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Russia Muslims' Enemy No. 1: Spiritual Sunni Leader

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This "religious leader" should be reminded that unlike the Western civilization, Russia has no problem whatsoever in sending you to hell with a smile on their face and then demanding a check for the trouble.
Not to mention CIA has extensive ties with Muslim Brotherhood and has used them as their voice in the Muslim world. Reading the timeline of 9/11 it would become evident that CIA delibretely wanted 9/11 to happen as an excuse of war. Not only they turned down numerous offers of information on Binladen but actually assisted him to charter a plane and take a safe flight to Afghanistan via Qatar? WTF???

1988: Al Taqwa Bank Co-Founder Is Long-time CIA Asset said:
In 1988, the Al Taqwa Bank is founded in Switzerland, and it quickly becomes one of the major funders for radical Islamic groups, including al-Qaeda (see 1988). The Al Taqwa Bank is closely associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, and one of its key founders, Said Ramadan, is one of the Muslim Brotherhood’s top leaders, and also the son-in-law of Hassan al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. Ramadan helped Saudi Arabia found the Muslim World League in 1962; the charity will go on to fund al-Qaeda and many other radical groups. But there is strong evidence that Ramadan also was a long-time CIA asset. [DREYFUSS, 2005, PP. 136] Declassified Swiss documents reveal that in the 1960s, the Swiss government considered him to be, “among other things, an intelligence agent of the British and the Americans.” The Wall Street Journal will report in 2005, “Historical evidence suggests Mr. Ramadan worked with the CIA.” For instance, he traveled on a Jordanian diplomatic passport given to him by the CIA, “his expenditures are financed by the American side,” and he worked closely with CIA supported propaganda fronts. [MOTHER JONES, 1/1/2006] The Egyptian government apparently also believed Ramadan worked with the US, and that he may have had a role in a plot against Egyptian President Abddul Nasser in the 1960s. Ramadan even met with President Dwight D. Eisenhower in the Oval Office in 1953. [DREYFUSS, 2005, PP. 135-138] Ramadan will die in 1995 at the age of 69. It is not known how long his ties to the CIA and possibly other intelligence agencies lasted. Journalist Robert Dreyfuss will later comment: “It’s no exaggeration to say that Ramadan is the ideological grandfather of Osama bin Laden. But Ramadan, the Muslim Brotherhood, and their Islamist allies might never have been able to plant the seeds that sprouted into al-Qaeda had they not been treated as US allies during the Cold War and had they not received both overt and covert support from Washington.” [MOTHER JONES, 1/1/2006]
The Number one ENEMY of Muslims are Mullahs like this guy who have no solutions for the Muslims. Russia has no reason to be enemy of Muslims and Muslims need to befriend Russia. We should just ignore these moronic mullahs.

“Brothers, Moscow has become the enemy of Islam and of Muslims these days. It has become the number one enemy of Islam and Muslims”. This was the astonishing statement made by leading Sunni scholar, Sheikh Yousuf Al-Qaradawi. With this new theological ruling, he also blamed Moscow for the bloodshed in Syria.
This latest attack on Russia, made on October 12 on television in Qatar, is far more significant than a simple emotional outburst. Sheikh Yousuf Al-Qaradawi is the Sunni world’s most respected theological authority. He is also the sole spiritual leader of the “Muslim brotherhood” in Egypt, Syria, Libya and the rest of the world. When Sheikh Yousuf Al-Qaradawi declares that a certain country is the number one enemy, many of his followers are sure to act accordingly.

Al-Qaradawi has published more than 120 books and received eight international prizes for his contributions to Islamic scholarship. He is considered one of the most influential Muslim scholars living today. In 2008, in an online poll by Prospect Magazine (UK) and Foreign Policy (United States), Yusuf Al-Qaradawi was voted 3rd among the 100 most intellectual people in the world.

Also a spiritual leader of the Hamas movement, he was known to encourage suicide bombings, the most effective and bloody tactic employed by terrorists. Eight years ago he was quoted as saying that “hundreds of other Islamic scholars are of the same opinion”. Defending the suicide bombing of Israeli civilians, Sheikh Al-Qaradawi told the BBC programme “Newsnight” that "an Israeli woman is not like women in our societies, because she is a soldier”. His words were taken, by members of Hamas, as a call to action, more than a thousand Israeli civilians were killed at that time.

