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Russia Detains 300 Muslims During Prayer

I never heard that Indian Govt. Detain some Hindus from a "Mandar" in such large quantity or Russians detain Russians who are not Muslim

Glad to help: Hours before the State Duma passed the Kremlin-backed law in a 436-0 vote with one abstention, more than two dozen protesters were attacked by hundreds of anti-gay activists and then detained by police.

Russian lawmakers pass anti-gay bill overwhelmingly in lower house, protesters detained | CTV News

Russian police detain over 100 neo-Nazi demonstrators

Russian police detain over 100 neo-Nazi demonstrators - Trend.Az

Mass detentions of other public organizations occurred in Moscow. According to police some 258 persons have been detained


Russian riot police detained over 300 demonstrators at a major rally in Moscow to protest what they contend are fraudulent parliamentary election results. Most remain in custody awaiting court hearings; three have already been sentenced to 15 days of administrative arrest.
The demonstration, organized by political opposition and civil society activists, was sanctioned by the Moscow authorities. However, the organizers had told the authoritiesthat they anticipated crowds of up to 500 people. The arrival of thousands of protesters was a surprise to the organizers as well as to the police.

Russia: Protests Go on Peacefully | Human Rights Watch

Mass detention in Russia in not something extraordinary.
The guy asked for non Muslim mass detention, and I provided these as examples of non Muslim mass detention exactly what he asked for, no more.

By the way, in the last example there were many people detained who did nothing illegal as the protest was sanctioned by the authorities. Some of the detainees were journalists for example.

So, long story short, there is no specific charge or evidence against anyone detained.

The FSB has given no reason and will "check for extremist content".

Detaining is possible without direct evidence but based on suspicion or evidence that is not sufficient to accuse someone in court, this is true in the west as well. Now if they were sentenced to prison you would been of firmer ground. Holding them in for a long time span without farther justification is something else though.

The reason given as far as I know is that those people are suspected of being radicals, or Islamic extremism.

As long as they utter the magic words "national security", "terrorism", or "Islamist", they can round up pretty much anyone they want.

Actually the first "magic word" is usually enough, it doesn't have to have anything to do with Muslims. It just so happens that in the past decade it is Muslims who pose this threat to national security resulting in hundreds killed in terror attacks in Russia.

The authorities in the West also battle terrorism but, when they detain someone, they provide a charge sheet.

Russia is not the west, I see no point in comparing them really. Besides I am not sure this is true, there is a difference between detention and arrest.
In all these cases, the people had broken the law.

What law has been broken in this case? If there is a legitimate reason, authorities should state it.

They were detained before they could break the law. :coffee:
Or we could do what Pakistan does and have several thousand acts of terrorism annually because they are too afraid to hurt people's feeling.

And actually the FSB is not stupid, it's just that you are ignorant. Any good raid will round up as many people as possible as quickly as possible so that people can't flee and evidence be destroyed.

In other words, if only a few suspects are taken I to custody while dozens of people are involved, then the people that have not yet been taken into custody will destroy evidence, flee, or cary out attacks while they still have time.

says citizen of the country that got spanked so hard in Afghanistan that your country broke into pieces... ;)
counter insurgency needs a different tactic,that includes understanding the people,and trying to win their sympathies...
You are right. People can be detained without charge, but there is a time limit (48 hours?) within which they must be charged or released.

I am not sure what's the exact time limit, I am pretty sure it can be extended by court.
It's hard for me to say who is right here.
the high amount of foreigners leads me to suspect that there may have been some illegal activity there (though not necessarily anything to do with terrorism). on the other hand 300 is a large number, hard to believe that 300 people could organize extremist activity without it being stopped way earlier.
This is a clumsy manner to go after Islamists - Mr. Putin is better advised to develop networks within the various communities of Muslims and to ensure Bad things happen to Bad people, however, even more important is to uncover the networks that finance Islamists, that publish them, that preach the vices Islamists find appealing. All Islamists that display a propensity towards violence need to be kpt under surveillance and must be brought to justice.

Putin didn't order to arrest all those present in the mosque but this is FSB took that step unilaterally to test kind of personals present in the mosque, most probably it was planned and sanctioned by central Mufti who itself take care of Russian interests. Victims will be illegal immigrants, foreigners having no business right documents.
Many of them already have gotten administrative fines and some will be deported.

Meanwhile in Russian federation more than 80% mosques are under Tatar people who are loyal to Russia so hard to believe extremist get chance freely deliver something in public. Even tableeghi jamaats from different countries are checked and some time arrested by FSB. Mostly law enforcement authorities put blame on KSA spreading extremist ideologies and training mostly done in Afghanistan & Pakistan by Saudi funded Madrisas.

Situation now mostly in control because Chechnya's puppet president on payroll of Kremlin and Ingushetia came in control of Russian hero Muslim famous in pro Kremlin policies so Abkhazia and southern ossetia on the other side of border came into Russian control so no infiltration from Georgia which was sometime night mare for FSB. Sochi is safe from all sides for Olympics 2014.
says citizen of the country that got spanked so hard in Afghanistan that your country broke into pieces... ;)
counter insurgency needs a different tactic,that includes understanding the people,and trying to win their sympathies...

Then go ahead and win the hearts of TTP when they will bang you till the end of time.

You are right. People can be detained without charge, but there is a time limit (48 hours?) within which they must be charged or released.

Police can detain any body for 3 Hrs to check and has to release if found not guilty or his/her documents are not objectionable.
Then go ahead and win the hearts of TTP when they will bang you till the end of time.

can be done...has been done in the past....But drones wont let us...
Once the drones are gone and strict Afpak border scrutiny is enforced,the war can be over in less than an year...
You are right. People can be detained without charge, but there is a time limit (48 hours?) within which they must be charged or released.

:cheesy: In Russia, this method does not work)) is a fraud) from you, steal ('ll take forever) money and valuables))
you shall surely(whipping): the kidneys, groin. Closed, in a (you will close) ****** pig pen)) :sick:
and maybe in 1-2 weeks, you "kiss" and say, "you're free!"))):mod:

this applies to all people!
not only Islamist / neo-Nazis.
but even, passer (innocent, error), journalist, politician, protection of rights, etc.!:hitwall:

in Russian laws do not exist!
I am not sure what's the exact time limit, I am pretty sure it can be extended by court.
It's hard for me to say who is right here.
the high amount of foreigners leads me to suspect that there may have been some illegal activity there (though not necessarily anything to do with terrorism). on the other hand 300 is a large number, hard to believe that 300 people could organize extremist activity without it being stopped way earlier.

In that area where raid was carried out famous for illegal immigrant from CIS countries and more over Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan who used to work in shops/Tochkaz or loaders because there are many godowns and even foreign students from other provinces around the Moscow city worked from June to September. Now this is not difficult to judge for what this raid was when mayor Moscow strictly order law enforcement agencies to take strict action against illegal immigrants and 10 year ban to enter is suggested if found illegal.

can be done...has been done in the past....But drones wont let us...
Once the drones are gone and strict Afpak border scrutiny is enforced,the war can be over in less than an year...

Enough with this BS, don't present yourself as total ignorant from the facts. You are only dramatizing when reality far away from you are thinking so it's up to you continue to live in illusions.

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