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Russia Detains 300 Muslims During Prayer

well if they were in possesion of banned literature they are screwed Big Time .

LIfe and time and Works of Wahhab ( cant remember the exact title) is banned in russia amongst other things .

It should be banned in every single sensible non-Muslim country and even sensible Islamic nations like Turkey, Malaysia etc who have a sensible national government that separates personal beliefs from the state.

Look what wahhabism did to Pakistan and Afghanistan today.
No, the Uyghur separatists were supported by the Soviet Union. Thats why China supported the Afghan Mujahideen against the Soviets. The Uyghur nationalist movement was created by the Soviets to split Xinjiang from China and annex it as another Soviet Republic

But isn't Xinjiang a islamist leaning separatism? Soviets were brutally against any religion as a whole.

The first time the Uyghurs revolvted in 1933, it was at the instigation of pan Turkists. However, the 10,000 strong Uyghur rebel army of the first East Turkestan Republic was easily defeated by 2,000 Hui Muslim soldiers, who killed two of their Emirs and forced Muhammad Amin Bughra into exile in British India. The Hui also inflicted major losses on a joint Soviet- White Russian Cossack intervention in Xinjiang.

The second time in 1944, Soviet supported Communist Uyghur nationalists under Ahmad Jan Qasim revolvted and established the Second East Turkestan Republic as a pro Soviet sattelite state. The rebels were backed by the Soviet army and airforce, and White Russian cossacks. In response, China sent cavalry units of Hui and Salar Muslims to crush and stop the Uyghurs and Russian army. A ceasefire was reached, but Hui cavalry continued to skirmish against Soviets forces.

The Soviets were forced to dismantle their Second East Turkestan Republic project and allow it to go back to China because of the sudden Communist victory which they did not expect, they didn't want either side in the civil war in China to win, because that meant they would not be able to split Xinjiang and Tibet and annex them as Soviet republics and have a weakened China to control.

The Soviets then reactivated their support for Uyghur separatists after the Sino Soviet split and spent a major amount of time on propaganda, military activities and infiltration attempts in Xinjiang. Uyghur nationalist historiography was written by Soviet "historian" propagandists (fiction par excellence). China in response stationed hundreds of thousands of soldiers in Xinjiang because of the Soviets, and it began supporting the mujahideen in Afghanistan to strike back.

This is new info for me. Thanks.

And after all its attempts to split Xinjiang from China, the Soviet Union was the one who ended up getting split up. Lesson? Don't mess with other countries internal affairs.

USSR was facing US, Taliban, entire NATO brigade, Pakistan and you combined. One on one with each of these, the cold war would have ended in a different way.

Let's face it; it was an uneven fight. Afghanistan and Pakistan combined won't have lasted 2 days without NATO + CCP support against the Soviet juggernaut.
But isn't Xinjiang a islamist leaning separatism? Soviets were brutally against any religion as a whole.

The stated goal of ETIM (East Turkestan Islamic Movement) is to create an Islamic state called East Turkestan, which they want to carve out of Xinjiang.

It is a mixture of Islamic extremism and ethnic separatism.

Needless to say, we will hunt these extremists down until there is nothing left of them.
The FSB did not say why the people had been detained.

Is there any specific evidence against these individuals, or is it the usual "wag the dog" routine to boost sagging ratings?

The stated goal of ETIM (East Turkestan Islamic Movement) is to create an Islamic state called East Turkestan, which they want to carve out of Xinjiang.

It is a mixture of Islamic extremism and ethnic separatism.

Needless to say, we will hunt these extremists down until there is nothing left of them.

I was reading up on the history of the Rohingyas given the recent popularity of the topic and how India had been dragged into that discussion..even China. Surprise surprise..they tried to foment a separatist movement on religious lines and attempted to wage jihad.

"The Mujahid party was founded by Rohingya elders who supported a Jihad movement in northern Arakan in 1947.[52] The aim of the Mujahid party was to create an autonomous Muslim state in Arakan. They were much more active before the 1962 Burmese coup d'état by General Ne Win. Ne Win carried out some military operations against them over a period of two decades. The prominent one was "Operation King Dragon" which took place in 1978; as a result, many Muslims in the region fled to neighbouring Bangladesh as refugees. In addition to Bangladesh, a large number of Rohingyas have also migrated to Karachi, Pakistan"

And now we know..Burma isn't the most peaceful nation there is nor the most restrained when it comes to ethnic and religious tensions.

Then we have the similar story of Xinjiang..ETIM, LeT, Mujahid party..these fellows never understand despite repeated failures. We are not the Swedes, or the Danes or American soldiers who deign it too dangerous to take on area domination patrols. Try to carve out our territory and you're in an eyeball to eyeball knife fight to the finish. Dimwits! And the Russians have their own history with extremists. Is this any surprise then?
But isn't Xinjiang a islamist leaning separatism? Soviets were brutally against any religion as a whole.

