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Russia asks Pakistan to bilaterally resolve Kashmir dispute with India

Plz ...Select your words carefully....i was just referring some posting....
Yes I have read that article. The statement wasn't issued yet because all those 3 countries want first both Pakistan and India to talk. This doesn't mean there won't any more UNSC meet and if that happens, provided the situation escalates in Kashmir than we may see a statement as well. P. S the whole point is, having such a high profile meeting over Kashmir itself a victory for Pakistan. India in the past, never let it happened despite of many attempts made by Pakistan.

Also after UNSC meet, India is quickly removing some of the restriction in IoK. Go and check your news website. Clearly suggest that, international pressure on India is mounting. International media is heavily taking India to task.

I hope you know that the meeting was a closed door informal meeting (no formal records of the same are even taken) which happened on request of China as they are P5 member. Rest 4 of the P5 didn't care a hoot then and they don't care a hoot now. When the statement didn't come then don't expect it to come now. 18 out of 100 exchanges for landline are activated, 2G network restored in some non-troubled districts, government offices are working anyways and schools to open from Monday. We ourselves want normalacy to return asap to the valley.
UNSC didn't stated anything, that is lie peddled by Pakistani establishement just like your FM stating Russia wants to mediate. China circulated some cr@p statement and everybody else rejected it. Case closed!

Case closed . Lol

Is Kashmir India’s internal matter ?
Article 370 and 35A are

Big win for Pakistan and Kashmiris the whole world is being taught about Kashmir on the front pages of daily newspapers all over the world this morning .

India has occupied a disputed country and is enforcing its oppression on Kashmir ( country occupied is being written in press )

Un clarified Kashmir is not Indian state ( not internal matter )
Pakistan has stake in it
China has stake in it

Russia says bilateral matter between Pak and ind , Pakistan always said so it was India who has now changed from internal matter to now agreeing its bilateral matter meaning the stunt modi pulled last week is illegal in international law .
Big win for Pakistan and Kashmiris the whole world is being taught about Kashmir on the front pages of daily newspapers all over the world this morning .

India has occupied a disputed country and is enforcing its oppression on Kashmir ( country occupied is being written in press )

Un clarified Kashmir is not Indian state ( not internal matter )
Pakistan has stake in it
China has stake in it

Russia says bilateral matter between Pak and ind , Pakistan always said so it was India who has now changed from internal matter to now agreeing its bilateral matter meaning the stunt modi pulled last week is illegal in international law .

UN clarified nothing! It's just that China gave Pakistan a gift of informal, closed-door, non-official meeting at UN and you guys are running around painting the town red. Not even a single country other than China and Pakistan criticised India or stated India shouldn't have revoked 370 etc. Okay if you believe it's such a big win for you guys then tell me whats next? When is UN sanctioning India. Next is zilch zero nada.
ISLAMABAD: Russia on Wednesday asked Pakistan to bilaterally resolve its dispute with India over Occupied Kashmir.

This message was given to Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi when he telephoned his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov to apprise him of heightened tensions between Pakistan and India after the latter revoked autonomous status of the occupied territory through a presidential order. Mr Qureshi’s outreach was part of the diplomatic efforts aimed at garnering support at the United Nations Security Council, whose president has been requested by Pakistan to convene an emergency session for deliberating on the escalation in the situation after the Indian move.

Russia is a permanent member of the Security Council. Although there has lately been improvement in relations between Moscow and Islamabad because of regional developments, Russia still remains a strong Indian ally and had supported Indian position after it annexed Occupied Kashmir last week.

According to a statement issued by the Russian foreign ministry, Mr Lavrov, during the conversation, “emphasised the need to de-escalate tensions and to have no alternative to resolving differences between Pakistan and India on a bilateral basis by political and diplomatic means”.


