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Russia has announced world war 3

You blame everyone except putin

Off-course he has to be blamed....He is at the very center-stage of the game.....He annexed Crimea in 2014...since then Ukraine was under fear and hence wanted to join NATO..which further agitated Putin.....I blame him more than the West...
The point I am trying to make is West is not helping ending this war, they are busy making money, fighting with their adversary (Russia) without putting boots on the ground, and as prolonged consequences of the conflict and it's economic impact globally, harming China.

No side care about Human deaths, plight...they are just for headlines to blame the other side and prove they are right.

The Russia/Poutine supporters here cheers for Poutine NOT because they have any ties to Russia in any meaningful ways, but because they are anti-US/West in general and they will latch onto anything that will help justify their feelings.
Hold-on Mate....I've responded so don't judge.
Yes to a degree but US UK empires usually act in a way that creates reason. For example recently Australia considered a "security action" in Solomon Islands to ensure it doesn't realign towards China. China isn't making Australia do this either in some degree but it is in another. Or for example with Syria conflict. The regional players and groups actions cannot make either Russia or USA go to war there but they decided there are reasons to present themselves.

Russia simply considers losing influence over Ukraine and potentially allowing it to militarize towards a build up of strength which one day will be used against Russia. This viewed as a threat. Whatever Putin's reasons, the US may not have been able to make Putin go to war but they have played a role in pushing fate in that direction. Who knows, with how much of an undesirable war outcomes for Russia and how much this is benefiting the US, maybe Putin is actually a US stooge instead of Trump and US parties being Russian stooges lol.
You cannot blame America for Putin's clumsy attempts at influence
Yes to a degree but US UK empires usually act in a way that creates reason. For example recently Australia considered a "security action" in Solomon Islands to ensure it doesn't realign towards China. China isn't making Australia do this either in some degree but it is in another. Or for example with Syria conflict. The regional players and groups actions cannot make either Russia or USA go to war there but they decided there are reasons to present themselves.

Russia simply considers losing influence over Ukraine and potentially allowing it to militarize towards a build up of strength which one day will be used against Russia. This viewed as a threat. Whatever Putin's reasons, the US may not have been able to make Putin go to war but they have played a role in pushing fate in that direction. Who knows, with how much of an undesirable war outcomes for Russia and how much this is benefiting the US, maybe Putin is actually a US stooge instead of Trump and US parties being Russian stooges lol.

Putin does not realize his biggest enemy is the EU. If EU of today existed in 1848 Marx and Engels would be writing a different manifesto.
Why would any Ukranian choose Russia over the EU ? Even the Russian elites and oligarchs choose EU over Russia

I am sympathetic to Putin's complaints about NATO encirclement. He needs to be smarter about how he handles this
Putin does not realize his biggest enemy is the EU. If EU of today existed in 1848 Marx and Engels would be writing a different manifesto.
Why would any Ukranian choose Russia over the EU ? Even the Russian elites and oligarchs choose EU over Russia

I am sympathetic to Putin's complaints about NATO encirclement. He needs to be smarter about how he handles this

Yeah at this point Putin should be doubted by Russians. But the picture painted in the west and for the western audience is quite an inaccurate one as well since it focuses only on Russian losses and speculated inabilities. Maybe Putin understands his objectives in a way that will enable Russian military victory but at the cost of economic devastation and diplomatic breaking with the EU and USA. If the military objectives are going to be won as in realistic ones such as annexing Donbass and whatever other areas they want to take over, not taking and controlling all of Ukraine then perhaps it is his calculation the diplomatic and economic price is worth it and there are not many great choices for Putin.

If it is loss in military objective along with those other consequential costs, then Russians have to wonder whether Putin is competent or a total stooge. US gains out of this while Russia loses more than even EU.
France was 100% under German occupation. There was annexed France and Vichy France (colonial government under Nazi Germany). The only independent French government was based overseas.

Less than 25% of China was under Japanese occupation which is about the same proportion of Ukraine under Russian occupation right now. There were conventional battles up to the last day. Chiang Kai Shek was sitting at a desk in China.
Not to mention China was also in the middle of a civil war and war against warlords. Japan was iterally looting a burning house.
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