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Russia links S-400 ADS sale to the fledgling PAK-FA deal.

why Indians have issues with buying S-400 with PAKFA ?? its a impressive package ...

1) India has been moving towards West for sometime now and this trend will continue

2) Russia has been moving towards China which is the primary opponent/rival of India

3) IAF do not like Russian equipment

4) The current BJP government is West leaning.

5) Russia no longer trusts India due to India's drift towards the west

6) There are no common interests between India and Russia any longer

7) India is at a stage where majority of Russian equipment would be phased out (MIG-21/27) in the next decade and no new equipment would be procured from Russia as a replacement.

8) India's Economy is dependent on West. So West expects India to return the favor and India is obliging

9) India is negotiating DTTI with US and would be signing the foundational agreements shortly. Once DTTI is signed India would have alternative to the Russian proposals

10) There are no strong business ties with Russia apart from defence which itself is fading away.

Sounds like the western military industrial complex lobby has infected India.

It's not infestation but it's called partnership. India has it's own Military Industrial complex in Reliance, TATA, L&T, Kalyani Godrej etc

Than India is ready to tilt toward the West.

India has already started tilting towards the west a decade ago and it would continue.

When will India allow USN or AF to use Port Blair.

India would not be able to provide a military base to US without SriLanka's consent.

@samv @HeinzG @Godman @Gibbs do you think current Sri Lankan government would agree for a US base in India?
If a deal cant be made with Russia on the S400 and PAK FA it is not the end of the world for India. For air defense India can continue to work on its own AA defense systems with Israel. For a fifth gen fighter Japan, Korea, the US, and other friendly countries can be consulted, and maybe become partners in the AMCA project.
India is interested in buying pak fa and s400

perhaps pak fa later.

Too much hype about drift..
Pakistanis thinking like a small nation mindset. NOT their fault they are a small weak nation

Indians thinking like a NATION with huge growing ECONOMY... and a political mindset where indian interests come first.

So to my Pakistani FRIENDS some points to consider.

1. Last 5 years USA has already replaced Russia has india,s biggest arms seller

2. All indian latest radars & missles are Israeli

3. Without indian billions RUSSIA,s PAK FA is dead project

4. India has more options than S400 ie USA ISRAEL OR FRANCE

5. India now has twice the GDP OF Russian .... this is not 1999 But 2015 LOOK AT THE INDIAN gdp & forex


India’s Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) recently cleared the purchase of estimated Rs 40,000-crore worth of Russian S-400 Triumf air defence missile systems just ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Russia last month.

But after his visit to Russia, there was no official word on what happened to possible purchase agreement of S-400. While few Indian Media houses reported that Russian officials have given Indian officials Cold response on the matter related to the sale of S-400 Air defence systems to India, now reports are emerging that Russia is arm-twisting India so has to secure another multi-billion dollar Military deal.

Russian officials reportedly have linked Sale of S-400 Air defence systems and want some kind of agreement on development of 5th generation fighter jet to be jointly developed by India and Russia dubbed FGFA aka Pak-fa.

Indian Defence Analyst Ranesh Rajan speaking to idrw.org said that Russia used similar tactics on leasing of Second Russian nuclear submarine to sale of frigate to Indian Navy and now again are linking sale of S-400 with Pak-fa which he believes is pure Blackmail tactics since now everyone knows that Pak-fa is only 5th generation fighter on Paper and, in reality, it has no backers even in Russia and even its air force has been seen dragging its feet on commitment of orders for the jet which Russian defence ministry claims has completed developmental trials .

Sale of S-400 to China by Russia has definitely tilted the balance of power in the region but now Cold Russian response to similar deal asked by India seems to indicate that sale of S-400 and Su-35 to China was to put pressure on a deal with Pak-fa on India said, Rajan.

Russia had renewed its offer on Pak-fa just before visit of Modi to Russia and had agreed to reduce developmental Cost of FGFA which will be customised as per Indian Air force requirements, but IAF is still not convinced on engines and avionics to be used on Pak-fa and repeated request for flight trials by Indian Pilots on Russia’s latest Generation plane to has been denied multiple times .
I have nightmare's whenever i see those S-400 , Those monsters can be very dangerous for even the Best air forces in the world .


India’s Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) recently cleared the purchase of estimated Rs 40,000-crore worth of Russian S-400 Triumf air defence missile systems just ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Russia last month.

But after his visit to Russia, there was no official word on what happened to possible purchase agreement of S-400. While few Indian Media houses reported that Russian officials have given Indian officials Cold response on the matter related to the sale of S-400 Air defence systems to India, now reports are emerging that Russia is arm-twisting India so has to secure another multi-billion dollar Military deal.

Russian officials reportedly have linked Sale of S-400 Air defence systems and want some kind of agreement on development of 5th generation fighter jet to be jointly developed by India and Russia dubbed FGFA aka Pak-fa.

