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Russia Can't Afford Its New T-14 Armata Tanks, Turns To Updated Older Designs Instead

Plenty as in Ukrainian and also there were some from other states. Fact remains the pool from where it can pull it's engineers from has dramatically shrunk. As an example Sukhoi was born in Belarus and only because of the Soviet Union were his talents utilised.

Biggest problem is that Russia has 1/4 of the hard cash to spend on defence as the former Soviet Union.

Russia has plenty of people. 140 million. Too few the pool is small. Too many too much strain on natural resource. Germany was a tech super power in the 1930s with 60 million people. Ditto Japan with 70 million people. India has 1.3 billion people and they can't make a simple jet engine Germany made back in the early 1940s. It's not about how many people. It's about how smart. White people are smart.
Russia has plenty of people. 140 million. Too few the pool is small. Too many too much strain on natural resource. Germany was a tech super power in the 1930s with 60 million people. Ditto Japan with 70 million people. India has 1.3 billion people and they can't make a simple jet engine Germany made back in the early 1940s. It's not about how many people. It's about how smart. White people are smart.

Germany had 70 million people which would equate to nearly 200 million now.
Germany was relatively the most advanced country in the world then and Russia is nowhere near the top and so your logic does not add up.
Germany was rich in the 1930s and Russia is only middle-income now.

Japan also can be considered 200 million now and it was only a medium-tech power and not on the level of Germany during the 1930s.
Germany had 70 million people which would equate to nearly 200 million now.
Germany was relatively the most advanced country in the world then and Russia is nowhere near the top and so your logic does not add up.
Germany was rich in the 1930s and Russia is only middle-income now.

Japan also can be considered 200 million now and it was only a medium-tech power and not on the level of Germany during the 1930s.

After annexation of Sudetenland and Austria Germany had 69 million. Germany was already a tech super power in the 1930s before that.

Russia first ICBM, space satellite, space suit, man in space, space walk, space orbiter, space lander, space rover, space station, modular space station, unmanned space plane. Even in planes Russia is top notch. First 3D thrust vector engines.

That is Soviet Union which is not the same as Russia.:disagree:
True, but most of engineers in USSR were ethnic Russians. Gagarin and Leonov were ethnic Russians, wouldn't you say? Ethnic Russians are smart. Wouldn't you say?

Soviet GDP was required to develop these technologies.

Dude, I seem not to be getting through to you am I?
Soviet GDP was required to develop these technologies.

Dude, I seem not to be getting through to you am I?

Nope. Most engineers work for passion, not for money. They don't need to be paid millions a year on military projects. Especially these days there are advanced CAD which reduces work load.

Dude, Indian air-force has severe issues with SU-57 like it's stealth capabilities and avionics.

India was never even given the PAK-FA for evaluation and you cannot know the full capabilities of an aircraft just by manufacturers claims. India still spend years eveuating aircraft in the MRCA tender (they complained about all of them) so I don’t expect them to know squat about the PAK-Fa especially when they haven’t participated in the program and were denied vital TOT.

But go on :lol:

Those are the areas that I see it not matching up to where the US and even China are with their stealth fighters.

Again no one cares for your opinions. Whatever the PAK-FAs RCS is, it’s good enough for the Russian Air Force. The PAK-FA is also built around a different set of requirements then aircraft like the F-35, the PAK-FA was designed to launch cruise missile from hundreds of kilometers away. This means that the aircraft has a better chance of staying undetected and thus its survivability increase because it is less likely to be picked up by radar or targeted by missiles if it is able to operate further from the threat.

Yes, SU-57 has better engines than J-20 but this will change when the WS-15 gets put in.

More empty fanboy claims. You don’t even know anything about the future SU-57 engine or the WS-15.

Mind telling people the difference between:

Time between overhauling (TBO)?
Specific fuel consumption?
Dry weight?
Bypass rations?
Dry thrust?
Wet thrust?
Unit cost?
Life time cost?
IR signatures?

