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Russia and China veto UN Resolution against Syria

What about the Nato and its allies torturing Libyans as exposed by doctors without borders last week?

Did not see that documentary but will look online to watch it I can't comment on it at the moment as this is the first I have heard about it.

Documentary - Syria's Torture Machine Part 1/2

I saw this one and it showed clearly people being tortured by it looks like Syrian's army.
could the indian members here please stop posting these pictures? if indians think some graphic pictures can sway the strategic decisions made by russian and chinese leaderships, both of which knew the amount of crimes committed by government and rebel forces in syria and decided the harm to mankind would still be smaller if anglo-americans were stopped there and then, they must think russian and chinese politicians were as stupid as indian ones
Maybe, Iran and Syria may consider being unified as one country. Anyway, they were in the same empire as Assyria.

Wonderful news
This is one of the image caught showing the abuse.

I deplore this kind of conduct; we should also remember that same sort of treatment, if not worse, was meted out to the protesters at the hospitals in Bahrain, but that did not make the 'champions of human rights' too worried. So, one cannot be blamed if the question is raised why those 'champions' are so furious now?

I deplore this kind of conduct; we should also remember that same sort of treatment, if not worse, was meted out to the protesters at the hospitals in Bahrain, but that did not make the 'champions of human rights' too worried. So, one cannot be blamed if the question is raised why those 'champions' are so furious now?

Bahrain was also very bad I saw some of the videos on that also but just in one day last night 200 people were killed thats a single night! and this is still going on how many more lives will be lost till some action is taken on Assad?
So typical of both the Communist Chinese and the post-Communist Russians. They absolutely have no sympathy for, or understanding of, human rights. Both nations are ruled by autocrats. Pity. They are both on the wrong side of history and will see their comeuppance within the next generation. Their leaders will rue the day they choose their own selfish power over the aspirations of the people of Syria.
So typical of both the Communist Chinese and the post-Communist Russians. They absolutely have no sympathy for, or understanding of, human rights. Both nations are ruled by autocrats. Pity. They are both on the wrong side of history and will see their comeuppance within the next generation. Their leaders will rue the day they choose their own selfish power over the aspirations of the people of Syria.

says the nation that has vetoed so many Israel and apartheid south Africa resolutions.
says the nation that has vetoed so many Israel and apartheid south Africa resolutions.

I don't speak for my "nation". I am an individual American. But, if I did, so what? The USA ended apartheid in SA, no one else did. And as for Israel, how is Israel equivalent to the Baath dictators of Syria? Your point does not, in any way, rebut my charge that Russia and China are amoral supporters of the Syrian dictator, and who are, actually, the soul mates of dictators the world over.

Also see my recent opinion piece: http://www.defence.pk/forums/u-s-defence/155591-us-s-complete-support-israel-best-interest-us.html
So typical of both the Communist Chinese and the post-Communist Russians. They absolutely have no sympathy for, or understanding of, human rights. Both nations are ruled by autocrats. Pity. They are both on the wrong side of history and will see their comeuppance within the next generation. Their leaders will rue the day they choose their own selfish power over the aspirations of the people of Syria.

syrians have no aspirations that they cannot do on their own. if they do, they don't deserve to be a people, and americans need not create this fiction of syrian peoplehood - and encouraging bloodshed and mayhem in the process - just to profiteer.
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