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Russia may set up new Afghanistan bases – official

I don't think India is intending to control Afghanistan - out only concern is improving the situation there and hoping that Afghanistan doesn't again become a safe haven for terrorists - all our actions for the last decade has been on those lines.

Yeah thats why India is there.:omghaha::rofl:
Yeah thats why India is there.:omghaha::rofl:

Can you prove otherwise - other than conspiracy theories.

Schools, colleges, hospitals, infrastructure, roads, powerlines, scholarships, training, railway lines all built by India - ask an Afghan living in Afghanistan about it.
@Sher Malang.
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Can you prove otherwise - other than conspiracy theories.

Schools, colleges, hospitals, infrastructure, roads, powerlines, scholarships, training, railway lines all built by India - ask an Afghan living in Afghanistan about it.
@Sher Malang.

please spare me the propaganda and sad songs.
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One thing is for sure.
Once the yanks start leaving, lungi wala bhaiya will run faster and quicker than anyone else out of Afghanistan, so fast that his legs will be in delhi while the safron lungi will still be in karzais office in kabul.

At the end of the day the Afghan issue will only be sorted by the afghans. Pakistan will always be involved one way or the other, simply due to large amounts of afghans in pakistan, religious, cultural and border ties. The vast majority, which is the pashtuns have always stood behind pakistan and vice versa when it came as support against the soviets.

India should simply stop trying to flex it,s malnourished muscles off the back of the USA in afghanistan. All this bogus b.s about india being a lead player when the US leaves is absolute comical. If the entire allied forces can,t manage the talibs with all their weapons and technology, bharat mata with her arjuns and LCA,s won,t last a month.

Lungi walay bhaiya, this is the graveyard of empires and super powers and not some cheesy bollywood flick.
One thing is for sure.
Once the yanks start leaving, lungi wala bhaiya will run faster and quicker than anyone else out of Afghanistan, so fast that his legs will be in delhi while the safron lungi will still be in karzais office in kabul.

At the end of the day the Afghan issue will only be sorted by the afghans. Pakistan will always be involved one way or the other, simply due to large amounts of afghans in pakistan, religious, cultural and border ties. The vast majority, which is the pashtuns have always stood behind pakistan and vice versa when it came as support against the soviets.

India should simply stop trying to flex it,s malnourished muscles off the back of the USA in afghanistan. All this bogus b.s about india being a lead player when the US leaves is absolute comical. If the entire allied forces can,t manage the talibs with all their weapons and technology, bharat mata with her arjuns and LCA,s won,t last a month.

Lungi walay bhaiya, this is the graveyard of empires and super powers and not some cheesy bollywood flick.

USA wanted the terrorism to flourish in Afganistan they do not want to eliminate Taliban. They are the ones who developed and supported them against USSR.
USA do have links with the taliban are still in tact since we haven't seen any top Afghani leadership not getting eliminated, Mullah Omer or Haqqanis do receive some kind of support from the CIA. USA will never leave Afghanistan they have interests in China's Xinjiang. They want to destabilize Xinjiang with these Talibs or Islamic radicals.

ISI has been chest thumping about the support they have given to Talibans but the real fact is CIA, if they wanted to end the war they can do it since they are the once who started it. ofcourse the common islamic radical and US soldier always suffer not knowing anything about the designs of the CIA.

All the talk of good Taliban and bad Taliban are nonsense, Afghan Taliban will listen to CIA and they can dump ISI if their master CIA commands to do.

India do not want to fight and nor we have any plans to abandon the plans regarding the rebuilding of the Afghanistan.
Your post doesn't deserve a reply but your stay in this forum is relatively new...i hope you will learn with time that writing crap is not gonna be fruitful...if you can try and learn a bit more about people even if they belong to enemy camp it would be good for you...anyhow let me reply to the theme ignoring the blabber

One thing is for sure.
Once the yanks start leaving, lungi wala bhaiya will run faster and quicker than anyone else out of Afghanistan, so fast that his legs will be in delhi while the safron lungi will still be in karzais office in kabul.
This only time will tell...but one thing my friend we all need to learn is that world has changed....in fact changed a lot...what happened in the past doesn't necessarily means will be true even today. Lot of countries have put in lot of stake in Afghanistan....All this was not done bcoz they were banking on the fact that NATO will never leave...anyhow as said only time will tell...2014 is not ages away so let's see....

At the end of the day the Afghan issue will only be sorted by the afghans. Pakistan will always be involved one way or the other, simply due to large amounts of afghans in pakistan, religious, cultural and border ties.
Nothing to disagree there...

The vast majority, which is the pashtuns have always stood behind pakistan and vice versa when it came as support against the soviets.

