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Russia mocks Britain, the little island


Jan 31, 2011
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United Kingdom
Russia mocked Britain today as “a small island no one listens to”, sparking a diplomatic spat with David Cameron.

The Prime Minister insisted that Britain remained a major world power.

Tensions surrounding the Syrian crisis boiled over at a G20 summit in St Petersburg. Mr Cameron has backed calls for military intervention in Syria after the Assad regime allegedly used chemical weapons.

Mr Putin has opposed intervention and questioned Western claims about the attack. Britain has faced questions about its role and influence in the world since Mr Cameron was embarrassed by last week’s Commons vote to rule out a military strike against Syria.

Dmitry Peskov, Mr Putin’s official spokesman, is said to have highlighted that embarrassment, telling Russian journalists that Britain was now diplomatically irrelevant.

Britain is “just a small island … no one pays any attention to them”, Mr Peskov is reported to have said. The blunt remarks appeared to realise British fears that the Russians would use the St Petersburg summit to upstage Mr Cameron over his criticism of Syria, Russia’s closest Middle Eastern ally.

The Russian official is also said to have joked about Russian “oligarchs” buying up large parts of Chelsea and other upmarket London districts.

The remarks, which were reported by the BBC, could not be verified, but were apparently accepted as genuine by the Prime Minister in a BBC interview.

In the interview, Mr Cameron angrily rejected the Russian dismissal of British influence. “I don’t accept that for a moment,” he said, insisting that Britain remained a power in world affairs.

“Britain will be one of the leaders in bringing forward plans for a peace process for Syria,” he said. “Britain will be leading the argument across the globe for continuing to respond strongly on chemical weapons.”

A No 10 source expressed irritation at the Russian comments.

“As host of guests from the world’s leading countries, I’m sure the Russians will want to clarify these reported remarks, particularly at a G20 where it’s a very British agenda on trade and tax.”

Despite Mr Cameron’s defence of Britain, the Russian jibe follows concerns among Tory MPs that the failure to follow through on promises of action in Syria has left the country diminished.

The Prime Minister had helped push Barack Obama towards US intervention in Syria. The US president and Mr Cameron are not holding formal meetings in St Petersburg, leading to speculation that their relationship is strained.

Russia mocks Britain, the little island - Telegraph
brits punch way above their weight.. they are very pragmatic bunch... they will remain significant player no matter who becomes next superpower.
G20 snub for Cameron as Barack Obama meets François Hollande

David Cameron and Barack Obama will not hold a formal meeting at a summit in Russia this week, in what some people suggested was a snub because of the Prime Minister’s handling of the Syrian crisis.

By contrast, the US president will use the G20 summit in St Petersburg to hold formal bilateral meetings with leaders including President François Hollande of France, who is still considering backing the US in attacking Syria over the Assad regime’s alleged use of chemical weapons. Mr Cameron had urged Mr Obama to attack Syria, but last week failed to persuade the House of Commons to back him, forcing him to rule out British involvement in any action.

Despite that setback, the Prime Minister on Wednesday continued to put pressure on Mr Obama to act, suggesting that the Syrian people face “Armageddon” if the US does not intervene. Mr Cameron told MPs: “If no action is taken following this appalling use of chemical weapons, you have to ask yourself what sort of Armageddon are the Syrian people going to be facing?”

Mr Obama faces his own fight to get approval in Congress for missile strikes on Syria.

The US president warned on Wednesday night that the international community’s “credibility is on the line”, over Assad’s alleged use of chemical weapons against civilians. Chuck Hagel, the US defence secretary, said “the likelihood is very high” that Assad would use chemical weapons again unless the US moved to attack him.

On Wednesday night a key Senate committee narrowly passed a resolution to use force, the first step towards confirmation by the full Senate for a final vote early next week.

In other developments:

• Russia insisted that Syrian rebel groups were responsible for the chemical attack, and warned that the US risked hitting nuclear reactors in Syria with missile strikes.

• Syria warned that it will mobilise international allies to retaliate against any US-led strike and insisted that it will not change its position “even if there is World War III”.

• French MPs began debating plans for intervention, with Jean-Marc Ayrault, the prime minister, warning that a failure to act on the “terrifying” use of chemical weapons would risk the stability of the entire Middle East.

• Diplomats admitted that British-backed plans for an international peace conference for Syria were now all but dead.

The two-day G20 meeting opens in St Petersburg amid international tensions over Syria and its civil war. Russia, Syria’s main ally, remains strongly opposed to intervention.

