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Russia 'helping' China with fighter jet technology

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I don't know about any huge malls getting no business. Here's a picture of what a mall in my hometown looks like:


Western media likes to take 1 event, and make it "representative". Well 5 white Americans died and 45 were injured, while dancing due to a defective made in USA dance floor. Made in USA = cheap, defective, killer. Not even African dictatorships produce killer dance floors :lol:
And what kind of milk and drywall does China make: Killer :lol:
Yes I would like to see Jbond keep defending the dipwad who laughs at the Nanking Massacre. It gives him great credibility.

I didn't defend anybody I responded to a stupid post targeting all Indians.. If you are fighting an individual then keep it at that level don't bring in whole community, country in your hateful debates. Got it!!
Still killer dance floors are impressive. You would need to work pretty hard to make that happen.
Killing babies with fraudulent milk and ruining houses with exported toxic drywall are even more impressive.
Hahahaha he was too afraid of the moderators, so he deleted it. :P

Nopes not because of mods but because i myself didn't like it. I passed the message along that's all was important.. BTW, do you still have those 19th century centers around in Hongkong..
I didn't defend anybody I responded to a stupid post targeting all Indians.. If you are fighting an individual then keep it at that level don't bring in whole community, country in your hateful debates. Got it!!

btw I deleted my picture. but the pictures of chinese girls with africans, totally unrelated to the topic, are still up.
I would have liked it kept as is. But cowardice does have its usefulness.

Consider it cowardice or what ever you want but I think there is point where insults should stop. My message is passed on and heard well. That's all about it.. :)
Nopes not because of mods but because i myself didn't like it. I passed the message along that's all was important.. BTW, do you still have those 19th century centers around in Hongkong..

You may not have realized it, but Hong Kong today is considered an "advanced economy".

Even a low-wage worker in Hong Kong, is economically worth thirty times more than the average Indian.

I wouldn't worry about us, just take a look at India "today". :azn:
You may not have realized it, but Hong Kong today is considered an "advanced economy".

Even a low-wage worker in Hong Kong, is economically worth thirty times more than the average Indian.

I wouldn't worry about us, just take a look at India "today". :azn:

Good for you, Mate!! :tup: Keep the good work going!!
Taiwan and Hong Kong are part of China, try again mr. Dragon...

Actually the 300 Billion economy that is hong kong is not totalled into China's economy. The FDI from Hong Kong is also considered foreign.

But it is part of China.
Taiwan and Hong Kong are NOT part of China, try again mr. Dragon...

I am a Hong Konger. :lol:

And yes, Hong Kong is a part of China. This is recognized by the United Nations, and every single national government on Earth.
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