Indian Defence Analyst Ranesh Rajan speaking to idrw.org said that Russia used similar tactics on leasing of Second Russian nuclear submarine to sale of frigate to Indian Navy and now again are linking sale of S-400 with Pak-fa which he believes is pure Blackmail tactics since now everyone knows that Pak-fa is only 5th generation fighter on Paper and, in reality, it has no backers even in Russia and even its air force has been seen dragging its feet on commitment of orders for the jet which Russian defence ministry claims has completed developmental trials .

Sale of S-400 to China by Russia has definitely tilted the balance of power in the region but now Cold Russian response to similar deal asked by India seems to indicate that sale of S-400 and Su-35 to China was to put pressure on a deal with Pak-fa on India said, Rajan.

Russia had renewed its offer on Pak-fa just before visit of Modi to Russia and had agreed to reduce developmental Cost of FGFA which will be customised as per Indian Air force requirements, but IAF is still not convinced on engines and avionics to be used on Pak-fa and repeated request for flight trials by Indian Pilots on Russia’s latest Generation plane to has been denied multiple times .

As a close ally of India Russia should not use these types of tactics , I don't expect the Chinese doing the same with us in the future . Chinese are way better in these types of sale's they never blackmail and also give so much convenience to Pakistan :pakistan::china:

The Presstitutes at work. It'd be better to Ignore such articles about India-Russia relations.

F -35 :usflag: :sarcastic:

Haaha its funny hearing about the F-35 from an Indian , I still remember how you guys used to threaten us with PAK FGA project . The Russians would get a mini Heart attack if they hear about Indians being interested in the F-35s .
sad to see so many news article and so much paid propaganda... Its tough to keep countering and saying the same things again and again and again..

Its as if cry wolf 100 times and the cry loses its significance..

Wait for some time and you will see some exciting news.. Till that time all are free to speculate
That's what the super powers usually do, not only they are making money from their weapons export but also maintain their influence on the purchasing countries, the same behavior Pakistan is facing but US uses F-16 for political reason while Russian influence is totally for money and control over Indian's weapons purchase. No wonder why they are not helping India to produce jet engines locally.
To get out of their influence is rely on home production and R & D, trust home grown weapons which sorry to say India army and Air force lack of it, they have no faith on their weapons may be because of the kick backs they are receiving or may be based on actual technical issues.[/QUOT

Thank god China being our ally helps us alot but India's doesnt' seem to have any big ally except Russia .
Few days back, there was no fly zone on almost of Pakistan due to S-400 and Indians were shooting every Pakistani Air, Ground and Sea asset with 5th Generation aircraft on PDF and see how things are changing now. So rightly said that "Don't unless the things got real".

So as of now, who is responsible for such thing if happened, i mean is it India that did not handle things well or just another wish to tilt towards west like IAF was in love of Rafale and always rejected the LCA.

HAHAH Pakistani's nae nazar lagade Indian projects par :P

Wrong. F-35 is on offer.

U.S. open to selling F-35 jet fighters to India| Reuters

An old news of F-35 on offer to India.

Again you guys will have a problem cause The US will not give TOT of the F-35 to u guys ..
on DD news , it was showed that India is not going to get S400 as Russians are working to place S400 around its territories.

India do have Brahmos and even Nirbhay is going to be inducted this year or next year.

Nirbhay missile System

Russia Not Superpower Anymore.There GDP Is Half the Size of India Itself

Neither Do Russia There No country That Can Finance PAKFA Project Except India.Russians Will Have to give Up there Dream to Acquire Large PAK Fa Fleet If Indians Back Out

Options Are there in Form Of Japan And South Korea which are Jointly Developing there Own Fifth gen Aircraft Projects

PS:Above Article Is Just Pure Propaganda Material Played By America Lobby to Project F-35
Russians has already abandoned the Pak Fa program by saying that they will acquire only one squadron.
Can't fault Russia, they are just acting out of their best interests, India needs to call them out on their Bluff and that is what India is doing.

Era of Russia-India friendship is over, we would do well to remember this and plan our future acquisitions accordingly. Balance Russia with US and hedge with France, UK and Israel.

Hi bro ! Happy new year ! :police:
I have nightmare's whenever i see those S-400 , Those monsters can be very dangerous for even the Best air forces in the world .

India's military planners are working more on ballistic missiles interceptors.
on DD news , it was showed that India is not going to get S400 as Russians are working to place S400 around its territories.

India do have Brahmos and even Nirbhay is going to be inducted this year or next year.

Nirbhay missile System

So is India going to use Brahmos as air defense missile. It seems that Brahmos can do everything.
Weapon market is never like commercial market where competition rules the most of the time. Weapon market is strategy driven. The only way to have an upper hand in such a market is self reliance.
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