Pakistani Source - Wasn't Pakistan's FM stating couple of days back that Russia has offered to mediate? Pakistan's establishment is making a fool out of its people, only China supported Pakistan and none other. So again what was that about Russia ditching India?
It's frist time Russians didn't came and put thier eggs in Indian basket and it shows thier support isn't at the same level, what it was in 90s, 80s or evn after 2000 so it's a big change and it's because of Chinese stand against Indian state actions and no one in UNSC acn say tht go to war and resolve ur issues with military actions, bt all it means is now, it's ur choice to do what, we won't be bother if pak takes some limited military action to save kashmiris from RSS based Indian govt?
So the conclusion is, UNSC has told india to go and hve a dialoge with Pak and resolve the issue bt at the same time thy r not accepting Indian state claims tht kashmir is part of India?
Now come the catch 22, Pakistan will keep its social, diplomatical support to kashmiris and later on some military support to let kashmiris defend them selves against all out RSS aggression as Pakistan right to do what ever to secure its national interests in RSS occupied kashmir

UN clarified nothing! It's just that China gave Pakistan a gift of informal, closed-door, non-official meeting at UN and you guys are running around painting the town red. Not even a single country other than China and Pakistan criticised India or stated India shouldn't have revoked 370 etc. Okay if you believe it's such a big win for you guys then tell me whats next? When is UN sanctioning India. Next is zilch zero nada.
Frist thing is no one supported RSS based Indian govts claim tht kashmir is part of India?
And next step is to move more international organizations against a fascist RSS Indian govt let the world know about, the modern age HITLER, then strike back when ever it's needed then no one in this world say a word tht Pakistan and China r interfereing with Indias domestic probelm, this while move in UNSC is part of a greater move to let world know that kashmir isn't part of India and thus if China and Pakistan do any military action its legit?
And same words will be spoken in case of any military action then Indian govt wont hve any international forum to go crying?
tht pak or china r sending elite troops to counter Indian forces in kashmir instead it is a accepted right of both to do thn?
so now after tht, when u will hear same words how u feel, like 10k RSS troops get killed in kashmir this year??? Lolzzz
UN clarified nothing! It's just that China gave Pakistan a gift of informal, closed-door, non-official meeting at UN and you guys are running around painting the town red. Not even a single country other than China and Pakistan criticised India or stated India shouldn't have revoked 370 etc. Okay if you believe it's such a big win for you guys then tell me whats next? When is UN sanctioning India. Next is zilch zero nada.

It’s not Pakistan it’s the world perception which matters
Remember it’s about Kashmir above all not India not Pakistan

What western world press is now showing ;

India is occupying Kashmiris ,13 days the whole country is in prison no internet no phone calls and it’s the Indian / Kashmiri Hindus who are breaking the news of suffering and lockdown .

Hindus and Muslims are not fighting each other, as west had been led to believe, but that both parties along with Sikhs are fighting against the Indian government for Kashmiri independence.

Modi is persuing an anti-Muslim policy, no doubt with the support of Israel, and is taking the Israeli apartheid system as his model.

That is western point of view in UK , US Europe

Again not India’s internal matter it’s for the Kashmiris to vote as per UN
It’s not Pakistan it’s the world perception which matters
Remember it’s about Kashmir above all not India not Pakistan

What western world press is now showing ;

India is occupying Kashmiris ,13 days the whole country is in prison no internet no phone calls and it’s the Indian / Kashmiri Hindus who are breaking the news of suffering and lockdown .

Hindus and Muslims are not fighting each other, as west had been led to believe, but that both parties along with Sikhs are fighting against the Indian government for Kashmiri independence.

Modi is persuing an anti-Muslim policy, no doubt with the support of Israel, and is taking the Israeli apartheid system as his model.

That is western point of view in UK , US Europe

Again not India’s internal matter it’s for the Kashmiris to vote as per UN

Again your perspective which nobody is buying. Everybody stated with exception of China and Pakistan that bilateral issue go and solve it. We told give up on terrorism and come for talks. As far as hardships for people of J&K are concerned, restrictions are being lifted as we speak.

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