You couldn’t answer any of the obove questions so how do you get off by making baseless claims?

"leap in aircraft design" from Su-27 series maybe but this does not matter as he does not know how good the F-22/J-20 and F-35 are in comparison.

He was a squadron commander at one point and now a chief test pilot. His job is to know the capabilities of enemy aircraft. Russia has breached US defense contractors in the past and has had paid informants in the US military in the past to give away vital secrets. Russia has studied all those aircraft and has gather some information on them. It’s safe to assume that Bogdan knows more about those aircraft then the average person.

Can you also name one other “stealth” aircraft that has a combination of 290km range internal cruise missiles, additional side lobe radars, 3D thrust vectoring engines and about 74,000-80,000lbs thrust? None of those features are present in any of the other aircraft you mentioned yet the SU-57 is “failed” and inferior. The point is that the SU-57 is unique and built for Russia’s needs, it has features not found on other aircraft and can in many ways match or surpass the performance of almost any aircraft.

The real question is can Russia compete with the US/EU and China going forward in cutting-edge military technology? [/QUOTE]

Russia has already produced dozens of new military platforms. No one in Europe or China has been able to keep up with all the new platforms and technology Russia has produce. No one in Europe, nor China has any equivalent to the T-14 or Evanguard, no T-15 equivalents, or Borei equivalence. Russia is already building unmanned nuclear drone submarines and nuclear powered cruise missiles, new bombers, howitzers, drones, and land vehicles are in development. For every new piece of equipment that came out of Europe or China I can show you 2-3 peice of equipment that Russia made.

It probably cannot as it lacks both human and financial resources compared to the others.

Russia has spent hundreds of billions on new weapons purchases. Europe hasn’t. Most European countries have delapitated and under funded militaries and most funds go towards maintaining existing equipment. The most advanced Britain submarine was easily detected in Syria by Russian forces which prevented it from firing its missiles. US electronics warfare aircraft are often jammed and disabled over Syria.

No amount of ranting and claiming non-Russians do not have a clue will change things

You are the one that rants and makes baseless claims.
Again no one cares for your opinions. Whatever the PAK-FAs RCS is, it’s good enough for the Russian Air Force. The PAK-FA is also built around a different set of requirements then aircraft like the F-35, the PAK-FA was designed to launch cruise missile from hundreds of kilometers away. This means that the aircraft has a better chance of staying undetected and thus its survivability increase because it is less likely to be picked up by radar or targeted by missiles if it is able to operate further from the threat.

Good that you admit that PAK-FA lacks in stealth and so needs to launch it's weapons from far.
Explains why India is no longer interested as they will have to face VLO fighters from China and Pakistan in the future.

The PAK-FA export potential will be very limited.

More empty fanboy claims. You don’t even know anything about the future SU-57 engine or the WS-15.

Mind telling people the difference between:

Time between overhauling (TBO)?
Specific fuel consumption?
Dry weight?
Bypass rations?
Dry thrust?
Wet thrust?
Unit cost?
Life time cost?
IR signatures?

You couldn’t answer any of the obove questions so how do you get off by making baseless claims?

You do not know which will be better so no more credible than I am.

What we do know is that the current J-20 has the 140KN(8:1 T/W ratio) WS-10B.
No prizes for guessing that the WS-15 will approach 10:1 T/W ratio.
Whatever I expect the engines in the SU-57 and the J-20 to be comparable and not as good as those on Western fighters.

Russia has already produced dozens of new military platforms. No one in Europe or China has been able to keep up with all the new platforms and technology Russia has produce. No one in Europe, nor China has any equivalent to the T-14 or Evanguard, no T-15 equivalents, or Borei equivalence. Russia is already building unmanned nuclear drone submarines and nuclear powered cruise missiles, new bombers, howitzers, drones, and land vehicles are in development. For every new piece of equipment that came out of Europe or China I can show you 2-3 peice of equipment that Russia made.

