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Russia may set up new Afghanistan bases – official


Sep 20, 2009
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Russia may set up new Afghanistan bases – official

The potential bases would be used for the maintenance of weapons and repair of military hardware.


Russian Defence Ministry officials and NATO representatives will soon discuss the possibility of Russia establishing new bases in Afghanistan for the repairing of military hardware.
“We will look into various options of creating repair bases on Afghan territory,” the head of the Defence Ministry’s department of international cooperation, Sergey Koshelev, told the press. He added that the maintenance of weapons and military hardware in Afghanistan remains a top priority, as any instability in the country would affect Russia’s own security, as well as the security of other European nations.
Russian NATO envoy Aleksandr Grushko also said that Moscow was not excluding the possibility of broader cooperation with the military bloc. In particular, Russia could offer to enlarge the transport corridor to Afghanistan, so that the country’s own forces could continue to receive supplies from Western allies after coalition troops leave Afghanistan in 2014.
The top Russian MP for defence said in press comments that Moscow saw stabilisation in Afghanistan as a main priority: “In any case this [Russia-NATO cooperation] is a positive moment. The coalition was breaking there for 13 years. We remember very well the situation our troops found themselves in at the Afghanistan-Tajikistan border. This is why the stabilization in Afghanistan is very important for us,” Sergey Zhigarev told RSN radio.
The complete withdrawal of International Security Assistance Force from Afghanistan is scheduled for 2015. Then-US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta said in a recent statement that Afghan authorities are already providing security across three-quarters of the country’s territory.
Panetta added, however, that the withdrawal of military forces did not mean that the US was leaving Afghanistan completely, and promised aid and training to the country’s government and military forces.
Over the past several years, the Pentagon has been buying Russian weapons, including helicopters for Afghan military forces, despite criticism from some US politicians. Russia has also agreed to open a NATO logistics base on its territory to simplify cargo deliveries from Western Europe.
Russian officials have repeatedly denied that Moscow is considering resuming its military presence in Afghanistan.

Russia may set up new Afghanistan bases

Good for India too :cheers:
Russia may set up new Afghanistan bases – official

The potential bases would be used for the maintenance of weapons and repair of military hardware.


Russian Defence Ministry officials and NATO representatives will soon discuss the possibility of Russia establishing new bases in Afghanistan for the repairing of military hardware.
“We will look into various options of creating repair bases on Afghan territory,” the head of the Defence Ministry’s department of international cooperation, Sergey Koshelev, told the press. He added that the maintenance of weapons and military hardware in Afghanistan remains a top priority, as any instability in the country would affect Russia’s own security, as well as the security of other European nations.
Russian NATO envoy Aleksandr Grushko also said that Moscow was not excluding the possibility of broader cooperation with the military bloc. In particular, Russia could offer to enlarge the transport corridor to Afghanistan, so that the country’s own forces could continue to receive supplies from Western allies after coalition troops leave Afghanistan in 2014.
The top Russian MP for defence said in press comments that Moscow saw stabilisation in Afghanistan as a main priority: “In any case this [Russia-NATO cooperation] is a positive moment. The coalition was breaking there for 13 years. We remember very well the situation our troops found themselves in at the Afghanistan-Tajikistan border. This is why the stabilization in Afghanistan is very important for us,” Sergey Zhigarev told RSN radio.
The complete withdrawal of International Security Assistance Force from Afghanistan is scheduled for 2015. Then-US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta said in a recent statement that Afghan authorities are already providing security across three-quarters of the country’s territory.
Panetta added, however, that the withdrawal of military forces did not mean that the US was leaving Afghanistan completely, and promised aid and training to the country’s government and military forces.
Over the past several years, the Pentagon has been buying Russian weapons, including helicopters for Afghan military forces, despite criticism from some US politicians. Russia has also agreed to open a NATO logistics base on its territory to simplify cargo deliveries from Western Europe.
Russian officials have repeatedly denied that Moscow is considering resuming its military presence in Afghanistan.

Russia may set up new Afghanistan bases

Good for India too :cheers:

May June or July not matter what its not Going to happen
Now its getting interesting. Russia moving in. China and India already have stakes in Afghanistan. Iran wants access to CARs. US already had its plans vis a vis Afghanistan.

This is becoming an interesting Geo-Political Ground.
May June or July not matter what its not Going to happen

Mate it was a report and I am quoting it, if you have any proof against it, feel free to post. By the Afghanistan is not your Backyard and they are a sovereign country have their own aspirations and opinions which may not coincide with your country.
Now its getting interesting. Russia moving in. China and India already have stakes in Afghanistan. Iran wants access to CARs. US already had its plans vis a vis Afghanistan.

This is becoming an interesting Geo-Political Ground.

Wouldn't put so much trust in the news or the source, i'm sure Afghan populace will be heavily against Russian presence.
Mate it was a report and I am quoting it, if you have any proof against it, feel free to post. By the Afghanistan is not your Backyard and they are a sovereign country have their own aspirations and opinions which may not coincide with your country.

Bingo they are sovereign nation NATO or US cant decide on their behalf since afghans don't even want NATO in their country.
Bingo they are sovereign nation NATO or US cant decide on their behalf since afghans don't even want NATO in their country.

Yes and at the same time Afghanistan want India, Iran, China, Russia to help them to rebuild their country and do not want Pakistan to meddle in their internal matters.
No mate thats yours and the puppets installed by west opinion not shared by majority or Afghans.

The perception of Pakistanis and the Taliban that are supported by them is that Karzai is a puppet but when the same Taliban become a part of the new Govt. set up then the perception may change and the new players will be India,China,Russia, Iran and Pakistan.
i think its time India opens a Military Acadamy in Afganistan to train Afgan forces rather than having them come here to train.....we can also have some personel go there for joint anti-terror ops training in there which has one of the most difficult terrains .....
Everybody can have plans with the current puppet setup. There is no doubt only dreams will be broken when Taliban comes in power and within the government.
No need to post these kinda threads.Wait for 2014 and let the delusionals across the border have fresh air :oops:

LOL thats what i say

A stable Afghanistan is good for everyone - no matter which ethnicity.

I agree 100% but India and Iran seems to think by supporting 10% of the population divided between ethnic lines you can control 100% of the country and thats why these kinds of ridiculous peace plans will not work.
LOL thats what i say

I agree 100% but India and Iran seems to think by supporting 10% of the population divided between ethnic lines you can control 100% of the country and thats why these kinds of ridiculous peace plans will not work.

I don't think India is intending to control Afghanistan - out only concern is improving the situation there and hoping that Afghanistan doesn't again become a safe haven for terrorists - all our actions for the last decade has been on those lines.
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