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Russia offers Egypt major arms deal


May 9, 2007
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Russia is proposing to sell Egypt modern fighter jets, helicopters and air defense systems reportedly worth $2 billion, Russian officials said, in a clear sign of returning military cooperation between the two countries.

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, along with Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, travelled to Egypt on Thursday to seek valuable contracts with the country’s government after the United States curbed its military aid to Cairo last month.

Shoigu had confirmed that military collaboration was discussed in meeting with his Egyptian counterpart Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi but did not elaborate further.

“We agreed today to take steps toward creating a legal basis for our agreements [on military collaboration],” he said, according to RIA Novosti news agency.

Mikhail Zavaly, a senior official with Russia’s arms export agency Rosoboronexport who will lead its delegation at the upcoming Dubai air show, confirmed Russia wanted to sell military hardware to Egypt, according to Agence France-Presse.

“Now we are offering Egypt modern helicopters, air defense equipment and the modernization of previously purchased military equipment,” he told the RIA Novosti news agency.

“The word is now with our partners,” he added.

He did not give further details but Russian daily Vedomosti said negotiations were ongoing about the sale of MiG-29M/M2 fighter jets, low range air defense systems and Kornet anti-tank rockets.

Citing Russian defence sources, Vedomosti said the deals were worth more than $2 billion and could be financed by Egypt’s Arab Gulf allies.

Earlier this week a senior Rosoboronexport official told RIA Novosti that Russia wanted to sell military hardware to Egypt.

“We are ready to negotiate with the Egyptian side the possibility of deliveries of new weaponry as well as repairing equipment supplied in Soviet times,” the Rosoboronexport official said.

But the official noted that such new supplies would depend on Egypt’s ability to pay for them. “Moscow is ready to discuss with Cairo a possible loan to that country,” he said.

The Soviet Union was the main weapons supplier to Egypt in the 1960s and early 1970s, but cooperation declined after the U.S.-brokered peace treaty with Israel when Cairo began to enjoy generous U.S. aid.

However, the U.S. government suspended some of its military aid to Cairo after Mursi’s ouster.

well who knows......I think US always will have some influence there but after revolution a lot of realities have changed

If Russia offers the better deal - without the threat of using the standard Washington DC leverage (so-called "aid") then Egypt should go ahead with it. As it is, they have a pretty respectable fleet in their Air Force.....among the strongest (in terms of equipment and pilot training) in the Arab world
LOL, backing Assad has not affect our Arms business with the Arabs it seems, in fact the opposite has happened, it has increased:partay:
Arms deal should not be made with Russia till their active involvement in Syrian war has ended. Giving lucrative deals to Russia is simply encouraging and rewarding bad behavior. I would recommend going for Chinese arms instead as they are trying to be as neutral as possible in Syria and not directly involved like Russia. In a few years, China will have everything Russia can produce and more.

Sunni Muslim nations from Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, GCC and Turkey are having increasing defense cooperation with China. Russia is mainly with majority Shia nations like Iran, Iraq etc. The only exception is Algeria, a cold war relic.

Russia is energy rich, so they can afford to not care about concerns of Mid-east oil source nations and pursue their anti-Sunni geopolitics more freely. May be they want revenge for the Chechnya and Afghanistan J!had. China is not energy rich, so they are dependent on both Shia and Sunni Mid-east nations for energy. So they will always be a more reliable supplier, because of this energy dependence, no bitter history and also because they are big arms suppliers for other Sunni Muslim nations as mentioned above.

So my recommendation, dump Russia and go with China. Yes, some Chinese defense tech is still not as mature as Russia, but if it is good for Chinese Armed forces, it is good enough for Egypt. And I am keeping my fingers crossed that Chinese tech will surpass Russian tech in 10-15 years.

China replaces UK to join top 5 global arms exporters - People's Daily Online
This is also the first time since the end of the Cold War that a state from outside Europe and North America has appeared among the five largest arms exporters. According to the institute, 55 percent of China's exports went to Pakistan, followed by Myanmar with 8 percent and Bangladesh with 7 percent.

"China's rise has been driven primarily by large-scale arms acquisitions by Pakistan," said Paul Holtom, director of the institute's Arms Transfers Program.

"A number of recent deals indicate that China is establishing itself as a significant arms supplier to a growing number of important recipient states."

The recipients include Algeria, Venezuela and Morocco.
LOL, backing Assad has not affect our Arms business with the Arabs it seems, in fact the opposite has happened, it has increased:partay:

You are not defending Assad but your existence in the mediterranean sea against NATO missile shield that squeezing you from every angle. So hold your horse, If Egypt agreed to give you access to its water I assure you, you will ditch Assad the next day no doubt. Its all about interests. Now bug off.
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I wish the U.S. would cut Egypt loose. The best thing for us and Israel is for Egypt to buy inferior Russian (or Chinese) stuff. Then if we or Israel does have to bitch-slap them, we'll cut through that crappy Russian gear like a hot knife through butter. As always.
I wish the U.S. would cut Egypt loose. The best thing for us and Israel is for Egypt to buy inferior Russian (or Chinese) stuff. Then if we or Israel does have to bitch-slap them, we'll cut through that crappy Russian gear like a hot knife through butter. As always.

Nope, underestimation aside please. from a technical point of view its hard to beat Russia anti-craft missiles and anti-missile defense systems.
Nope, underestimation aside please. from a technical point of view its hard to beat Russia anti-craft missiles and anti-missile defense systems.

We handled their stuff before. No sweat. And we'd handle it again, need be. Their stuff is good if it's two third world countries going at it, but you can't send Russian stuff up against U.S./west stuff.
what happened to JF17 sale to cairo???

It's still on the table as far as I'm aware. The Egyptian Armed Forces wants to have greater self reliance and the JF-17 provides that (as well as full ToT and TopT). I believe the Mig-29M2 or the SU-30MK? would be used to replace aging F-16A/B fighters whereas the JF-17 would replace all third gen aircraft.

I wish the U.S. would cut Egypt loose. The best thing for us and Israel is for Egypt to buy inferior Russian (or Chinese) stuff. Then if we or Israel does have to bitch-slap them, we'll cut through that crappy Russian gear like a hot knife through butter. As always.

Do you serve?
Have you lost brethren, a father or a son to war?

I'm guessing the answer is no to both of the above. War is terrible and in no circumstance should it be allowed unless absolutely necessary.

We handled their stuff before. No sweat. And we'd handle it again, need be. Their stuff is good if it's two third world countries going at it, but you can't send Russian stuff up against U.S./west stuff.

The ignorance and arrogance is astounding.
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