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Iran develops spy drone capable of reaching Israel

Dude... Not every submarine is stealth capable! It's seems that you don't know bout submarines too!

About this news, They gonna use this UAV in the next year military wargames, Then you can see for yourself if it's true or not!

UAV ? Whats that got to do with Stealth Submarine. Or is it a 'Stealth capable submarine which is UAV capable '.

What ???
Good News for Iran.

Every Country has a Right for Self Defence and Iran is Making sure that her defences are in Proper Order if USA & Israel Attack Iran.

Nice Going Iran.

Iran comes out with a wonder weapons about once a week,, but they never go into production...about their biggest major accomplishment was to get a sattlite in to orbit and that was 20 years behind Isreal doing the same thing.
:)what else did you do besides vomiting on my face only virtually behind your computer while getting mad lol.
Dude... Not every submarine is stealth capable! It's seems that you don't know bout submarines too!

About this news, They gonna use this UAV in the next year military wargames, Then you can see for yourself if it's true or not!

Sigh! you are young so I will try and be patient with you.....

1)ALL submarines are "stealth" It is their primary defence mechanism.

2)The really good ones are so quiet they crash into each because they are so "stealth"

3) Stealth is the wrong term to use as Noise is a bigger factor under water.

Now go back to your toys young man....:disagree:
Sigh! you are young so I will try and be patient with you.....

1)ALL submarines are "stealth" It is their primary defence mechanism.

2)The really good ones are so quiet they crash into each because they are so "stealth"

3) Stealth is the wrong term to use as Noise is a bigger factor under water.

Now go back to your toys young man....:disagree:

Yes, When they're talking about stealth capable submarines, They're talking about the good ones which crash into each other! :enjoy:

Anyway, Iran is going to buy several Amur class submarines, Will tell you more when i find out more!

I don't have any toys but send me a package of "World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King" as a token of friendship! :enjoy:
Why are iranians making a mockery of themselves in front of the world? Stealth capable submarine......wtf ?

Paying attention to when reading will do wonders how tiny little mistake will make some thing look totally out of place.

jet fighters, stealth-capable is how you suppose to read it .
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Does anybody actually know how much Iran spend on military & defence? And how much % it is of their GDP?
I read once Iran made some sort of stealth flying ship or something, i don't remember the original news though. It seems Iranians like to boast about their capabilities to frighten Israel and the US, but in reality they are no better then what the Iraqis were during the gulf war.
Does anybody actually know how much Iran spend on military & defence? And how much % it is of their GDP?

I don't know the exact % of their GDP however i do know that Iran spends a bit more then Pakistan on their defense. The rest you can calculate.
IceCold you can see the movie of flying boat somewhere on this site! (In the Turkish navy ambitions i think!). And btw when the world supported Saddam we stand before him why are you trying to portrait him weak?! When he start the war against us in the first Persian Gulf war he had full Arab supports, Germany and Spain gave him materials to build chemical bombs! France gave him Mirage and chemical shells and missiles, also helped him build Atomic bomb and when Israel blown it up they had plan to give one 150Kt atomic bomb to him! Britain build him underground bunkers, Soviet gave him planes, ballistic missiles and ect... Brazil sold him Uranium, U.S gave him Intelligence reports and also money, cluster bombs and ect... Some Arab countries even send force such as, Sudan, Yemen, Jordan and ect...

But we couldn't deal with anyone! We were under the sanction! We even had conflict with U.S navy at those times...

8 years war will do the same thing to you! I don't think if Saddam would have easily defeated if he had his old strength! Anyway, We have defeated him, Despite the world and even UNSC support for Saddam!

Does anybody actually know how much Iran spend on military & defence? And how much % it is of their GDP?

8% of GPD!
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