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Russia can't deliver on Fifth Generation Fighter Aircatft project : Indian Air Force

China can deliver a fifth Generation Fighter.

Maybe they will sell their fighter to India ?

You dont get IAF ,after you read all this threads.Get in good book of IAF is not that easy.If IAF get a chance to see J-20 closely,
they will find thousand of problems in that fighter.Like this when Russia sold their Su-30 Flanker series,they successfully found out hundred of problems in russian avionics .Gradually they choose proven Indian avionics in that fighter ,If we cant developedthey get their avionics from Israel or France etc.
This is same reason that LCA dont get FoC.If IAF raise objection then either they dont get true systems or support purchasing of Dassault rafale.
well it is based on minutes of meetings held by concerned committee recently ...

Even if we leave Ajay Shukla's assessment beside....the input by IAF is quite surprising ...

How does Business Standard get the minutes of a meeting between IAF officials and secretary of defence production ??
How does Business Standard get the minutes of a meeting between IAF officials and secretary of defence production ??

well the journalists have their ways ...

That's what's the journalism is all about , isn't it ?

I know it's only Ajay Shukla who has been posting same article all over....but I doubt he can be stupid enough to misquote or mis-represent the Minutes of meeting ....or else there would have been immediate rebuttal or denial by the Ministry of Defense !
after being the 2nd largest GDP you are still decades behind the the americans , even after you stole and did the infamous copy paste, WS 10 is still made in china garbage. 22 years is the time frame it takes to make a new aircraft , at least they did without stealing and while having limited resources....

2nd highest GDP and still call a casino ship an aircraft carrier:rofl: :shout::shout::shout:

Bringing in the US doesn't hide the fact that you can't build a fighter after 22 years. :omghaha:
If Liaoning is a casino ship, what India has is a fishing boat. Grow a brain, fact find before opening your mouth, don't bring down american and indian IQ score.:omghaha:
bringing in the US doesn't hide that fact that you still can't build a fighter after 22 years.

Bullshit. Google HAL MARUT. We had prolly made the most advanced fighting machine in the subcontinent at the time you folks were eating chowmien in a cave. Our politicians, babus and post Pokhran I sanctions killed it for us.

And it still doesn't explain why China is the reigning IPR defrauder for the last 30 years. Only country where thievery is practised as a state policy. The less said the better.

An article by Ajay Shukhla and everybody is discussing it as the gospel truth ......

"Eggjactly" ................ Bugger writes tripe even when he means well. This article is just a paid advertising piece he did for the F35.
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Bullshit. Google HAL MARUT. We had prolly made the most advanced fighting machine in the subcontinent at the time you folks were eating chowmien in a cave. Our politicians, babus and post Pokhran I sanctions killed it for us.

And it still doesn't explain why China is the reigning IPR defrauder for the last 30 years. Only country where thievery is practised as a state policy. The less said the better.

"Eggjactly" ................ Bugger writes tripe even when he means well. This article is just a paid advertising piece we did for the 35.

Please, don't bring down ave indian IQ score if you can't make factual argument.
Please, don't bring down ave indian IQ score if you can't make factual argument.

Please don't troll on an indian thread. Go make yourself useful and sell some fake iPhones.

Do not feed the troll.
Report all the irrelevant the posts

the mods are not taking action......he repeatedly trolls indian threads......yeaterday he was trolling indian engineering marvels thread........when i gave him enuff proof then he started saying these are indian authors.........but there were no articles from other authors.....i even gave 1 american,1 uk author link and 1 who report.....then he was gone...........

i have reported this comment.....lets see if the mods take any action or not.........

the mods are not taking action......he repeatedly trolls indian threads......yeaterday he was trolling indian engineering marvels thread........when i gave him enuff proof then he started saying these are indian authors.........but there were no articles from other authors.....i even gave 1 american,1 uk author link and 1 who report.....then he was gone...........

i have reported this comment.....lets see if the mods take any action or not.........


Mods may not take action ...

but don't feed him. by replying or quoting his posts.

I had once shut his mouth similarly ..in discussion when I proved how China owes everything to USSR/ Russia in Nuclear, Space ,missile technology .
I piled up huge number of references , links , book excerpts on him to prove my point including those from People's Republic of China Foreign ministry archives ...yet he and other Chinese members kept denying and trolling ... they did not have single reference to counter my points ....

He is one of the most Indo-phobic Chinese member here ....leave him burning with jealousy and hatred .

If you reply or quote him , he will only end up destroying this thread ....

watch his posts carefully and report all irrelevant posts .If everyone acts in unison ....mods will have to take action !
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