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Will 'go to the hilt' against Russia for Ukraine military incursion: US

Its easier than the Americans think , for the Russians at Kremlin to call this little bluff . The damage of course will be of collateral nature and unfortunately , the tiny Ukraine isn't worth it .
I do wonder when it becomes worth it? Its not too long ago Europe experienced another country spliting up a few countries to "protect" their people how many times have people discussed if only France and England had supported the Czechs is the Crimea/Ukraine the new Sudetenland?

We get lines in the sand with little will to back them up more EU talk fests, yet each time a line in the sand is drawn only for the BTR's to gaily roll over it Putin must be convinced there is no real will or force to oppose him there after all Russians to "protect" in Belarus Latvia and i think i heard some one in Warsaw speaking Russian once.
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