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Russia backs India's bid for the Shanghai group

I would love to see Pakistan and India members of SCO but methinks India will have to choose SCO or American. I do not think they will be allowed a foot in both camps

dw u leave it to us. we dont have to ask pakistan what we have to choose.
LOL. ASEAN is made up of weak Asian countries whereas SCO has two powerful nations (China and Russia).
FYI Proffesor Hafizz.....the combine GDP of ASEAN is around 1.8 Trillion$ which is much much more then your country will ever dream off......and secondly you will be in a huge advantage while dealing with ASEAN country then Dealing with China....Reason you will be a net exporter with Asean on the other hand will remain net importer while dealing with China.....
ask washington if india is allowed to join SCO.

if america says dont join, ofcourse india has no choice but to follow american orders.

thats the downside of being a colony of america, you dont have an independent foreign policy and have no freedom.
It will be like husband wife fighting in a relatives place.

But at the same time India will get extra opportunity to have better trade relations with central asian republics (oil rich nations) and also with russia and china.

May be for peaceful SCO, China is prodding Pakistan to make peace efforts with India :lol:
At the expense of Pakistan's interests? Yeah right, get out of here!:no:
SCO should eventually force Pakistan and India to mediate Kashmir dispute and include them as members. Just like Turkey and Greece became friends in NATO, they will become too.
At the expense of Pakistan's interests? Yeah right, get out of here!:no:

Do you think, Peace proposals will have pakistan on loosing side, why do you think so?

Because in wars too Pakistan did not get any major benefit.

So I think either by China or US or Russia prodding, if peace is getting a chance, it should be tried.

I also think that Russia is prodding India to maintain good relations with China to join SCO.
Joining SCO is a net no win for India, sharing a table with China and eventually Pakistan - I don't think this grouping will have anything constructive going for it. Both economically and strategically. We don't share the same line of thought.
Joining SCO is a net no win for India, sharing a table with China and eventually Pakistan - I don't think this grouping will have anything constructive going for it. Both economically and strategically. We don't share the same line of thought.

ofcourse, to be a member, you need an independent foreign policy, india dont fit that rule.
besides, america will never allow one of its colonies to join a group like SCO.
India should definitely be over here in ASEAN! The Indian diaspora here in ASEAN countries, (both current Indian citizens and people of Indian origin) is huge, and we need more nations strong enough over here to counter the rising Chinese threat. And yes, I believe both India and Pakistan have observer status in the SCO.

If you are a guest in our country, please don't spread mis-information. There is no PRC threat to Singapore either now or in the future.
let me generalize the article,

A. this rolls out the road through which Pakistan joins SCO.
B. this will anger the US and could be a pain in the *** for Aunt Sam, oh, SEXY OLD BTCH Hilary.
Tell that to the great LKY and then talk please.

Can you even quote to me one statement made by a Singapore minister that the PRC is a threat to Singapore. If you are unable, please don't spread mis information about my country.
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