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RUSSIA IN SHAMBLES: USS Gerald R. Ford's (CVN 78) steams through the Atlantic Ocean (Receives 541,000 Pounds of Ordnance)

The post would make little more sense if you used an unit understood by normal humans. I have never used 'pounds' in my entire life, SI units are being used for a reason. Unless you fantasise about returning to middle ages, better use SI units.
Americans don't use SI units
If the Us ever goes up against a serious country, They will not get these carriers anywhere near a real fight.

They are white elephants at this point. Too expensive to risk in a real conflict.

Nowhere is that more vividly displayed then the Persian Gulf. from 1979- right up to the early mid 2000s. Whenever the US wanted to intimidate Iran, they would sail their carriers into the persian gulf in times of high tension.

Since then, They immidiatly evacuate their carriers as soon as there is the slightest bit of tension in the Persian gulf. They are no longer able to operate in the persian gulf. Because american generals and planners are well aware that they wouldnt last an hour against the full teeth of Iranian coastal anti-ship missiles.

American carriers can only "project power" against near defenseless countries. They are simply too valuable to risk in a real fight. The prospect of losing a 10-20 billion dollar ship with 5k highly trained crew is beyond anything an american president/naval commander would risk.
If the Us ever goes up against a serious country, They will not get these carriers anywhere near a real fight.

Please point to stories about Hitler and his Generals talking about shooting at US carriers in Europe off the coast of Germany.

It never happened...since that isn't what carriers are for.
I think it is possible that China will launch multiple missiles in quick succession to strike a carrier. Perhaps some of 'em could have ECCM capability. It would be interesting if that is possible 🤔
Sure. In fact, it would be a mistake to launch just one missile and hope that it is %100 successful. But hope is never a strategy or tactic.


So if you are going to launch multiple missiles at a MOVING target, which condition is best? And given time-to-target multiplies by speed-of-target which equals to literally hundreds of square kms the target could be in, how many missiles should be launched?
The post would make little more sense if you used an unit understood by normal humans. I have never used 'pounds' in my entire life, SI units are being used for a reason. Unless you fantasise about returning to middle ages, better use SI units.
divide by 2000 to get metric tons

If the Us ever goes up against a serious country, They will not get these carriers anywhere near a real fight.

They are white elephants at this point. Too expensive to risk in a real conflict.

Nowhere is that more vividly displayed then the Persian Gulf. from 1979- right up to the early mid 2000s. Whenever the US wanted to intimidate Iran, they would sail their carriers into the persian gulf in times of high tension.

Since then, They immidiatly evacuate their carriers as soon as there is the slightest bit of tension in the Persian gulf. They are no longer able to operate in the persian gulf. Because american generals and planners are well aware that they wouldnt last an hour against the full teeth of Iranian coastal anti-ship missiles.

American carriers can only "project power" against near defenseless countries. They are simply too valuable to risk in a real fight. The prospect of losing a 10-20 billion dollar ship with 5k highly trained crew is beyond anything an american president/naval commander would risk.
in a full fledged all out war the odds change
Although it isn't any laughing matter, but it gives me great satisfaction in knowing that America is on its way down. It doesn't matter how hard they try, they will loose against Russia.
It works fine. The Chinese one is not even good enough to be tested on a carrier yet.
Lol... Chinese don't even need to be on ship and is already tested. Sourgrape loser. :lol:

This 'turd' is still far better than all the turds being built in China's docks.
Chinese one is definitely better. Remember we put an electric rail gun onboard to be tested while US yet to fart anything on sea. :enjoy:
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Although it isn't any laughing matter, but it gives me great satisfaction in knowing that America is on its way down. It doesn't matter how hard they try, they will loose against Russia.
The only thing they can take comfort is to use their media to come up with some dubious article to delude themselves. And u know why American can only go bad to worst? Becos with this kind of self delude mentality, they will never realize their deficiency.
Lol... Chinese don't even need to be on ship and is already tested. Sourgrape loser. :lol:

Chinese one is definitely better. Remember we put an electric rail gun onboard to be tested while US yet to fart anything on sea. :enjoy:

LOL! You are the one making some claim they don't work...meanwhile you haven't even been able to test yours with planes on a carrier yet. While we have had it working for years on ours.

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LOL! You are the one making some claim they don't work...meanwhile you haven't even been able to test yours with planes on a carrier yet. While we have had it working for years on ours.

Lol.. 3 launches and it breaks down and u want to boast to me? :lol:

We have tested everything on land and it works perfectly before install onboard. The theory and system works, just need to shift onboard. This is no radar so there will be no interference if shift to another platform or environment.

Lol.. 3 launches and it breaks down and u want to boast to me? :lol:

LOL! Talk about sour grapes!!!
You really think it breaks after 3..haha!!

Maybe yours is the broken one since that is why it isn't on your #2 carrier. You have to use a silly kid's bunny slope. :lol:


Hey guess when was the last time the US had to use a bunny slope on a carrier to get our planes off the deck...answer NEVER. LOL!

Where's that electric launcher you supposedly have had working perfectly for years? You trying to tell us you simply don't have the money to put it on?

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LOL! Talk about sour grapes!!!
You really think it breaks after 3..haha!!

Maybe yours is the broken one since that is why it isn't on your #2 carrier. You have to use a silly kid's bunny slope. :lol:


Hey guess when was the last time the US had to use a bunny slope on a carrier to get our planes off the deck...answer NEVER. LOL! :lol:
This is not the one we are working on.
Why try misled readers?

Trying to avoid mention Type 003?

That's American power projection, like or hate it but they are still unmatched by their foes by a huge margin.
Gonna disagree with your statement. Gerald Ford is a disgrace rather than glory for USN. Just like Zumalt destroyer. It's a sign of decline of USN.

Commission from 2017 and until now. Still problematic and far from combat operational. It is totally unacceptable from a military point of view.

But thanks to hype of western controlled media. They will always try to turn this turd into something good. :enjoy:
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This is not the one we are working on.
Why try misled readers?

Trying to avoid mention Type 003?

Gonna disagree with your statement. Gerald Ford is a disgrace rather than glory for USN. Just like Zumalt destroyer. It's a sign of decline of USN.

Commission from 2017 and until now. Still problematic and far from combat operational. It is totally unacceptable from a military point of view.

But thanks to hype of western controlled media. They will always try to turn this turd into something good. :enjoy:
Just about every army, navy, or air force platform we make new has something no one done before, meanwhile, your China struggles with everything we done. The Ford's EMALS have made 8000+ launches and did it at sea. The Ford is more advanced than what are in your docks. The crew is more knowledgeable and better trained because they have decades of predecessors guiding them. You got ONE dinky USED carrier and you think you know better. :rolleyes:

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