This is where i get frustrated...I don't know why people are so disconnected with reality....Listen, you got to understand that you were doing the American dirty job during the USSR-Afghan saga of late 80's and Russians were seen as occupiers by local Afghan population...What made you believe that same is going to happen again? Unlike in past today Both Russia and USA are on same page as far as Afghanistan is concerned otherwise you would have seen Russian candidly supporting the Taliban to payback USA in kind...

India should simply stop trying to flex it,s malnourished muscles off the back of the USA in afghanistan. All this bogus b.s about india being a lead player when the US leaves is absolute comical. If the entire allied forces can,t manage the talibs with all their weapons and technology, bharat mata with her arjuns and LCA,s won,t last a month.
Lot of bravado over there however India in not militarily involved there and as far as i know nothing has changed in the status quo.

Lungi walay bhaiya, this is the graveyard of empires and super powers and not some cheesy bollywood flick.
Once again this is graveyard of super-power because one super-power used a third world country to take on another super-power and once the job was done left them on their own....so let's come out of past, smell some coffee and look at the world from a different angle...
That's a fact that Afghan national security forces specially air forces/defense will again use Russian military hardware so it will be great if they establish maintenance bases in Afghanistan it will help us a lot in the future.

Though there are hundreds of untouched Russian Tanks, BTRs, SCUDs, LUNAs, Frog-7s etc.. available with the ANSF, any Russian maintenance base will help us repair and upgrade all of them in a short time.
Pakistan should occupy Afghanistan and deal with the mess. Get Pashtuns united once for all. If we are making a fuss with just U.S. What will happen if Russia, China, Iran and India have stakes ? Not good for Afghanistan either.
The cold war ended in Afghanistan and may start again in Afghanistan. This is becoming interesting day by day.
Pakistan should occupy Afghanistan and deal with the mess. Get Pashtuns united once for all. If we are making a fuss with just U.S. What will happen if Russia, China, Iran and India have stakes ? Not good for Afghanistan either.

Easier said than done sir..
Pakistan should occupy Afghanistan and deal with the mess. Get Pashtuns united once for all. If we are making a fuss with just U.S. What will happen if Russia, China, Iran and India have stakes ? Not good for Afghanistan either.

please occupy balochistan first :omghaha:
Your post doesn't deserve a reply but your stay in this forum is relatively new...i hope you will learn with time that writing crap is not gonna be fruitful...if you can try and learn a bit more about people even if they belong to enemy camp it would be good for you...anyhow let me reply to the theme ignoring the blabber.

If it doesn't deserve a reply. Why reply.
My stay in this forum is relatively new. Yeah and your some seasoned veteran. I can see the date you joined. So reiterate.
Trust me, I know plenty about the enemy camp. All the way from 47 and into the 65 and 71 war.

This only time will tell...but one thing my friend we all need to learn is that world has changed....in fact changed a lot...what happened in the past doesn't necessarily means will be true even today. Lot of countries have put in lot of stake in Afghanistan....All this was not done bcoz they were banking on the fact that NATO will never leave...anyhow as said only time will tell...2014 is not ages away so let's see....

Your right mate. A lot has changed. 2014 is not ages away lets see.... no probs my friend. As the taliban said to the yanks.. "you have the clocks, we have the time".

Nothing to disagree there...

This is where i get frustrated...I don't know why people are so disconnected with reality....Listen, you got to understand that you were doing the American dirty job during the USSR-Afghan saga of late 80's and Russians were seen as occupiers by local Afghan population...What made you believe that same is going to happen again? Unlike in past today Both Russia and USA are on same page as far as Afghanistan is concerned otherwise you would have seen Russian candidly supporting the Taliban to payback USA in kind...

Once again a load of indian intellect in over drive, must be that part of the month. We did not do americas dirty job, we helped bring down a communist empire that threatened us and tried to destabilise the region.
Russia and America will never sing off the same hymn sheet.

Lot of bravado over there however India in not militarily involved there and as far as i know nothing has changed in the status quo.

A good thing, because we all know which way that one would go.
On the other side of the coin, you honestly trying to tell me RAW is not involved.

Once again this is graveyard of super-power because one super-power used a third world country to take on another super-power and once the job was done left them on their own....so let's come out of past, smell some coffee and look at the world from a different angle...

Sorry mate, you need to re read history. Ideally not from indian books.
Pakistan should occupy Afghanistan and deal with the mess. Get Pashtuns united once for all. If we are making a fuss with just U.S. What will happen if Russia, China, Iran and India have stakes ? Not good for Afghanistan either.

I think we have enough of a mess within our borders to deal with first, before looking anywhere else for trouble.
Mate it was a report and I am quoting it, if you have any proof against it, feel free to post. By the Afghanistan is not your Backyard and they are a sovereign country have their own aspirations and opinions which may not coincide with your country.

its not happening like he said.
if does we can take them out if we want like we did before not a problem.
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