This is new info for me. Thanks.

USSR was facing US, Taliban, entire NATO brigade, Pakistan and you combined. One on one with each of these, the cold war would have ended in a different way.

Let's face it; it was an uneven fight. Afghanistan and Pakistan combined won't have lasted 2 days without NATO + CCP support against the Soviet juggernaut.

Stalin and the Soviet Union did not give a crap about anyone's religion if it fulfilled their goals.

The entire "Uyghur" ethnicity was created by Soviet ethnologists. The Uyghurs didn't call themselves Uyghurs 100 years ago. They called their language Turki and called themselves by the Oasis city they came from, Khotan, Kashar, Turfan. The Soviets then appropiated the name Uyghur from a historical empire in Siberia and gave it to the Turkic people in the Tarim, through their puppet client Governor of Xinjiang, Sheng Shicai.

The Turkic sedentary Muslims of the Tarim basin were ruled by the Chagatai Khanate, with the Chagatai Khan as the secular leader and the Naqshbandi Sufi Khoja as the religious leader. I will refer to them as Turki because they didn't call themselves Uyghur.

The Buddhist Dzhunghar Mongol Zunghar Khanate attacked the Chagatai Khanate and forced them into submission and paying tribute. The Khojas split into two factions, the Aqtaghliks and Qarataghliks. The Aqtaghliks were expelled by the Chagatai Khan and allied with the Zunghars.

Then China came, and allied with a Chagatai Prince and the Qarataghliks to defeat the Zunghars and Aqtaghliks. There was a massive, brutal slaughter of the Buddhist Zunghars by Chinese and Turkis and nearly all of them were "cleansed" from Dzungharia.

China then settled Han Chinese and Turki Muslims in Dzungharia, when all the Buddhist Zunghars were cleared out. The Turkis later became the Uyghurs. The Chagatai prince and Uyghur begs, Khans and Qarataghliks then submitted to China's rule.

To this day, China has sent almost all immigration in xinjiang into Dzungharia and avoids settling them in the Tarim Basin, which remains majority Uyghur. Anyone claiming China is swamping Uyghur's native land is lying, because the reason Uyghurs are in Dzungharia, in northern Xinjiang today, is because China settled them there. The Uyghurs land is in the Tarim Basin and its not being flooded by migrants. The massive percentage of non Uyghurs in Xinjiang live in Dzungharia.

And back to the topic of separatism. The Aqtaghliks were the ones who formented the first separatist rebellions because they were angry that they were defeated. It was hypocritical of them to complain about the Qarataghliks and Chagatais siding and submitting to China, because the Aqtaghliks collaborated with the very much non Muslim Buddhist Dzunghars.

The other time violence came to Xinjiang was when Kokandis invaded Kashgar under Yaqub Beg. He was not a Uyghur but a foreigner from Kokand.

The 1933 revolt happened because of Pan Turkic influence from Turkey, before that, there was no nationalist separatist sentiment among Uyghurs, the only sources of violence were disgrunlted Aqtaghliks and Kokandi invaders.

And it was because it was Pan Turkic in nature that it was brutally crushed, because the non Turkic Hui Muslims got really pissed off at the Uyghurs declaring the First East Turkestan Republic so they crushed the rebellion.

The second revolt, the 1944 Ili Rebellion was Soviet supported as I explained in my previous post. The Uyghur leader in the revolt, Ahmad Jan Qasim was a member of the Soviet Communist party and took orders from Moscow. Now, Uyghur separatist propaganda sites delete all mention of him being a communist party member and a Soviet stooge, and pretend that they were never supported by the Soviet Union. :omghaha:
Russia's main Islamist extremists:
Number 1 Wahhabis (rats in the Caucasus, the Volga, the Urals, the Slavs-Wahhabi lot)

+ (not much): Ikhwan, Hizb ut, Nursi;-Tablighi Jamaat, other small. (Volga, Ural, and Asians)

Basis of Russian Muslims: Sunnis (Ahl al-Sunna Sufis, the analogy of Sheikh Ramadan al-Buti!) 20 - 22 million!
(Caucasus: Dagestan, Lezgistan, Avaristan, Chechnya, Ingushetia, Circassia, others, the Volga region, the Urals)
+ Slavs-Sufi.

1 - 2 million Shiites (90% of migrants illegals "Turkic Azeris", but they are non-believers!
* there is also a Irani, East, and some Slavs-Shia).

Attention! 90% of Muslims in Russia: Moderate, Secular Muslims! :yay: Hurrah!

