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Russia offered Tehran a new Tu-204


Jan 18, 2009
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Новости Aviation EXplorer: Россия предложила Тегерану новые самолеты Ту-204
Russia offered Tehran a new Tu-204


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Photo: Roman Gusarov

February 24, AEX.ru - Russia has made an offer to supply Tehran new passenger Tu-204 aircraft, said Deputy Minister of Transport on aviation Iran Ali Mohammad Nourian, writes RBC .

"Russia has approached us with a proposal to explore the possibility of purchasing them (new) passenger planes in the tender that will allow Moscow to import airplanes, if Iran's Civil Aviation Organization approve this proposal," - said Nourian.

"The capacity of the aircraft 210 seats, and their price is $ 35 million," - he said. Nourian noted that the Tu-204 was cheaper than their Western competitors by Boeing and Airbus.

Vice Minister said that currently Iran Civil Aviation Organization is studying the Russian proposal. Nourian, who also heads the organization explained that it helps Iranian air carriers update the fleet of passenger airliners. Nourian also reminded the West to lift sanctions against the Iranian aviation industry. "I hope that after the recent Geneva Agreement and the lifting of sanctions aimed at prohibiting the placing aircraft parts to Iran, 80% are not currently used aircraft will be returned to flying as part of the national fleet," - he said.

In November 2013. Iran and "six" concluded an interim agreement for a period of six months, by which Tehran pledged to stop enriching uranium to 20% in exchange for a withdrawal from the country of the economic sanctions. The Agreement entered into force on 20 Jan. At the moment, Iran is negotiating with the West, in which the parties expect to reach a final long-term agreement under which Iran would limit its nuclear program as it would wish the West, while the U.S. and EU sanctions would be removed completely, causing significant damage to the economy of the Islamic Republic.

Notes that Western embargo on the supply of components for Iranian passenger planes airlines is one of the main causes of air crashes and numerous technical problems of air transport in Iran, which has already cost the country tens of lives of civilians.

1- crashes in iran aint more than world average

2- those crashes were cause by inhumane sanctions on the civil airlines

3- iran is capable of overhauling its civil fleet

4- the offer is a good one , we can use some of them till our national passenger plane gets ready

iran needs to be independent from western aviation products and planes, they should only buy russian parts and planes to avoid casualties. Why did they buy american and western european parts in the first place who can be sanctioned?

iran needs to be independent from western aviation products and planes, they should only buy russian parts and planes to avoid casualties. Why did they buy american and western european parts in the first place who can be sanctioned?
it's a heritage from pre revolution era, also we have a very bad experience with Russian planes. so many crashes.
except the body, all parts of this jet is built in western countries too, so again no difference for us.
it's a heritage from pre revolution era, also we have a very bad experience with Russian planes. so many crashes.
except the body, all parts of this jet is built in western countries too, so again no difference for us.

russian planes dont crash that much anymore, also still better than having western planes without the parts which is the most dangerous way you can can use planes. The parts are all made in russia tu 204 was made during the soviet age
tu-204 if I recall correctly is produced by e different engine one old engine and 2 newer one one which is foreign completely and another one that is Russian design but uses some western equipment the last time we wanted to buy the plane we wanted the plane with the third engine but western countries threaten the Russian company with sanctions and as the first engine was not completely up to standards the deal went on the shelf for the time.

I wonder if this time the problem with providing the engine have been solved
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