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Russia has announced world war 3

China had sufficient might to stalemate Japan and cause its economy to nearly collapse. Japan ran out of oil, steel and rubber, couldn't pay for US imports, so had to expand the war against European and US colonies. The rest is history.

If Ukraine has the capability to do the same to Russia then they have earned their independence. Currently their resistance is not even as effective as WW2 China's was.

Without USA entry into WW 2 you will be polishing the boots of Imperial Japanese Army officers

The vast majority of China wasn't under Japanese occupation.

Even incompetent KMT inflicted 2 million Japanese casualties including up to 700k dead Japanese and 500k colonial troops out of 5 million mobilized.

To do the same to Russia, Ukraine would need to kill 40k Russians and wound 80k. Russia also would need to spend 20%+ economy on defense and institute rationing.

Ukraine has been performing worse than China in WW2 in every possible way.
Let us say most of the desirable lands were under Japanese occupation

LOL.. You've denied all facts and created your own truths. You're such a brain-washed zomby. My gosh, don't even try to lecture free speech to people in China.

Tell us which ones you disagree with

1. US confederacy was not an independent state prior to 1861

2. Ukraine was been recognized as independent state by everyone including Russia and China

3. The only Nazi regime is one of Putin's

4. Prior to the war tens of millions of Ukranians freely get their news from anywhere including Putin's television channels.

5. Chinese are blocked from Western media sources
fact: Ukraine citizens were free to listen to Russian and Western media before the war. Chinese citizens do not have the privilege of listening to Western media

I haven't met a Chinese who cannot access Western news if they want. There's something called VPN.. I heard they use that to browse anything. Chinese government knows about it but it doesn't anything to stop it. So you can stop your bullshit.

Here're more facts: Catalonia self-determined through votes to separate from Spain. But most of the Western heads including the US Britain France Italy Spain were against self-determination when it damages their 'sovereignty'. Hey but these countries all promote self-determination to countries not buying their agenda and listening to their orders.

I could cite dozens of facts including that the US government controls media and corporations by administration means, listens in Europeans like they're pigs in the pens, runs dozens of bio-weapon labs against UN resolutions, US is the only known country who used chemical, bio, and nuclear weapons on civilians. You proud American? Yeah, I bet so. American people are so brainwashed that they no longer have conscience.

Without USA entry into WW 2 you will be polishing the boots of Imperial Japanese Army officers

Let us say most of the desirable lands were under Japanese occupation

Tell us which ones you disagree with

1. US confederacy was not an independent state prior to 1861

2. Ukraine was been recognized as independent state by everyone including Russia and China

3. The only Nazi regime is one of Putin's

4. Prior to the war tens of millions of Ukranians freely get their news from anywhere including Putin's television channels.

5. Chinese are blocked from Western media sources
US is the only government that ran genocide so fucking successful that its policies are model guidelines for UN, if it ever runs independent of the control of the US government, to study a genocidal state.
I haven't met a Chinese who cannot access Western news if they want. There's something called VPN.. I heard they use that to browse anything. Chinese government knows about it but it doesn't anything to stop it. So you can stop your bullshit.
I have a bridge to sell you
Russia can't even coordinate their propaganda lmao. I thought they initially said an accidental fire broke out on the ship which caused the sinking? Now they are implying that their flagship was destroyed by a military without a navy? :lol:
That's what they mean by Nato infrastructure.....Weaponry is pouring in to Ukraine from Nato... For Nato so far there is no loss of blood from their side,they are happy. If Russia drags on, Russia will suffer (Ukraine doesn't matter - a pawn planned to be sacrificed in the big game)... If Russia wins, again sanctions etc will deplete Russia... and they loose the status of a big power... In between conflict in Europe and Russia is impacting China economically...so the risk of China emerging as US rival as a superpower, militarily and economically, is also being taken care of.
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That's what they mean by Nato infrastructure.....Weaponry is pouring in to Ukraine from Nato... For Nato so far there is no loss of blood from their side,they are happy. If Russia drags on, Russia will suffer (Ukraine doesn't matter - a pawn planned to be sacrificed in the big game)... If Russia wins, again sanctions etc will deplete Russia... and they loose the status of a big power... In between conflict in Europe and Russia is impacting China economically...so the risk of China emerging as US rival as a superpower, militarily and economically, is also being taken care of.
The Americans and British think of it as a win situation if the Ukrainians and Russians destroy each other. Plus the defense companies are making big money out of this war. Everyone is buying weapons.
That's what they mean by Nato infrastructure.....Weaponry is pouring in to Ukraine from Nato... For Nato so far there is no loss of blood from their side,they are happy. If Russia drags on, Russia will suffer (Ukraine doesn't matter - a pawn planned to be sacrificed in the big game)... If Russia wins, again sanctions etc will deplete Russia... and they loose the status of a big power... In between conflict in Europe and Russia is impacting China economically...so the risk of China emerging as US rival as a superpower, militarily and economically, is also being taken care of.
How is it that world leaders with all their intelligence agencies cannot figure this out?
The Americans and British think of it as a win situation if the Ukrainians and Russians destroy each other. Plus the defense companies are making big money out of this war. Everyone is buying weapons.
Agree Mate...this is War is all about.....