10% are idiots, rats, doodles: Islamists terrorists.:ph34r:

you can ask me a lot of questions - I always answer! Russia's (Aqeedah, Fiqh, Sharh, Fatwas, flow, position, Sheikhs, Ustaz, Alima, books, websites, etc..:ashamed:
didnt know the ex-cheif of KGB could be that dumb...
Rounding up people during such an important ritual will only infuriate them and cause more trouble...
Is there any specific evidence against these individuals, or is it the usual "wag the dog" routine to boost sagging ratings?


Why don't you call the FSB and ask for specifics of their investigation (sarcasm). Despite the apathy many here may have for the detained individuals there is very good reason for individuals being detained. Recently there was a video that showed FSB raiding an extremist compound were illegal weapons such a hand grenades were in plain view, of course we had a few cry foul thinking that the FSB was evil because they arrested dangerous individuals that were intent on murdering civilians, never mind those individuals broke federal laws.

In any case have you Kept track of all the acts of terrorism committed on Russian soil? The people detained were destined to do the same. If you still disagree google any video with FSB and Dagestan in the heading, in it you will see suspects opening fire on authorities, or the aftermath were the suspects bodies are seen with assault vests, submachine guns, grandees, ect.
didnt know the ex-cheif of KGB could be that dumb...
Rounding up people during such an important ritual will only infuriate them and cause more trouble...

Or we could do what Pakistan does and have several thousand acts of terrorism annually because they are too afraid to hurt people's feeling.

And actually the FSB is not stupid, it's just that you are ignorant. Any good raid will round up as many people as possible as quickly as possible so that people can't flee and evidence be destroyed.

In other words, if only a few suspects are taken I to custody while dozens of people are involved, then the people that have not yet been taken into custody will destroy evidence, flee, or cary out attacks while they still have time.
didnt know the ex-cheif of KGB could be that dumb...
Rounding up people during such an important ritual will only infuriate them and cause more trouble...

You're forgetting that we talk about Russia and not your country. If they make trouble during a possible investigation (which could also go in their favour and be released safely), they will only incur FSB's wrath. Infuriating possible suspects works in secoolar India... not in Russia.
Why don't you call the FSB and ask for specifics of their investigation (sarcasm). Despite the apathy many here may have for the detained individuals there is very good reason for individuals being detained. Recently there was a video that showed FSB raiding an extremist compound were illegal weapons such a hand grenades were in plain view, of course we had a few cry foul thinking that the FSB was evil because they arrested dangerous individuals that were intent on murdering civilians, never mind those individuals broke federal laws.

In any case have you Kept track of all the acts of terrorism committed on Russian soil? The people detained were destined to do the same. If you still disagree google any video with FSB and Dagestan in the heading, in it you will see suspects opening fire on authorities, or the aftermath were the suspects bodies are seen with assault vests, submachine guns, grandees, ect.

So, long story short, there is no specific charge or evidence against anyone detained.

The FSB has given no reason and will "check for extremist content".
Uh huh.

As long as they utter the magic words "national security", "terrorism", or "Islamist", they can round up pretty much anyone they want. Of course, these people are Muslims, so no one's going to lose sleep over it.

The authorities in the West also battle terrorism but, when they detain someone, they provide a charge sheet.
I never heard that Indian Govt. Detain some Hindus from a "Mandar" in such large quantity or Russians detain Russians who are not Muslim....Or Americans who are not Muslim...:taz:

Then who is to blame but the people who get emotionally unstable after a sermon by some cleric and riot around? Neither the Hindus nor the Christians riot after a temple prayer or a church sermon.

Show me one instance where this has caused large scale deaths, riots and communal disharmony.

So, long story short, there is no specific charge or evidence against anyone detained.

The FSB has given no reason and will "check for extremist content".
Uh huh.

Every country has different methods of working.

Russians don't take chances or apologize for checking on someone they suspect. Now obviously you're not telling me that US or British authorities provide every single evidence of why someone is being charged. WOT is quite the example here.

As long as they utter the magic words "national security", "terrorism", or "Islamist", they can round up pretty much anyone they want. Of course, these people are Muslims, so no one's going to lose sleep over it.

Rather than playing victim card and hiding behind if the community had taken proactive steps to crush radical clerics threatening world security, this day won't have come.

Again you play victim when the actions of so many guilty should actually be condemned by you.

The authorities in the West also battle terrorism but, when they detain someone, they provide a charge sheet.

Ever heard of the "John Doe" cases?

Google them out.
Every country has different methods of working.

Yes. Western countries have something called due process.

Even in terror cases, there is a charge sheet and a person is told what they are accused of.
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