Amit Assa, a former Colonel in the Israeli Security Service (Shabak), now an international security consultant, told the Voice of Russia, that the statement by Sheikh Yousuf Al-Qaradawi puts the lives of Russian citizens around the world in immediate danger: “Such declarations of animosity will be understood by Al-Qaeda, Muslim brothers and other radical organizations as a theological permit to attack Russians around the world. There is no need for a direct call ‘to kill Russians’. They have their codes and without any doubt the declaration of ‘enemy number one’ is one of them”.

Such a pronouncement of outright hostility is unprecedented, not even the late Ayatollah Khomeini described Russia as “enemy number one” but always put USA and Israel ahead of the USSR, which, he said, was a “small Satan”. Radical Sunni theologians have long refrained from such open animosity towards Russia, remembering that the USSR supported the Arab struggle with tens of millions of dollars. Sheikh Yousuf Al-Qaradawi has a record of supporting Al-Qaeda and other Muslim insurgents in Afghanistan but declaring Russia to be the main enemy of Islam is a new development. The situation seems to have changed because of the support that America currently gives to the Muslim brothers in Egypt and Syria.

The secretary general of the Italian Muslim Assembly, Sheikh Abdul Hadi Palazzi, told the Voice of Russia, that he “…debated with Qaradawi for decades on the subjects of terrorism and Israel’s right to exist. Extremists take his word very seriously. I expect all Muslim leaders in Russia to condemn this latest statement by Qaradawi and to uphold their traditions of peace and loyalty towards Russia”.

Palazzi added that he is aggrieved by the fact that some fringe tendencies, once embraced by Palestinian leader and Jerusalem mufti, Haj Amin el-Husseini, who allied himself with Hitler, are appearing again in the Muslim world. “Sheikh Yousuf Al-Qaradawi is known for his sympathy towards Adolf Hitler. It appears as though he now wants to repeat history by naming Russia as our enemy number one”.

In his recent sermon Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the leading Sunni Muslim scholar, demanded the Arab countries to impose political and economic boycott Tehran and Moscow due to their support for Damascus.

He also called on pilgrims to pray for topple of Bashar al Assad, elimination of Syrian army, Iran, Hezbollah, China and Russia.

“Russia has become the first enemy of Islam and Muslims because it has stood against the Syrian people; more than 30,000 Syrians have been killed by the weapons supplied by Russia,” al-Qaradawi said.

He pointed out that Syrian regime was killing people with the military aircraft supplied by Russia. He said the stand of Russia and China at the UN Security Council was against the cause of the Syrian people. Yet, Russia went further by supplying the regime with lethal weapons.

Spiritual Sunni leader calls Russia ‘enemy number one’ - Voice of Russia
The Brutality shown by Russia in Checynya and support of Assad has made it very clear that Russia is enemies of Muslims just like USA
So their order of enemies is:

#1: Russia
#2: Iran
#3: China
#4: Syria
According to this loonie top 3 enemies of Muslims:

1. Russia
2. Iran
3. Israel


Why wondering??? Iran is Shia country this guy is Shia, so Iran is obvious enemy for these ppl...

I think these are new enemies. Old enemies are
1. USA.
2. Israel
3. India
4. European Union

Now newly added
1. Russia
2. Iran

What left now??? Africa, Australia and Latin America.. B

@Zarvan: Don't you support Russian act on chechan terrorists?? We support.. :P
The real enemy is such "spiritual leaders".....
I may sound harsh but still i will say it - all such spiritual leaders inciting hatred should be shot in the head..

Not trying to defend the cleric, but how is this any different from Armani-wearing Western "experts" saying that such-and-such a country should be bombed because it is the greatest threat to world peace, or the main sponsor of terrorism, or has WMDs, or whatever?
These idiots need to know that Russia is not Syria ; U screw with Russia, Russia will ring your death-knell. They ought to know that Russia at the moment is treating them with kid gloves. Once the gloves come off, all bets come off, and we will see WoT-2 handed back to these "guardians of the religion of peace."
I kind of agree actually.

Iran is where it all started.

Iran will eventually also be the the first thread that starts unravelling.
Who is he? no one in Pakistan knows him.

Anyway the "Muslim brotherhood" org had been and is being used as vital player in igniting unrest in Muslim world by different agencies
In the last, they will all return for Russia help because they deliberately need benefit from Russia's UNSC permanent membership and veto power.
Which non-Muslim country on earth is not enemy of Islam ? Islam have problem with everyone . It's time to think about Reformation of Islam by their leaders To remove hate -trade part of Islam for non-Muslim.

every religion on earth have problem with Islam today .
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