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Russia is now offering Antei-2500 to Iran as a replacement for S-300PMU1

I read somewhere that during an exercise employing those system recently, only Rafales got out unharmed.

I like your signature :smitten:

"Rumors and propagandas are carried by HATERS, spreaded by FOOLS and accepted by IDIOTS."
S-300VM is not outdated at all(specially with 9M83ME missiles), i believe it is even better than S-300PMU1 and has a very good ABM capabilities if the news is true we should except it, VM combined with our B-373(which will be comparable to PMU-1 and will enter service in March-April 2014) will give us a good AA and ABM capability.
If Qaher-313 attacks Bavar-373 who is going to win?
Russian technology is obsolete, and this crap was never tested in combat.

When Americans and Israelis whine and complain it must be assurance enough for you to know how deadly this missile system is. This is one system if used smartly can be a nightmare for almost any air force in the world.
If Qaher-313 attacks Bavar-373 who is going to win?

Probably he :

I like your signature :smitten:

"Rumors and propagandas are carried by HATERS, spreaded by FOOLS and accepted by IDIOTS."

I understand what you meant. but sarcasm aside, do you have any info regarding that exercise. If yes, share here or enjoy the rumor.

else y the west is dead against selling it to Iran or Syria?
Thanks for reminding me, I almost forgot about this topic!

Yes, you may ask.

The Patriot Missile Failure
GAO Report: Patriot Missile Defense-- Software Problem Led to System Failure at Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.

The system was then deployed to Israel and experienced (almost) similar results! Problem was later resolved.

Army Report Details Patriot Record in Iraq War | Arms Control Association

@MTN1917 I think I answered your earlier post, please let me know if you want to discuss this in more depth.

AH, but the Patriot system wasn't initially designed as ABM system. Rather it was intended as the U.S. Army's primary High to Medium Air Defense (HIMAD) system, to replace the MIM-23 Hawk system as the U.S. Army's medium tactical air defense system. In addition to these roles, Patriot has subsequently been given the function of the U.S. Army's anti-ballistic missile (ABM) system, which is now Patriot's primary mission.

Full-scale development of the system began in 1976 and it was deployed in 1984. Patriot was used initially as an anti-aircraft system, but during 1988 it was upgraded to provide limited capability against tactical ballistic missiles (TBM) like SCUD as PAC-1 (Patriot Advanced Capability-1). The most recent upgrade, called PAC-3, is a nearly total system redesign, intended from the outset to engage and destroy tactical ballistic missiles.

The first fielded missile variant was the round MIM-104A, and optimized solely for engagements against aircraft: it had very limited capability against ballistic missiles. The MIM-104C PAC-2 missile was the first Patriot missile that was optimized for ballistic missile engagements. The PAC-3 missile is a new interceptor, featuring a Ka band active radar seeker, employing "hit-to-kill" interception (in contrast to previous interceptors' method of exploding in the vicinity of the target, destroying it with shrapnel), and several other enhancements which dramatically increase its lethality against ballistic missiles. In this role, it has a substantially lower range of 15 km (compared to 70km for the original missile)
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I understand what you meant. but sarcasm aside, do you have any info regarding that exercise. If yes, share here or enjoy the rumor.

else y the west is dead against selling it to Iran or Syria?

I don't enjoy rumors and if I was in the know I would never share. As for the west opposing the sale of S300 to Iran and Syria, it is done to limit the capability of future opponents and the easiest means of destroying or degrading capability is to make sure the enemy cannot buy it. India unsuccessfully opposed the sale of Russian engines for the JF-17 does it mean the IAF fears the JF-17?
@Penguin I knew you were going to come up with "Patriot wasn't known to be an Anti-ballistic missile system", anyway you missed my point, U.S. has already tested its system against the Russian junks, my point was/is the U.S. technology superiority over the Russian garbage, superiority of the Western weaponry is a fact, deal with it.
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Yeh. Keep dreaming. Russia was the first in space. Dont forget it.
Yeh. Keep dreaming. Russia was the first in space. Dont forget it.

Yeah... you keep telling yourself that! :lol:
Many people had to eat dog food in order for the "Mother Russia" to send a radio transmitter (into the orbit) for 3 months.
Yeah... you keep telling yourself that! :lol:
Many people had to eat dog food in order for the "Mother Russia" to send a radio transmitter (into the orbit) for 3 months.
Oooh.... How nice)) Peole who killed dozens of millions of Indians, Australians and others, steal their lands and bombinf other nations to steal their oil nowadays is loughing, that other people work hard and had to economize to reech space.
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