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Russia is the last major check on US imperial status: Analyst

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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Russia is the last major check on US imperial status: Analyst

An American analyst says the United States is trying to extend its hegemony in the world and Russia is the "last major check on US imperial status."

“The United States is trying to extend hegemony in the Middle East as well as Eastern Europe. It is trying to finish off and solidify its imperial status and the last major check on US imperial status is Russia,” Rodney Martin, a former US Congressional staffer, said in a phone interview with Press TV on Monday.

He made the remarks in response to comments by former US congressman Ron Paul who criticized the Obama administration’s hypocrisy in foreign policy.

In a recently published article, Paul said Washington’s double standards in its foreign policy is evident in the way US President Barack Obama and his Secretary of State, John Kerry, have treated recent presidential elections in countries like Syria and Ukraine.

Kerry called the recent election in Syria, in which over 88 percent of the voters voted for Bashar al-Assad, a “non-election” and a “great big zero” while describing the presidential election in Ukraine, in which the Western-backed billionaire Petro Poroshenko won with just over 50 percent of the vote, “a victory for democracy.”

“The United States is trying to do in Syria what it is also trying to do in Ukraine and that is to extend its geo-political interests and that goes to a document that you can see online called PNAC, Project for the New American Century,” Martin told Press TV.

“The United States is looking beyond being just the only superpower. It’s looking at basically running the world, the world’s affairs. Look at its bases in Africa, its locking horns with China. It’s a very dangerous power play. I would say that President Obama has far exceeded any sort of global expansionist ideas that George W. Bush had,” he concluded.

PressTV - Russia is the last major check on US imperial status: Analyst
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