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Russia charges Chinese man with smuggling military equipment

Sukhoi signed a contract with Shenyang to produce a set number of aircraft, in this case 95, this doesn't mean 96, 97, or 100. Currently China has over 134 J-11's.

Sukhoi signed a contract to produce ~100 Su-27sk crap. Chinese engineers were shocked by the poor quality of its components and performance.
It thus decided to halt the production and start building its own J-11B.

As already said 100 times, there is no international treaty or law to protect your fancy Sukhoi. It is a weapon vendor, its design is not protected.

You can't understand this?
This is a common tactics of their's, when these kids can't back up their claim or can't get themselves out of a hole that they dug themselves in they begin changing the subject by stooping to the lowest of lows. I have been called a skinhead, a rapist, a murderer, a russki, and a drunk. These people have no shame whatsoever. I'm still waiting for the thanks button to light up, often times when cheap insults are used against someone like me, or Gambit you will have a flury of thanks.

Dude: Russians are China's biggest enemy. Let's face it.

For the most cold war period, we were enemies, we threat to use nuke against each other, we have a couple battles in the border. We also have your T-72 tanks captured and on display in our national military museum. Yes, we do deals, we buy your weapons, that is all about money, not because we are friends.

Trust me: most Chinese see russians as enemies. I won't say the same for Americans.

oh, yes, my view represents the general view of educated Chinese. you can keep calling me kid, "no shame whatsoever", that doesn't change the fact that weapon designs are not protected by any treaty or law.

grow up, learn something.
you can't just force us to respect the "right" you and your nation are not entitled to have.

that is bloody simple. Pakistan can clone our tanks, indians can borrow ideas of our fighter design, russians copied us bombers, that is the way how it works.

your propaganda style joke is doing you any good.
Still confused about this allegation. Russia sold China Su-27 and Su-30, so why would they do this then? They have plenty of samples and parts, and have been using these aircraft for over a decade, so why now? Not disagreeing or agreeing with this allegation, just lot of questions and facts that just don't add up. Add to that they have domesticated the J-11 (Su-27 license produced) to J-11B (domestic J-11), and have few regiments, so its not that they need spare parts or anything, just doesn't add up. If it was Su-35 or Mig-35, then it would make sense, not necessarily use or copy but take a glimpse of the capability.
As of writing, the life expectancy of Russian male is 61! The whole point is Russia lost about 20 years. No process at all for those 20 years. The mentioned RD-93, AL-31 and your fancy seeker are just some 30 years old Soviet Union technologies.

1. Idiot, your information is outdated, Russia male Life expectancy as of 2010 is 63.03 years, and at the end of 2011 it will be even higher.:hitwall:

Demographics of Russia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. Yes RD-93 and AL-31 is crap, but for some reason China keeps on buying them.:rolleyes:

China Signs $500 Million Russian Jet Engine Deal, Vedomosti Says - Bloomberg
1. Idiot, your information is outdated, Russia male Life expectancy as of 2010 is 63.03 years, and at the end of 2011 it will be even higher.:hitwall:

Demographics of Russia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. Yes RD-93 and AL-31 is crap, but for some reason China keeps on buying them.:rolleyes:

China Signs $500 Million Russian Jet Engine Deal, Vedomosti Says - Bloomberg

Now celebrate your fancy 63.03 life expectancy please. print it out, hang it on the wall of your your study room.
Still confused about this allegation. Russia sold China Su-27 and Su-30, so why would they do this then? They have plenty of samples and parts, and have been using these aircraft for over a decade, so why now? Not disagreeing or agreeing with this allegation, just lot of questions and facts that just don't add up. Add to that they have domesticated the J-11 (Su-27 license produced) to J-11B (domestic J-11), and have few regiments, so its not that they need spare parts or anything, just doesn't add up. If it was Su-35 or Mig-35, then it would make sense, not necessarily use or copy but take a glimpse of the capability.

1. J-11/Su-27SK licensed from Russia are junks. Chinese were shocked by its poor quality and bad performance.

2. J-11B were heavily modified/upgraded. Everything got replaced. That is the reason why you see the russian dude cry about the airframe hard, because the airframe is the only junk still being used.

3. Mig-35 is considered as a joke. Even india refused to buy it, so let's don't waste too much on a dead fighter produced by a dead company. Mig is dead.

4. J-16 will be something quite similar to Su-35, again, electronics used in J-16 will be way better than Russian toy.
The controversial J-11B is an unauthorised derivative of the Sukhoi J-11A/Su-27SK, built by Shenyang in China. The aircraft has been the subject of an ongoing dispute between Beijing and Moscow which has caused the suspension of production of the second batch on indigenously manufactured legally licenced J-11A/Su-27SK.
The J-11B is not an exact clone of the Su-27SK, despite the commonly held view this is so. The airframe and engines can be considered to be 'cloned' but the systems are mostly unique to this variant.

