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Russia links S-400 ADS sale to the fledgling PAK-FA deal.

That is some speculative BS,even without Pak FA,the deal on 12 Nuclear Reactors from Russia is enough leverage for S 400.

Neither India nor Russia denied or reject the S 400 deal.
Many rather almost everyone here would disagree with me when i say India made a bad choice to go for western arms at the cost of Russian ones. History stands witness to the fact that Russian arms to India had always been at cheaper costs (excluding the mafias within) and Russia is the only country who had been agreeing easily for TOT in almost every project. While western arms procurement is too much embroiled in terms and conditions which bars TOT and sales quite difficult and not only beings in delays but also escalating costs. The latest collapse of Rafale MMRCA deal had also something to do with it if not totally.

Russia had renewed its offer on Pak-fa just before visit of Modi to Russia and had agreed to reduce developmental Cost of FGFA which will be customised as per Indian Air force requirements, but IAF is still not convinced on engines and avionics to be used on Pak-fa and repeated request for flight trials by Indian Pilots on Russia’s latest Generation plane to has been denied multiple times .

Why i strongly feel that some elements in IAF are always denying any move that is but anything else than Rafale. There were rumors of IAF's objections to some aspects of Tejas and now they are openly trying to make Govt back off from FGFA project. And this particular group seems to be quite stronger too as people do listen to them. Is Rafale lobby to much strong out there or there are some other aspects to that?
Not surprising!!
MOD Should bargain and get the deal through!!
Buy tot and 3 prototypes!!
It's not the time get emotional!! And take hasty decisions!

The problem it seems is, they claim development is over and ready for production. But the avionics and engine for a 5th gen still sucks. Plus the weapon integration tests are yet to be done
That's what the super powers usually do, not only they are making money from their weapons export but also maintain their influence on the purchasing countries, the same behavior Pakistan is facing but US uses F-16 for political reason while Russian influence is totally for money and control over Indian's weapons purchase. No wonder why they are not helping India to produce jet engines locally.
To get out of their influence is rely on home production and R & D, trust home grown weapons which sorry to say India army and Air force lack of it, they have no faith on their weapons may be because of the kick backs they are receiving or may be based on actual technical issues.

It's not easy to acquire the knowledge of high tech industries that easily. US, Russia and other high tech producing countries have mastered the technique for more than 100s of years now. India has a long way to go till they master the techniques to produce modern military equipment locally.
You have Zero Knowledge of Defence "Business".
The News is Paid. Period.

Any link to back up your baseless assertion...

Ps. A link to a picture of your behind won't count as a source.
Arms market are usually like this..playing dirty is expected.
Many rather almost everyone here would disagree with me when i say India made a bad choice to go for western arms at the cost of Russian ones. History stands witness to the fact that Russian arms to India had always been at cheaper costs (excluding the mafias within) and Russia is the only country who had been agreeing easily for TOT in almost every project. While western arms procurement is too much embroiled in terms and conditions which bars TOT and sales quite difficult and not only beings in delays but also escalating costs. The latest collapse of Rafale MMRCA deal had also something to do with it if not totally.

Why i strongly feel that some elements in IAF are always denying any move that is but anything else than Rafale. There were rumors of IAF's objections to some aspects of Tejas and now they are openly trying to make Govt back off from FGFA project. And this particular group seems to be quite stronger too as people do listen to them. Is Rafale lobby to much strong out there or there are some other aspects to that?

Sounds like the western military industrial complex lobby has infected India.
The problem it seems is, they claim development is over and ready for production. But the avionics and engine for a 5th gen still sucks. Plus the weapon integration tests are yet to be done
Yeah...I know!! But more than that fifth gen fighter we need s400 more now!!
Fifth gen fighters in Asia are atleast a decade away!!
But if Russians link both deals...India should buy the blueprints and prototypes and use it for amca!!
Can't blame them.They have observed a very strong swing towards the Western military complex which has not gone down well with the high command of Russia . Now,they have started playing hardball.

But I think the likely route of action will be continuing investment in Pak Fa

1)India will ask for nuclear sub/electronic jamming tech and s-400 for continuing the investment in Pak Fa.
2)S-500/More nuclear reactors for continueing investment in Pak fa.
3)Access to Russian oil/gas fields(or major stakes in Russian oil corps-Gazprom,Rosneft,Lukoil etc.)
4)Access to machine tools for manufacture of aircraft,submarines (this would be the hardest part.
5)Access to resource detection techniques(abiotic oil theory which has been very successful in Russia in locating oil reserves)
May be Russia no more think that it's technology is safe with India .
India is dealing with multiple partner like France USA and israhell .
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