How is it that world leaders with all their intelligence agencies cannot figure this out?
They have ...may be you don't know/ realise..... read

Basically correct. NATO and US is using Ukraine to degrade Russia. Ukraine foots the bill in blood and NATO US foots the bill in weapon supplies. Russia pays for the equal in blood and material. Ukraine being a previously USSR nation and friendly with Russia and then to being influenced by Russia as a vassal state has been turned to work against it. This is skillful from US and since 2013 they've been trying hard to convert their soft power into a weapon in the form of the conflicts between Russia and Ukraine that were created.
That's what they mean by Nato infrastructure.....Weaponry is pouring in to Ukraine from Nato... For Nato so far there is no loss of blood from their side,they are happy. If Russia drags on, Russia will suffer (Ukraine doesn't matter - a pawn planned to be sacrificed in the big game)... If Russia wins, again sanctions etc will deplete Russia... and they loose the status of a big power... In between conflict in Europe and Russia is impacting China economically...so the risk of China emerging as US rival as a superpower, militarily and economically, is also being taken care of.
You blame everyone except putin
You blame everyone except putin
The Russia/Poutine supporters here cheers for Poutine NOT because they have any ties to Russia in any meaningful ways, but because they are anti-US/West in general and they will latch onto anything that will help justify their feelings.
The Russia/Poutine supporters here cheers for Poutine NOT because they have any ties to Russia in any meaningful ways, but because they are anti-US/West in general and they will latch onto anything that will help justify their feelings.
Its pathetic

Most of these ppl also live in west...keep bitching about west day and night as well..

remind me of kremlin elites...hate west but send kids and families to live in west...invest billions in west
Basically correct. NATO and US is using Ukraine to degrade Russia. Ukraine foots the bill in blood and NATO US foots the bill in weapon supplies. Russia pays for the equal in blood and material. Ukraine being a previously USSR nation and friendly with Russia and then to being influenced by Russia as a vassal state has been turned to work against it. This is skillful from US and since 2013 they've been trying hard to convert their soft power into a weapon in the form of the conflicts between Russia and Ukraine that were created.

USA cannot make Putin to attack Ukraine

Ukraine is not attacking Russia

I've never seen so powerful people misusing so bad their power.

Kremlin is coward facing NATO and USA knows it.

USA elite wont think twice, neither once, because there is nothing to think.

Kremlin is coward facing USA/West, Kremlin is only brave killing their own unarmed people.

If they want that enemy think twice they should start blowing up a western weapon shipment to Ukraine in NATO/Poland soil, but they will never dare to do it, because they are a bunch of brainless cowards, Kremlin only know lick the Wall St bankers shoes.
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USA cannot make Putin to attack Ukraine

Ukraine is not attacking Russia

Yes to a degree but US UK empires usually act in a way that creates reason. For example recently Australia considered a "security action" in Solomon Islands to ensure it doesn't realign towards China. China isn't making Australia do this either in some degree but it is in another. Or for example with Syria conflict. The regional players and groups actions cannot make either Russia or USA go to war there but they decided there are reasons to present themselves.

Russia simply considers losing influence over Ukraine and potentially allowing it to militarize towards a build up of strength which one day will be used against Russia. This viewed as a threat. Whatever Putin's reasons, the US may not have been able to make Putin go to war but they have played a role in pushing fate in that direction. Who knows, with how much of an undesirable war outcomes for Russia and how much this is benefiting the US, maybe Putin is actually a US stooge instead of Trump and US parties being Russian stooges lol.
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