hit by Turkish LASER Weapon

Turkish Laser weapon test

"according to the company’s statement, the new laser defense system (LSS), developed by Turkish defense giant Aselsan, has been successfully tested on Saturday.

Aselsan ?

I am talking about Laser weapon which has been developed by TUBITAK BILGEM with range of 1,5 km
1 ) not 1.25kw but 20kw and 4x 5kw single mode laser weapon technology ( only USA and Turkey )

2 ) not flying above 5km for operation because of low quality E/O system on Chinese Wing Loong II

Chinese UCAV was hit by Turkish LASER Weapon
View attachment 796151

Turkish Laser weapon test

View attachment 796154

Aselsan ?

I am talking about Laser weapon which has been developed by TUBITAK BILGEM with range of 1,5 km
first of all, the pic you posted was a 1.5kw laser weapon system with a range of 500 meters as per the source, secondly, no UCAV flying at 1.5km...lol.

Bro who said that Pakistan would go in nuclear war to save Turkey? Nobody is going to nuke Turkey so there is no need for Pakistan to go in a nuclear war.
It was either Trango or Battlion
first of all, the pic you posted was a 1.5kw laser weapon system with a range of 500 meters as per the source, secondly, no UCAV flying at 1.5km...lol.

it's a representation photo ... not real platform which hit Chinese UCAV
and 1,5km is explained range ... not real range of Turkish LASER Weapon

Photo says everything ........ intense beam of produced by a laser

and its Turkish 4x 5kw ( 20 kw ) single mode laser weapon technology ( only USA and Turkey )
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you are a liar as always

I never said anything about to invade İsrael
Turkiye doesnt need tiny İsrael which is smaller than our ADANA City

I said that
İran and Turkiye being able to produce 10.000 Ballistic and Cruise Missiles to hit all military targets in İsrael
no need to invade İsrael
According to you,everyone is a liar. It's a good thing we've kept screenshots of when you were insulting Pakistanis or you would probably call us liars on that too.
According to you,everyone is a liar. It's a good thing we've kept screenshots of when you were insulting Pakistanis or you would probably call us liars on that too.

Not everybody but your TROLL Team including you
it's a representation photo ... not real platform which hit Chinese UCAV
and 1,5km is explained range ... not real range of Turkish LASER Weapon

Photo says everything ........ intense beam of produced by a laser
View attachment 796158
The latest US navy 60KW laser system HELIOS has a range of 5 Nautical miles only, which is 9.8km..only that will do, but it is mounted on a destroyer.:-)
My troll team? I have a team? I pay them maybe?

anti-ERDOGAN and anti-Turkey TROLL Team on PDF

even İf anybody support ERDOGAN then TROLL Team also attack Erdogan's supporters
TROLL Team supported loser FETO , PKK/YPG , ASSAD , HAFTAR , Armenia , etc against the Turks

The latest US navy 60KW laser system HELIOS has a range of 5 Nautical miles only, which is 9.8km..only that will do, but it is mounted on a destroyer.:-)

even 1,5 - 3 km range is enough for low quality Chinese UCAV
its Chinese made UCAV which was hit by Turkish LASER Weapon in Libya .. great evidence
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