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Russia does not support Anti Pakistan statements during Heart of Asia Conference

I think it's about time Pakistan should start bombing Afghan cities and do covert operations to kill TTP leaders. Stop trading with Afghanistan and send the refugees back tomorrow. When a dog starts to bark then it's the owners duty to remind him of his place.
We should not blame the people of Afghanistan, but to the puppet government (Northern Alliance) supported and funded by India and her master USA. The majority of Afghan people are with Pakistan specially the Pushtoons.

The great game will be soon in Pakistan's favour. This is a matter of time when the PUPPET GOvt will soon be end and the real stakeholders (Pashtoons) of Afghanistan come to power. This puppet govt of Afghanistan suit to US and its allies and they will never allow the real democracy and the real stakeholders to come on power.

However the current situation in Afghanistan is changing rapidly and new alliances and stakeholders are emerging in the region between Russia, Pakistan & China and central Asian countries and these are the clear indication that they are all in same page and ready to minimise (if not completely demolish) the US influence in Afghanistan.
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Blame games? Russia should know that if Talis and their brethren are not stopped in Afghanistan then their next stop will be Russian borders.

Also Russia should get it to their thick skulls that the whole mess started when they invaded Afghanistan which culminated in a humiliated defeat.

Obviously you can't say that to Russians because they teach a good lesson again and you don't even stand a chance. :lol:
Can I get a proper source? I'm not going to trust Tweets or Urdu news articles after the Russian participation in CPEC debacle.
Lock the borders and kick out all afghans :chilli::omghaha::victory:

Best way for more peace in Pakistan :taz:

And See the good result of Pakistan economy :triniti:
FYI. Did Tali tried to take over Pakistan when they were in government or tried to finger Pakistan over durand line or clashed with Pakistan army over border issues ?

I endorse this statement. @A-Team I do not believe there is a government/military policy of supporting Taliban/Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. But if you want the citizens outlook to change you will have to ask yourself this question. The Taliban regime, atleast until its overthrow did not raise the Durand line nor postured itself as aggressively against Pakistan, at least initially. So given Daood Khan's and Zahir Shahs hostility against Pakistan, raids in Bajaur, support for Faqir of Ipi, killing of Liaquat Ali Khan and non-acceptence of the border why should the vast Pakistani populace believe anything other than that the Afghan Taliban may be possible well wishers of Pakistan?

I don't hold the Afghan Taliban in high regard and denounce them, but you should try to understand the core reasons why many Pakistanis think like they do.
Modi is overreaching on Pakistan. Shouldn't be using every forum to bash Pakistan. It make you look petty and shrill.

Modi didn't bash pakistan. Karzai did.
Modi only reiterated to focus on need to corner those who harbour and nurture terrorists and their organisations. There is nothing wrong with that. As a victim of terrorism, its our duty, to use any and every avenue possible to raise voice against terrorism.
NDS is probably just returning the favor when you are running an industrial scale insurgency in Afghanistan.
BTW you may wanna look at the list below. Hypocrisy anyone?

BinLadin: Abbottabad
Mullah Omar: Karachi
Mullah Mansour: Balochistan
Mullah Hebatullah: Quetta
OBL found in Abbottabad, then buried in the sea and no one saw his body for confirmation. ??? You believe the US government?
Russia should know that if Talis and their brethren are not stopped in Afghanistan then their next stop will be Russian borders.

Not really they just want to rule Afghanistan.
NDS is probably just returning the favor when you are running an industrial scale insurgency in Afghanistan.
BTW you may wanna look at the list below. Hypocrisy anyone?

BinLadin: Abbottabad
Mullah Omar: Karachi
Mullah Mansour: Balochistan
Mullah Hebatullah: Quetta

You can't blame your way to a victory.

Glad you acknowledged Afghan security services, like NDS, are in bed with TTP terrorists whose only aim is to kill innocent civilians in Pakistan. Unlike Afghan Taliban, TTP terrorists have no territorial claims.

As for the list and the tired old claims, Pakistan has a porous border with Afghanistan. Barring bin Laden, they are all Afghans. We treated Afghan refugees humanely and allowed them to live, work in Pakistan instead of putting them in a cage or camps like Iran did. Observe,


From a security point of view, allowing Afghans to roam freely in Pakistan was a mistake. We now have over 3 million Afghans living in Pakistan, legally and illegally. Hence, Pakistan is taking border management seriously. Whereas, Government of Afghanistan has come out against border management. This is akin to shooting themselves in the foot. There comes a point when Government of Afghanistan has to take responsibility for the failure of its policies. And apologist like you should hold your government responsible. There is only so much blame games you can play.
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Both were manipulating each other. The only difference is that USA couldn't tolerate that Pakistan out-manipulated USA in the strategy game at the end.

USA tried to dump the mess on Pakistan in 1994 but failed miserably. Pakistan immediately sorted that mess by relegating to Indian Occupied Kashmir.

After war on terror, USA tried its every resource but failed miserably. Once again leaving the mess [Afghanistan] behind for Pakistan to take care of. Pakistan will take care of the mess as usual.

India is also making stupidest mistake by funding terrorism through Afghan-based terrorist-outfit aka TTP as per the official confession from Ajit Doval aka in-charge of Indian NSA. It is stupid to lock horns with the Nuclear military nation that trained the groups breaking USSR apart. It was not USA and India that did that. It was Pakistan intels that broke USSR apart. Then again, stupidity [India] knows no bound. :D

Seems to me you are trying to take pride of some sort in this - if that is the case by all means. Unfortunately what you call out-manipulation of US by Pakistan is in reality what resulted in somewhat pitiful loss of sovereignty of Pakistan with its military relegated to supplying coordinates too the US to drop drone missiles onto your own people. It was quite heart wrenching to read the pleas from our govt for US to exercise restraint in how many bombs they dropped.

If you seriously believe Pakistan was the main reason Soviet Union broke up or they were driven outo of Afghanistan, I suggest you actually read the research o posted earlier. Pakistan certainly played part but then it had to to survive.
Indians have been allies of Russians since decades but learnt nothing from them neither about them.
LOL.............you sir suck at geo-politics. they fought with Soviet when USSR invaded Afghanistan, now it's the stinky Indians who are licking Afghan arse to exploit their natural resources.

Blame games? Russia should know that if Talis and their brethren are not stopped in Afghanistan then their next stop will be Russian borders.

Also Russia should get it to their thick skulls that the whole mess started when they invaded Afghanistan which culminated in a humiliated defeat.

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