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Russia announces plans to buy four French warships from France


Aug 29, 2009
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Russia announces plans to buy four French warships from France

Russia is to buy four warships from France in the biggest defence deal with a Nato member since the end of the Cold War. In a move that has alarmed Georgia and the Baltic States, France and Russia said that they were in “exclusive talks” on the sale of Mistral-class amphibious assault ships.

President Sarkozy said that he wanted to “turn the page on the Cold War” after meeting President Medvedev in Paris.

Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, who are each Nato members and former Soviet republics, expressed concern at the Kremlin’s intentions.

Maris Riekstins, the Latvian Foreign Minister, said: “I’m not sure that the best way to turn the page on the Cold War is by trading in items of hot war.”

Nato sought to calm their nerves by announcing that it would stage exercises involving French Mirage and Polish F16 fighter jets over Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania from March 17 to 20. An alliance spokesman said that the mission would “demonstrate solidarity with Nato’s Baltic members”.

Russia regards the Mistral as offering vital offensive capacity because the country lacks the ability to launch amphibious assaults. A single Mistral can deploy 16 helicopters, four landing barges and up to 70 armoured vehicles, including 13 battle tanks, and 450 troops.

Mikheil Saakashvili, Georgia’s President, has denounced the sale as a threat to the security of his country and of Eastern Europe, pointing out that Russia’s latest military doctrine had identified Nato as its greatest external threat.

Russia’s naval commander declared that a single Mistral could have landed as many troops in Georgia in 40 minutes as the Black Sea Fleet managed in 26 hours during the war over South Ossetia in 2008.

Mr Sarkozy sought to pacify his critics by pledging to sell the Mistrals “without military equipment” and said that the deal would build trust at a time when the West was seeking Russian support on issues such as Iran’s nuclear programme.

“Can we say to President Medvedev in the morning, ‘ah, I trust you, vote with us at the Security Council, work with us on the same resolution (against Iran),’ then in the afternoon, tell him, ‘no no, excuse us, as we don’t trust you and we don’t work together — we won’t send you the Mistral’?” he said.

Mr Medvedev, on a three-day visit, suggested that Russia would buy two Mistrals from France and manufacture two at home under licence. The deal could be worth as much as £1.4 billion.

The strengthening bond between Moscow and Paris was underlined by an agreement to sell France’s GDF Suez a 9 per cent stake in Gazprom’s Nord Stream pipeline project to pump Russian gas to Europe under the Baltic Sea.

It is a rival to the proposed Nabucco pipeline backed by the European Union to diversify supplies by bringing in gas from the Caspian Sea region. France also announced that it would pay Russia $1 billion (£670 million) to buy 14 Soyuz carrier rockets for its space programme.

Russia announces plans to buy four French warships from France - Times Online
Russia/France/China/Pakistan/Turkey/Iran/ Middle east states/Vanezuella/Cuba/Soth America / Africa/North Korea ...

The new Alliance !
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in return france is buying 12 soyuz rockets for 1 billion

how that that sound 2 way trend
Russia/France/China/Pakistan/Turkey/Iran/ Middle east states/Vanezuella/Cuba/Soth America / Africa/North Korea ...

The new Alliance !

I'd be happy if China, Russia, Pakistan, Iran and North Korea can mutually trust one another and not declare war against each other. The rest are far too optimistic.

Germany and France were great strategic partners of ours under Schroeder and Chirac, but under US manipulation, far right wing parties have come into power in both countries, and now cooperation has gone down.
Russia/France/China/Pakistan/Turkey/Iran/ Middle east states/Vanezuella/Cuba/Soth America / Africa/North Korea ...

The new Alliance !

:rofl::rofl::rofl: but unfortunately the reality is India has money so they will prefer to replace Pakistan to India and make the new alliance :cry::cry:

be realisitc yaar
Russia/France/China/Pakistan/Turkey/Iran/ Middle east states/Vanezuella/Cuba/Soth America / Africa/North Korea ...

The new Alliance !


new alliance ready to rock the world.... hip hip hurrayyyy :victory::victory:
you want to destroy this earth

pls think something positive

Why would we want to destroy the world ? We just want to deal with countries close to us it makes more sense ... and we can link every thing up with railway system

There is one railway from world war 1 time , it was main reason why war happened because Ottoman empire had a railway system being built to do trade from turkey all the way to bagdad ... just expand it to russia and china and pakistan...etc

If we did not even deal with any one else I am sure we will still have awesome GDP...

I mean its probbly best we deal with countries close to region it would save up so much oil and gas ...

Russia -> Has oil, Space program, energy, Gold medalist , Arts and
culture, nukes, Phd, brave people

China -> True freedom loving country , honest , helpful , solid
electronics, plastics, goods, nukes, phd

Pakistan -> Food, fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy , cheese, spices
tea, fish , steels , engineering, man power , nukes,
marbles, phd , cricket 20/20 champs

Vanazuella -> Oil , farming and food resources

French -> Food, Love, Eiffel Tower , culture , Nuclear technology,
Shipping industry

Iran -> Oil , gas , engineering , electrical cars, carpets , and furniture

Turkey-> Electronics, communications, research and development,

North Korea-> Missile technology, asian food, man power

Africa -> Vast un inhabitted land , new projects

South America -> Beans, Bannanas , cocoa , chocolate, fruits , farming , rockets,

So ... why do we need to even deal with countries that don't even trust us ?? They hold our citizens hostage and disrespect our border laws, Russians are normally made as villians in 80's then its chinese or ppl from Asia , in movies, sometimes chinese - while good old goodie two shoe ... James bond is the good guy yeah right ... China and iran who have not had any war or any serious offence they are always targetted , while some countries illegally kill citizens by using fake passports or kidnapping etc

If some countries feel that are so special that ppl need to wait 3 hours at border to get thru the airport let them have their country , and just don't trade with it as a group

Well india can't come because they already signed sold out Russians and Russians don't liked it
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