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Russia and Pakistan getting closer to a united front on Afghanistan

I guess if Pakistan becomes a full member of SCO, then India would also be brought in. And my hunch says this is what Russia might be suggesting: We support you and China supports India's entry. The result would be stonger Asia, even without the Middle-East.

There is also a will to improve relations between the two countries and there is a lot of room for that. There is no doubt in my mind that Russia wants access to some strategic locations in the Arabian Sea, near the Hormuz. This brings it closer to Iran and secure its oil import.

US placing missiles so close to Russia is another factor. Each wants to work with the other's ally. And incidentally, both Poland and Pakistan are showing signs of a shift in their policy.

There is a concern that a strong SCO might develop into something more powerful and that atleast some of the major global decisions will be made here instead of the UN, undermining its importance and making a lot of its charters and resolutions weaker. This is just my view though.
Russian CG calls on speaker Sindh Assembly
(June 1 2011)

KARACHI: The Consul General (CG) of the Russian Federation in Karachi, Andrey V Demidov, on Tuesday called on the Speaker of Sindh Assembly Nisar Ahmed Khuhro in his office here.

He remained with him for sometime and discussed matters of mutual interests. Khuhro on the occasion spoke of the sacrifices have been rendered for the cause of democracy in the country.

He also mentioned Pakistan’s role in the fight against terror and said that Pakistan is playing the role of a frontline state in this regard. The Russian CG said that contacts between Russian Federation and Pakistan should increase. He also called for exchange of delegations in various fields between the two countries. Khuhro presented traditional gifts of Ajrak and Sindh cap to the Russian CG.
russia isn't interested in joint ventures in the defence industry though it'll accept whatever pakistan offers as a bonus. if india pulls out of pak-fa, pakistan can become a customer.

it's regional security that russia needs most of all. and access to gwadar would be nice.

russia is a natural ally of pakistan or a natural enemy but not a transactional one.

allying with pakistan brings more benefits than allying with india. that's just a fact.
Pakistan customer of PAK-FA??? Lol how many people are U guys going to grant access to Gwadar?
I would like to Ur facts here on serious note.
Islamabad, Moscow set sights on new era in relations
By Baqir Sajjad Syed
September 18, 2011

ISLAMABAD: With the trough in Pakistan-US ties experiencing an extended run this year, Islamabad and Moscow have quietly been busy in trying to reinvent their relations. The two are currently readying to hold the second session of their inter-governmental commission, constituted to promote bilateral cooperation.

The minister-level commission is expected to meet in November in Islamabad for the second consecutive year, indicating that the two countries are attaching considerable importance to the initiative.

The focus of the meeting will be on economic cooperation, but both sides also want to forge a strategic partnership.

Recent regional developments have forced Pakistan and Russia to cosy up to each other. Russia wants to get more involved in regional affairs as it is wary of the growing influence of the US and Nato in the region. It also knows that Pakistan can play a key role in the Afghan endgame.

Better relations with Moscow suit Islamabad’s long-term strategic interests as it seeks to diversify resources needed for meeting its economic, energy and defence requirements, particularly in view of continuing problems with Washington that has hitherto been its biggest supplier.

“Both Pakistan and Russia want to seize the window of opportunity and make a new beginning in their relations,” a senior Pakistani diplomat told Dawn.

Russia has offered Pakistan a wide range of counter-terrorism equipment. The package on offer includes 10 MI-17 helicopters of unarmed configuration.

Mindful of reluctance in Moscow to sell arms to it, Pakistan is said to be considering the offer for helicopters even though it is not too interested in the unarmed transport version.

When Russian military chief Col-Gen Alexander Postnikov visited Pakistan in May he discussed with Army Chief Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani the possibility of expanding defence ties by holding joint military exercises, exchanging trainees and trainers and selling and buying weapons. The Russians have also offered to sell Sukhoi Superjet 100, a modern aircraft with a capacity of up to 95 passengers. Pakistan, which has traditionally been purchasing Boeing and Airbus aircraft, may purchase a couple of the Russian jets on an experimental basis.

Moscow has shown special interest in energy projects. A working group of both countries met last month to explore cooperation in this sector.

A source privy to the discussions said Russia had agreed to invest $500 million in CASA-1,000 (Central Asia-South Asia) electricity transmission project.

At the same time, details for upgradation of Pakistan Steel Mills in two phases by Russia are being finalised. The upgradation would increase PSM’s production capacity from 1.1 million tons to 3 million tons per year. Pakistan has also sought import concessions for 200 tariff lines.

The ties have been pushed by President Asif Ali Zardari and his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev, who are said to have developed a rapport. The two presidents have met six times in the past three years.
^^^ I'll believe it if and when I see these projects come to fruition.
^^^ I'll believe it if and when I see these projects come to fruition.
Yes, just like we should only believe US promises of 'ROZ's and strategic long term partnership' when something tangible comes to fruition ..
Russia is the new America.

Good development.

We are also advocating the return of the ruskies to their old battle field.

Some memories would be fresh atleast for few of them.
It has always made sense to have closer relations with Russia.
Hopefully Russia will let Pakistan in SCO, since I believe its the only country in the organization preventing Pakistan from joining SCO.

---------- Post added at 12:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:18 PM ----------

well we r to be blamed for this lack of trust.
Well, there is a time when we have to start a new beginning. This pessimistic attitude is against development.
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