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Russia and China veto UN Resolution against Syria

Clearly, there is a whole spectrum of imperatives. Most people would agree that international intervention was justified in Nazi Germany or Rwanda, but not in localized rioting. There is no agreed-upon "red line".

Perfect but unreal, what is the reality? Rwanda massacre no one to stop, and there are no people to stop Hitler because of the massacre. The contrary, always trying to find an excuse to aggression and armed intervention in other countries, more humanitarian disaster, it is a more general situation.

United Nations to do something, but sometimes the power of the West is too large, or even a no-fly zone can become the ground bombing, this is a real problem, which is why I support the Chinese government to cast a veto.
Global Times is the only anti-US and anti-British newspaper in China.

i am also ashamed that we are kissing up to the Anglos. it appears that we have not totally escaped the house slave mentality yet.

you should read my article on CDF about why Chinese "intellectuals" love America and hate Russia and Japan, its very interesting and will expose this sick slave mentality.

we need to take the offensive. otherwise we will be forever playing catch up and being slapped while licking their shoes.

---------- Post added at 02:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:01 PM ----------

yes you can. they do it all the time, its to destabilize opposing governments.

there is alot of sins of the regime, they will know.

we should be objective and report the real news as it happens, like the media blackout in ODC.

This is the problem with our media and few scholars, but not with our armed force, i've seen a good number of them online, they are all hawkish and Anti-US.
This is the problem with our media and few scholars, but not with our armed force, i've seen a good number of them online, they are all hawkish and Anti-US.

our media is more powerful than the armed forces

today in this day and age the media can exert far more pressure than the military

if we keep this up we will become field slaves in our own nation

and then we will become like 泰国 or 菲律宾 or 越南

just a sexpat 殖民地 for 恩 戈 卢 萨 科 送 人
our media is more powerful than the armed forces

today in this day and age the media can exert far more pressure than the military

if we keep this up we will become field slaves in our own nation

and then we will become like 泰国 or 菲律宾 or 越南

just a sexpat 殖民地 for 恩 戈 卢 萨 科 送 人

Still, the armed force is the backbone of our nation.

Of course, our media has a lot of problem, and it should be fixed for sure.
Still, the armed force is the backbone of our nation.

Of course, our media has a lot of problem, and it should be fixed for sure.

check 腾讯网 comment pages, most of our people support this move.

our media needs to stop being the field slave. as long as our media is a mental field slave to the 恩戈卢s we will always be humiliated and enslaved.

Only through support of Syria can we finally break the mental chains.
check 腾讯网 comment pages, most of our people support this move.

our media needs to stop being the field slave. as long as our media is a mental field slave to the 恩戈卢s we will always be humiliated and enslaved.

Only through support of Syria can we finally break the mental chains.

Sometimes CCTV does know not to offend the patriotic Chinese people, if you watch their program 今日关注, most of the commentators are hawks, only few of them are pro-West.
people that kiss upto the americans and british truely make me sick.

these dogs were part of the humiliation of china from the opium wars to 1949.

make no mistake about it, the americans and british are ENEMIES of china.
they dont want to see china rise to challenge their dominance.
anyone that thinks america and britain loves china are the most gullible humans on earth.

watch and read western media and read the comments of westerners, its all anti-chinese sh*t.
people that kiss upto the americans and british truely make me sick.

these dogs were part of the humiliation of china from the opium wars to 1949.

make no mistake about it, the americans and british are ENEMIES of china.
they dont want to see china rise to challenge their dominance.
anyone that thinks america and britain loves china are the most gullible humans on earth.

watch and read western media and read the comments of westerners, its all anti-chinese sh*t.

Don't worry, more and more of people have been awakened compared to the last decade, the time is on our side.
this is the year the free nations of the world strike back.

we have nothing to lose but our chains

---------- Post added at 03:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:26 PM ----------

The double veto is beneficial for world peace.

India has constraints because of which it could not oppose combined initiative of Gulf Arabs, Turkey, Europe and the US.

we understand, the next thing india should do is root out the foreign influence in its media

your media has already been bought and sold by foreign interests to brainwash the people to hate China
You know I dont think Ive ever seen a Chinese member on this forum here ever have a differing opinion to the Chinese government. While people on this forum put THEIR opinions forward and at least contribute on the topic, Chinese members are just mouthpieces for CCP. The pakistani members know this, the Indians know this, every nationality on this forum knows this.

I wouldnt go to a dentist that doesnt have any teeth, just like we shouldnt ask China to vote on human rights issues.
You know I dont think Ive ever seen a Chinese member on this forum here ever have a differing opinion to the Chinese government. While people on this forum put THEIR opinions forward and at least contribute on the topic, Chinese members are just mouthpieces for CCP. The pakistani members know this, the Indians know this, every nationality on this forum knows this.

I wouldnt go to a dentist that doesnt have any teeth, just like we shouldnt ask China to vote on human rights issues.

BS, the government is censoring negative news about the US.
this is the year the free nations of the world strike back.

we have nothing to lose but our chains

---------- Post added at 03:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:26 PM ----------

we understand, the next thing india should do is root out the foreign influence in its media :agree:

your media has already been bought and sold by foreign interests to brainwash the people to hate China

Global Times is the only anti-US and anti-British newspaper in China.

i am also ashamed that we are kissing up to the Anglos. it appears that we have not totally escaped the house slave mentality yet.

you should read my article on CDF about why Chinese "intellectuals" love America and hate Russia and Japan, its very interesting and will expose this sick slave mentality.