Downing Street on Wednesday night rejected suggestions that the US president was snubbing the Prime Minister at the summit, which follows signs of strain between London and Washington over Syria. White House aides this week disclosed Mr Obama had expressed his irritation at Mr Cameron’s failure to carry the Commons, leaving him isolated. Officials described Downing Street’s defeat as “bungled” and “embarrassing”.

The White House has let it be known privately the administration was unhappy that Downing Street was “stealing the front pages” by briefing journalists that Mr Cameron was leading Mr Obama towards action in Syria.

Downing Street insisted the lack of a formal meeting in St Petersburg did not reflect coolness between the two leaders. A source said: “It is a sign of the strength of the relationship – they speak regularly so we don’t need to go chasing meetings at every summit. Unlike previous British leaders, the Prime Minister is confident in his relationship with the president.” Officials also insisted that Mr Cameron and Mr Obama would speak informally during the St Petersburg meeting, and noted that UK-US “bilaterals” were not generally held at G20 summits.

Hopes of securing a peace conference on Syria — labelled Geneva II by diplomats — look to be fading after government sources admitted it was no longer “on the table”. The Prime Minister is not expected to use the G20 meeting to push for the conference. He will instead call for a robust humanitarian response by pushing for “clear routes” for aid convoys.

Tory MPs on Wednesday night told William Hague, the Foreign Secretary, that Downing Street’s handling of the vote has damaged Britain’s standing. During a meeting of the 1922 committee in the House of Commons, Edward Leigh and John Redwood warned Mr Hague that Britain’s reputation had suffered.

G20 snub for Cameron as Barack Obama meets François Hollande - Telegraph

not only Cameron No one has time for india PM either:sick:
-Yeah a small Island that won 2 world wars,conquered half the world and probably responsible for most of today's inventions.

-And yet most of the world wants to come here to live.....

-A small island, which has had more influence on shaping the globe, than any other country.

-But this small nation who nobody cares,about lost thousands of men, and hundreds of ships, supplying your rotten country when Germany had you on your knees....!!!!

My comments!

current situation:-

What is in Russia, Moscow what else? :omghaha:

Britain is still better than Russia in almost everything!

If war breaks out, Britain can still take on russia with or without nuclear weapons!

Nobody cares about Russia as well, and recent history shows that.

& remember what Pakistan done to you Mr Putin?

Russia is a Joke!!A big joke sitting on the world MAP!!!:lol:
-Yeah a small Island that won 2 world wars,conquered half the world and probably responsible for most of today's inventions.

-And yet most of the world wants to come here to live.....

-A small island, which has had more influence on shaping the globe, than any other country.

-But this small nation who nobody cares,about lost thousands of men, and hundreds of ships, supplying your rotten country when Germany had you on your knees....!!!!

My comments!

current situation:-

What is in Russia, Moscow what else? :omghaha:

Britain is still better than Russia in almost everything!

If war breaks out, Britain can still take on russia with or without nuclear weapons!

Nobody cares about Russia as well, and recent history shows that as well!

& remember what Pakistan done to you Mr Putin?

Russia is a Joke!!

bold bit went a bit too far.. :cheesy:
bold bit went a bit too far.. :cheesy:

Russian navy :cheesy:

Russian air force:lol:

Russian Army:omghaha:

With nuclear both will be destroyed!

If it was about the size then look at Africa :lol:

Putin to clever for himself.
The old European powers are sleeping. No doubt they can and have taken on Russia on equal footing in the past. Keep in mind, East Germany is no longer part of Russia, and Russia's GDP is no longer no 2.
The 50 CENT ARMY will become active on this thread in a few hours from now and turn the topic on its head.
The old European powers are sleeping. No doubt they can and have taken on Russia on equal footing in the past. Keep in mind, East Germany is no longer part of Russia, and Russia's GDP is no longer no 2.

no european nation has invested enough on military except UK.. and its not sufficient.

Putin you troll!!!

Britain had its time...just like all superpowers of previous 2000 years....now, Britain sadly is irrelevant..

Today, the most "relevant" of previous superpowers would be Turkey....and if they continue to rise under AKP, Turks would become a great power of E.Mediterranean with few decades Inshallah!

That is, unless dumb secular Turks don't over-throw AKP and bring corrupt secular parties...making Turkey a backward, irrelevant country like it was before Erdogan came to power...
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