Known differences include:
-A Chinese IRST set located in the centreline position as with the OLS-27 in early Su-27S.
-A planar array multimode radar which resembles the Phazotron Zhuk-27 series. It includes an IFF interrogator array.
-An Onboard Oxygen Generator System (OBOGS). Only the most recent Russian variants have an OBOGS.
-A unique glass cockpit design, with an asymmetric layout quite different from the Su-30MKK/MK2 and Su-27SMK.
-An optical MAWS system claimed to operate in the UV band.
-Dielectric panels on the stabilators not seen on any Russian variant.

The differences between the J-11B, Su-27SK and Su-27SMK are sufficiently great that this must be considered a unique offshoot of the Flanker family of fighters, not a subtype of the baseline Su-27SK/J-11A.

Jeez...I guess they have a point as far as the J-11B goes :lol:
1. J-11/Su-27SK licensed from Russia are junks. Chinese were shocked by its poor quality and bad performance.

2. J-11B were heavily modified/upgraded. Everything got replaced. That is the reason why you see the russian dude cry about the airframe hard, because the airframe is the only junk still being used.

3. Mig-35 is considered as a joke. Even india refused to buy it, so let's don't waste too much on a dead fighter produced by a dead company. Mig is dead.

4. J-16 will be something quite similar to Su-35, again, electronics used in J-16 will be way better than Russian toy.

I'm curious. Your verbal diarrhea ever end?
Not required to answer.
oops sorry. You still can not keep. :confused:
Sukhoi signed a contract to produce ~100 Su-27sk crap. Chinese engineers were shocked by the poor quality of its components and performance.

Sukhoi didn't sighn anything, China did. Before China signed any contracted they evaluated and tested the aircraft, they were more than aware of the aircraft's performance and what they were getting. We know Shenyang is a dishonest cheating company. They refused to let a Sukhoi representative into the same factory that Sukhoi helped set up--I wonder why? :lol:

It's no surprise that a company with such poor business ethics would stoop to the level of breaking a contract and then claiming the reason to be because the aircraft didn’t 'satisfy their needs'---yet---yet production continued :lol:

Even worse is that the thieves at Shenyang asked Sukhoi for an upgrade, after Sukhoi gave them an upgrade on a small batch of aircraft Sukhoi was waiting to upgrade to rest of the fleet, but this never happened instead Shenyang once again cheated Sukhoi by copying their upgrade.

as for quality, China assembled almost everything locally :lol: so that has nothing to do with Sukhoi. If Chinese machinist decided the be cheap and by feeding poor quality alloys through CNC machines its all on them, if Chinese assembly workers did a poor job with installation that is again not our fault, if Chinese quality control was poor--not our fault.

It's a little ironic that Lock Head Martin was considering using the ejection seat from the SU-27 on the F-22 and yet China keeps on importing engines, but the thugs at Shenyang use quality excuses in order to cheat Sukhoi. Malaysia, India and everyone else is happy with their Sukhoi, in fact Malaysia operates F-18's and they had nothing but good things to say about the SU-30.

It thus decided to halt the production and start building its own J-11B.

After they sucked all the technical know how from the SU-27. We all know the types of aircraft China produced before they had permission to produce Sukhois locally and those Chinese aircraft were poor. Even while your J-11's were being produce China tried to purchase the Irbis-E radar from the SU-35, Russia said no.

As already said 100 times, there is no international treaty or law to protect your fancy Sukhoi. It is a weapon vendor, its design is not protected.

You’re too funny, you do know that Britain payed Germany royalty fees while they were at war because Britain manufactured the Gatling gun?

Just about every country recognizes copyright laws even ones that are at wars with each other but apparently in China they do not.

And again did you forget about the pak-fa patent I posted earlier? Would you like for me to post other patents?

Have you ever wondered why no one wants to do business with China? Do you remember the Harpy incident? America protested to Israel not to upgrade Chinese UAV's because America claimed that their technology was used on the Harpy--even the Americans know that China will blatantly copy their technology.
Now celebrate your fancy 63.03 life expectancy please. print it out, hang it on the wall of your your study room.

Like I said moron, it gets higher every passing year, and at the end of 2011 it will be 64 years :tdown:

Again you are off topic.:rolleyes:
I hope Russia some day becomes part of NATO.... and work toward world peace already.....

getting tired of reading propaganda all the time from noobs in China and Pakistan who are not thinking outside the box.
I hope Russia some day becomes part of NATO.... and work toward world peace already.....

getting tired of reading propaganda all the time from noobs in China and Pakistan who are not thinking outside the box.

Unless USA could concede its superpower status to Russia, Moscow becomes the center of the World and Russian becomes the international language.
Unless USA could concede its superpower status to Russia, Moscow becomes the center of the World and Russian becomes the international language.

That is very much ridiculous, NATO is a consortium of countries, some countries such as the US are more vocal and take up the majority of military operations. And the reason why English is an 'international language is because it originated from England and spread through out the world. The English had colonies all over. People from England settled In America, Australia and may other parts of the world. This is why English is 'official'.
So all those J-11 airframes were autorized and the J-15 is not based off of an SU-33 that was perchased from Ukraine?

An airframe is not an aircraft. I thought you would understand that.

And since you ask, yes, the original J-11 was in fact built under license. Even then, they were extensively modified to increase composite percentage and reduce RCS.
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