There are too many gentlemen here who want to say the right things but they don’t know how, and then they say those right things but in a wrong way. And as you look like a journalist, so I would like to give you few advises which will be helpful for you, while talking here and also writing articles. We are likely to see few wars by next 2-3 years so I would like to tell you few bottom line points which I hope you and other journalists will not forget while writing anything in behalf of their government, if they already don’t understand these few basic reasons behind the ongoing tensions in world right now. The points are as below:-

1. Always say that China, with BRICS, are the nations who don’t want any war while US+EU want to organize different wars and China+Russia used veto to stop wars to escalate further. And there is no reason why we can’t stop wars if we are currently dealing with Syria whose government, Mr Assad, has excellent record to rule his country to have peace and help Syria get higher progress, and on the other hand Iran has full support of their people. And if China with Russia have Veto power in UN then they are responsible to use it in behalf of those people/ nations who want peace in the world. There can’t be any reason why we won’t help the current Syrian government to create peace without let them attacked by the foreign forces, and why sanctions from Iran can’t be removed by diplomatic efforts if they are always ready to co-operate with world. And as a highly honored developing country, China is always responsible to talk in behalf of those developing countries who want peace in world but are threatened with aggression of falling powers, US+EU.

2. Whenever you are asked to justify why US+EU want war if there is no good reason behind organizing wars, why would they do this? and why China oppose them, then you would straight answer, “US+EU have history to getting success after performing well in wars, like WW1 and WW2, while China with BRICS are getting progress without any war. US+EU are falling powers who want to get something done in this world before it may get changed completely while BRICS are getting success without any problem so they don’t want any problem/ war in this world. Falling powers, US+EU, want to organize different wars to get something done before they may completely fall while rising economies, BRICS+China, don’t want any war as it may create problems on the path of their success. The country like China, who is rising with excellent pace, is scared with any war which may divert their attention from getting higher progress while falling economies like US+EU want to do all these to maintain their status in either way, by new wars, and this way by controlling different countries on gun point which is intended to maintain continuous inflow of money to West which is hard for US+EU in a right way anymore.

3. We have too many examples when big mob generally remove the small mobs, (with reference of different religious/ racial riots in India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Indonesia, Sino-Malay Riots in Singapore in 1964, in Mexico, US etc), therefore, US+West mustn’t try to teach democracy to China, the democracy which generally result in riots/ violence when political conflicts touch its extreme and then majority (big mobs) start killing minority (small mobs). China+Russia knows how democratic West create democratic violence/ riots which generally break down law and order when the mobs get uncontrolled, and the similar things are being organized on the world platform by giving reference of more votes in favor of US+EU than China+BRICS, while its majority, the US+EU, who want war while the minority, China+Russia, used veto powers to stop something which will result in loss of 1000+ lives due to any new war. We won’t support the ‘majority’, the US+West, with their efforts to remove minorities one by one by organizing different political conflicts which will finally be ended up by wars on them, one by one.

4. China and other developing countries are responsible to avoid any war even if it is in need of majority, the falling power US+EU, who also have support from many other poor countries as they are funded by West, to support West for every right and wrong in return of aid. China and Russia would clear that we don’t count vote of those poor but ‘democratic’ countries, who live on the aid of West so they have to support every right and wrong move of West. Hence, regardless any reason, peace would be maintained in the world and China is responsible to support positive efforts to stop aggression of falling powers who want to get something done before the world may get completely changed.

5. China has excellent record to remain neutral and wants to continue on its policy until they are forced to resist aggression of West which may damage world’s peace with finally destroying sense of humanity from world. :agree:

now you may write and say anything which may fit these few bottom line points. :tup:

Thanks and Regards

(my view on SYria conflict can be read by post '400' also, as below:

Look, its clear that champions of US/ West want to target their opponents one by one and currently Syria is on their gun point. And as the next one can be Iran, as it looks like, it is very important to finalize most of the politics while dealing with Syria only as it will be disastrous when West will then proceed to Iran next.

US always have someone in their target and it is also doubtful why so many bad news are coming from Syria in a very short time? Is there involvements of foreign hands to organize so many internal conflicts in Syria while targeting Assad? As, we all know that current Syrian government won’t like to kill people on the streets with organizing mass rapes also, as claimed by few here. Mr Assad and his family have ruled Syria peacefully for a very long time to lead them on the path of higher success, then why would they do this now? Why so many things have started happening there suddenly and why US/ West is so much interested in just attacking Syria, but they don’t want to help the current Syrian government to fix their internal matters? :angel: I can’t understand how super power US, who has history of organizing wars and attacking different small countries, is ‘right’ while saying that attacking Syria by military means can solve their internal problems while other high ranked countries like Russia and China are wrong if they say that we would help the current Syrian government to solve the problems of Syria without going for any war? :confused: We can’t believe that a top reputed country like Russia, who has history of helping different developing nations in their bad time, is wrong if they say that internal conflicts of Syria can be solved without let them attacked by foreigners, while US is right if they say that the foreign militaries can fix all if they are allowed to attack Syria? :no:

US+EU must understand that Russia and China are the two, out of five, most honored nations of the world who have permanent seat in UN with veto powers. And if these two top nations use Veto powers together because they don’t want any more war in this world and want to help the Syrian government solve its internal problems, then US+EU is also equally responsible to help the world to maintain peace :tup:
You know I dont think Ive ever seen a Chinese member on this forum here ever have a differing opinion to the Chinese government. While people on this forum put THEIR opinions forward and at least contribute on the topic, Chinese members are just mouthpieces for CCP. The pakistani members know this, the Indians know this, every nationality on this forum knows this.

I wouldnt go to a dentist that doesnt have any teeth, just like we shouldnt ask China to vote on human rights issues.

Although the deaths of innocent bystanders are tragic, this conflict is strictly INTERNAL.
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