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Russia may set up new Afghanistan bases – official

please occupy balochistan first :omghaha:

I think we have enough of a mess within our borders to deal with first, before looking anywhere else for trouble.

Internal mess is linked to external mess. Only few Baluchis are fighting, i think the figure is like 5 to10,000. Once you stop their arms supplies and money from border, you will be in good position. Its better to take on Afghanistan as a whole because we have Pashtuns who understand the region. Besides ethnicity, we are similar in culture and religion. We have over 2 million Afghan refugees living in Pakistan right now. We cannot tell whether they are Pakistani or Afghans. They are our natural brothers and sisters. The current P.M of Afghanistan, Karzai is a RAW/CIA agent. Its not just us who is saying this. Most of the Afghan Public understands this.
Internal mess is linked to external mess. Only few Baluchis are fighting, i think the figure is like 5 to10,000. Once you stop their arms supplies and money from border, you will be in good position. Its better to take on Afghanistan as a whole because we have Pashtuns who understand the region. Besides ethnicity, we are similar in culture and religion. We have over 2 million Afghan refugees living in Pakistan right now. We cannot tell whether they are Pakistani or Afghans. They are our natural brothers and sisters. The current P.M of Afghanistan, Karzai is a RAW/CIA agent. Its not just us who is saying this. Most of the Afghan Public understands this.

So the external mess is linked to our lack of gas, lack of electricity, shortage of water, poor education and health, and poor law and order in Karachi and Lahore and just about everywhere else? And all these messes will get resolved when we "take on Afghanistan as a whole"? I don't think so.
So the external mess is linked to our lack of gas, lack of electricity, shortage of water, poor education and health, and poor law and order in Karachi and Lahore and just about everywhere else? And all these messes will get resolved when we "take on Afghanistan as a whole"? I don't think so.

good to see some saner pakistanis talking in terms of cold hard logic.. people like you are real assets of a nation :tup:
So the external mess is linked to our lack of gas, lack of electricity, shortage of water, poor education and health, and poor law and order in Karachi and Lahore and just about everywhere else? And all these messes will get resolved when we "take on Afghanistan as a whole"? I don't think so.

Do you know how much of GDP we spend on security ? We have in fact doubled our military budget ! They have in fact increased number of terrorists than actually decreasing. There seems to be a problem here !!! To bring peace once for all we need to do it ourselves from own will. PPP's policies are continuation of Musharaf's which is relying on the West. The military aid that they give us is basically to shut us up. The geopolitics needs to change. The border with Afghanistan is thousands of KM long and with mountains and all that, you cannot seal the border ! Today as it is, the border is open.

Don't exaggerate things here. Punjab doesn't end in Lahore. Not only it is economically stable but also in law in order. It is the only part of Pakistan that is receiving praise from international councils You are living in Lahore. Look around you and think why people from Sindh and KPK are moving.

You will not find a country that has taken less than 30 years to improve education. Even if you have the world's best minds it will take time to literate the nation of 200 million (6th largest in the world). Before moving on to that, we need to find out who is responsible for destroying schools in FATA and causing terror to Karachi's businessmen and forcing them to move to Malaysia and Bangladesh. Afghanistan's border with Pakistan,brings us Drone attacks, has made us keep 2 million refugees and increase smuggling. Baluchistan's issues, mainly terrorism can be solved if we can go into Afghanistan and find out who is funding and arming them to teeth. Some ***** is killing Chinese workers. You have to question who ? You better remember India's reaction when we handed over our port to China. External mess is linked to Internal Mess.
Sorry mate, you need to re read history. Ideally not from indian books.
That's a convenient line....Anyhow i will give it a pass in case you don't want to reply or carry the discussion forward!!
One thing is for sure.
Once the yanks start leaving, lungi wala bhaiya will run faster and quicker than anyone else out of Afghanistan, so fast that his legs will be in delhi while the safron lungi will still be in karzais office in kabul.

At the end of the day the Afghan issue will only be sorted by the afghans. Pakistan will always be involved one way or the other, simply due to large amounts of afghans in pakistan, religious, cultural and border ties. The vast majority, which is the pashtuns have always stood behind pakistan and vice versa when it came as support against the soviets.

India should simply stop trying to flex it,s malnourished muscles off the back of the USA in afghanistan. All this bogus b.s about india being a lead player when the US leaves is absolute comical. If the entire allied forces can,t manage the talibs with all their weapons and technology, bharat mata with her arjuns and LCA,s won,t last a month.

Lungi walay bhaiya, this is the graveyard of empires and super powers and not some cheesy bollywood flick.

Lungi is still better as men wear it ... what about the guys running around wearing Ladies Shalwar in Pakistan??? :p:lol:
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