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Russia Iran and China discuss Joint Missile sheild


Sep 8, 2009
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‘Iran, Russia, China mulling joint missile shield’ - Tehran Times


Pakistan should also take initiative

TEHRAN - Unofficial sources have announced that Iran, Russia, and China are currently holding talks on a proposal to establish a joint missile defense shield as a counterweight to a NATO defense shield, according to a recent report.

The report, which was published in the Iranian daily newspaper Kayhan on Sunday, said that the sources cited two reasons why serious consultations have been held on the initiative.

First, all three states have come to the conclusion that U.S. officials’ assertion that their concern over the alleged missile and nuclear capabilities of Iran and North Korea is the reason for the decision to establish a NATO missile defense shield is just a pretext and the true objective of the shield is to threaten Russia and China.

In addition, now that the proposal to establish an early warning radar system in southeast Turkey, which is one component of the NATO missile defense shield, appears to be a done deal, the U.S. is now planning to establish other components of the new system in South Korea and Taiwan, which clearly shows that Washington is using the alleged threat from Iran and North Korea as a pretext to target China and Russia.

An informed expert believes China, which has not taken any action on the issue so far, is beginning to comprehend the level of danger posed by the new system.

Russia’s analysis of the situation is similar to Iran’s view, which was expressed during Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev’s recent visit to Tehran.

Therefore, it seems the three countries have realized that the time has come to seriously start discussions on the plan.

Some sources say Dmitry Rogozin, the Russian envoy to NATO, who is scheduled to travel to Iran before the end of September, will probably hold operational discussions on the plan with Iranian officials.

According to RIA Novosti, Rogozin is going to discuss “strategic issues” in Tehran.

Military experts are of the opinion that since Iran, Russia, and China have made great progress in designing anti-aircraft defense systems, the construction of such a missile shield system will not be a difficult task for them.
why is it awesome news....china is not really a freind to anyone. they are close to iran because of the oil...same with russia.
Pakistan should make serious amends with RUSSIA , as we are already on excellent terms with China.

Now that US is becoming exceedingly belligerent by the day, Pakistan should move into Russian / Chinese camp.
why is it awesome news....china is not really a freind to anyone. they are close to iran because of the oil...same with russia.

yea but america is everyones enemy except israel. They were even going to have a go at their special freind that is the uk in 1935
why is it awesome news....china is not really a freind to anyone. they are close to iran because of the oil...same with russia.

And US is a friend of everybody right ? ( sarcasm ) ... Your past and current record with your allies tells us much ... About how much the Americans are sincere to their friends !

I will wait for more credible sources but yes its great news ! for Iran i feel really happy :)
why is it awesome news....china is not really a freind to anyone. they are close to iran because of the oil...same with russia.

China has been a great friend to Pakistan and Pakistan has squat, yet they have helped us.
its not same russia last week return money to iran and canceled s-300 deal?
why is it awesome news....china is not really a freind to anyone. they are close to iran because of the oil...same with russia.

Really so what does the US have to give ? Carpet bombings, Terrorism, state regiame change, mass murdering of Muslims, putting dictator puppets for your use, toture, experinemting, lying to the people (be it AMerican or people of the invaded country), Erradicate, genocide an entire race and keeps up with this sick mentallaty aand saying its the right thing aswell as beliving it to be true.
Really so what does the US have to give ? Carpet bombings, Terrorism, state regiame change, mass murdering of Muslims, putting dictator puppets for your use, toture, experinemting, lying to the people (be it AMerican or people of the invaded country), Erradicate, genocide an entire race and keeps up with this sick mentallaty aand saying its the right thing aswell as beliving it to be true.

How about Baywatch as something positive from the US? :lol:
Its a defence shield, its for the security and protection and not attack and offence. There is no harm for any country to develop measures to ensure security of its countrymen, including Iran, China, Russia or Pakistan.

Who is United States friend of any country? Being an american and saying this, see a mirror first.

Military experts are of the opinion that since Iran, Russia, and China have made great progress in designing anti-aircraft defense systems, the construction of such a missile shield system will not be a difficult task for them.

I respect and understand the degree of progress being made by these three countries, but there is a world of difference in designing anti-aircraft defenses and anti-ballistic defenses. Who are these military experts who think that this will not be a difficult task to port such expertise from the atmosphere into space?
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