Russia has spent hundreds of billions on new weapons purchases. Europe hasn’t. Most European countries have delapitated and under funded militaries and most funds go towards maintaining existing equipment. The most advanced Britain submarine was easily detected in Syria by Russian forces which prevented it from firing its missiles. US electronics warfare aircraft are often jammed and disabled over Syria.

Apart from the Armata main tank and the S-500 SAM system the other stuff that Russia has is no better than that in the West or China.

Armata sure is a good tank and will have a certain edge over Western and Chinese MBTs if only due to the fact that it is the first new design in decades for MBTs. I am sure that within the next 10 years, there will be other battle tanks at least as good as Armata. Russia's achilles heel will be electronics as it has no consumer industry to draw the tech from and must produce stuff in-house.

Fact remains that Russia simply does not have money like US or China does.
Good that you admit that PAK-FA lacks in stealth and so needs to launch it's weapons from far.

I never said that, don’t put words in my mouth. I know it pains you that the SU-57 has a large advantage over other “stealth” aircraft in that it can launch its weapon from further away which in essence gives the aircraft a better chance of staying undetected but only you can spin that into a weakness.

Explains why India is no longer interested as they will have to face VLO fighters from China and Pakistan in the future.

India was never given vital access to the PAk-FA to begin with. India hasn’t official said anything regarding the SU-57.

The PAK-FA export potential will be very limited.

Do you do fortune telling as a side job?

You do not know which will be better so no more credible than I am.

Great, now that you admitted you know nothing you can stop pretending to be an armchair general and stop making rediculous claims. I never talk about my personal life or brag but I know more, far more about the SU-57 then you. I have actually worked on a once classified military project and I was one of only a handful of people to see the craft at the time. To make the story short. I know far more then you about military projects.

What we do know is that the current J-20 has the 140KN(8:1 T/W ratio) WS-10B.
No prizes for guessing that the WS-15 will approach 10:1 T/W ratio.
Whatever I expect the engines in the SU-57 and the J-20 to be comparable and not as good as those on Western fighters.

You just admitted you know nothing about the WS-15.

Apart from the Armata main tank and the S-500 SAM system the other stuff that Russia has is no better than that in the West or China.

Again how do you know how good Russian systems are? Did you get a briefing on the Borea submarine and then get a briefing on the latest US and Chinese subs? The ZW-10 was a Russian designed and has underpowered engine and almost no armor, it’s not battle testes and outclassed by the MI-28 and KA-52 in every category. There is also many other Russian platforms that, on paper outclass, anything offered by China or the US.

Fact remains that Russia simply does not have money like US or China does.

So how did Russia come up with hundreds of billions in new weapons purchases? Did they use fake play money?
SU-57 and J-20 are optimized for hit-and-run style attacks using standoff munition, and avoid battles with air-superiority fighters like F-35 and F-22.

Russia was able to jam small drones in Syria but nothing significant. Russian EW capabilities are decent nevertheless and were effective in Ukraine.
SU-57 and J-20 are optimized for hit-and-run style attacks using standoff munition, and avoid battles with air-superiority fighters like F-35 and F-22.

Russia was able to jam small drones in Syria but nothing significant. Russian EW capabilities are decent nevertheless and were effective in Ukraine.

U.S. Army Col. Brian Sullivan described one recent episode to reporters at the U.S. Defense Department last week. He said his troops had encountered a “congested … electronic warfare environment” while fighting in northeastern Syria during their nine-month deployment, which stretched from September 2017 to May 2018.

“It presented challenges to us that we were able to successfully contend with, and it gave us an opportunity to operate in an environment that can’t be replicated anywhere at home station, including our combat training centers,” Sullivan said.

“It’s a great opportunity for us to operate particularly in the Syrian environment where the Russians are active."


The Army was able to successfully fend off Russian EW attacks.
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