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Russia began shelling Ukrainian positions.

can you tell from the Chinese perspective that what are the strategic objectives Russia is trying to achieve with current Ukraine situation ....
Russia's target should be all the sea ports of Ukraine.
In fact, this is not the most appropriate time for Russia to start war. However, Russia's Right wing conservatives and strykov left Putin with no choice.
Russia's target should be all the sea ports of Ukraine.
In fact, this is not the most appropriate time for Russia to start war. However, Russia's Right wing conservatives and strykov left Putin with no choice.

I don't see war happening right now either despite him applying pressure but what it will instead do is create a stand-off that could last few decades something similar to DMZ in north Korea, LAC and LOC stand-off'ish..

Despite not being what starts the initial moment this is a huge moment for the future.. Russia has also openly aligned with China now meaning this gives the west no other ways than to secure their areas and creating DMZ like scenario on the east and Russia will keep knocking.. But I could see however this DMZ igniting down the line if the economy falls worldwide
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According to Chinese military media, Russian troops have started shelling three gathering places in Ukraine.
The Russian Air Force has not started attacking the Ukrainian army for the time being.
View attachment 803118

@Apollon When will the EU declare war on Russia?
@F-22Raptor When did the USA declare war on Russia?
They will, on Twitter that is. :)
Russians won't dare to go further apart from shelling some forward positions..... when Russia threatened west with nuclear retaliation it was enough proof to show their confidence in conventional warfare against Nato..... nothing worst more than pounding each other positions with artillery fire is going to happen.....
can you tell from the Chinese perspective that what are the strategic objectives Russia is trying to achieve with current Ukraine situation ....

You know as much as I want to say that loud voices make least damage, but when it comes to Russia its hard to unseen what they did in Crimea and what they can do, its a long odd gamble from the Russian side, and I bet that they are not flexing their muscles without the assurances from the other regional powers such as China, To much talk and fuzz already created over the gathering of Russian troops at the border and any incursion now will concrete the western narrative of putting Russia as a aggressor, or maybe that was the plan all along to keep repeating for an impending Russian attack on Western media, then use loose canons to launch isolated attacks from both sides which can ignite real quick, by the time the world knows who fire the first shot it would be already to late, lets not forget that " Truth is always the first casualty of War ".
Russia and China have not learnt that "negotiations" will never work with the US. Both these countries will suffer immensely due to their appeasement policies. .
Russia and China have not learnt that "negotiations" will never work with the US. Both these countries will suffer immensely due to their appeasement policies. .
We already are used to negotiation.
You know, we haven't participated in the war using firearms in 40 years. In the recent war, we fought with our opponents on the plateau with sticks, or raised tariffs with our opponents.
Russians prefer to fire directly.
According to Chinese military media, Russian troops have started shelling three gathering places in Ukraine.
The Russian Air Force has not started attacking the Ukrainian army for the time being.
View attachment 803118

@Apollon When will the EU declare war on Russia?
@F-22Raptor When did the USA declare war on Russia?

Can we verify the same from other independent and unbiased news outlets? When I say independent, it most certainly is not western news media.
According to Chinese military media, Russian troops have started shelling three gathering places in Ukraine.
The Russian Air Force has not started attacking the Ukrainian army for the time being.
View attachment 803118

@Apollon When will the EU declare war on Russia?
@F-22Raptor When did the USA declare war on Russia?
I am very much doubtful on the "news". It is not reported on any Chineses news media. This posting was on a social media, may be weibo.

And the diagram showing "Russian Invasion from 13th to 19th December" simply did not happened. Highly unreliable, as with most Youtube, Facebook and Whatsapp news.
If you have not used firearms in 40-years, then that's position of great WEAKNESS against existing Superpower USA. Not something to be proud of.
Compared with the USA and Russia, our army is certainly in a weaker position. This is a fact, we don't have to hide it, let alone be proud.
The American army has more experience than us, so we prefer to play sanctions games with the USA.

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