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Russia and China Back Assad Regime

Sep 8, 2011
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Syrian troops mounted deadly new raids against dissent Monday as President Bashar Assad's embattled regime won key support from longtime ally Russia, which said a U.N. resolution on Syria must not contain sanctions.

The U.N. said Monday that the death toll has reached at least 2,600 from the government's violent crackdown on protests over the past six months.

Although the crackdown has brought widespread international condemnation, Assad's authoritarian regime has the support of Russia and China, permanent members of the United Nations Security Council with veto powers.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said Monday that Moscow believes any U.N. resolution on Syria must be aimed at both the government and the opposition.

"Russia proceeds from the assumption that it's necessary to approve a resolution on Syria that will be tough, but well balanced at the same time that would address both parties to the conflict – President Bashar Assad's government and the opposition," Medvedev said. "Only in that case could it be successful."

"The resolution must be tough, but it mustn't automatically involve sanctions," he said. "There is absolutely no need now for any additional pressure."

Both Russia and China oppose a draft U.N. Security Council resolution backed by European nations and the United States that would impose an arms embargo and other sanctions on Syria. Moscow has introduced a rival resolution calling for Assad's government to halt its violence against protesters and expedite reforms.

The raids around the central city of Hama began after security forces cut all roads leading to the area along with electricity and telephone lines.

The death toll from Monday's raids around Hama and violence elsewhere was not immediately clear.

The activist network called the Local Coordination Committees said there were civilian casualties from Monday's raids but there was no exact figure.

Syria-based rights activist Mustafa Osso says at least five people were killed.

Another group, the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said one person also was also killed in the Damascus suburb of Douma when security forces opened at a funeral.

Syrian protesters are increasingly calling for some sort of outside help – although not necessarily military action like the NATO intervention that helped topple the Gadhafi regime in Libya. Instead, they are calling for observation missions and human rights monitors who could help deter attacks on civilians.

The U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay said Monday that the new death toll of 2,600 is based on "reliable sources on the ground."

Syria has disputed accounts of civilian deaths and says the regime is fighting terrorists and thugs – not true reform seekers. A senior Assad adviser, Buthaina Shaaban, said Monday that the toll was really 1,400 – evenly split between security forces and the opposition.

Shaaban also said the West should follow Russia's steps in trying to end the crisis in Syria through peaceful means. She was scheduled to meet Monday with Mikhail Margelov, the Russian presidential envoy to the Middle East.

No desire to offend a Syrian, a Christian, or a patriot. I oppose the Global Kleptocracy having any wedge in Syria, however "even-handed". After Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya, we know they use any excuse to conquer and occupy. The Russians and Chinese know this. I approve of their tactics of delay.

May I ask, as a Syrian and a Patriot, do you favor intervention? If so, as a Christian, Syrian, and Patriot, who would you trust to wage such a "just war", and on behalf of what "justice" and for whom?

Not mocking. This is a serious question. A rational discussion of disagreements is what I seek. Name callers and spammers kindly drop dead. :)
No desire to offend a Syrian, a Christian, or a patriot. I oppose the Global Kleptocracy having any wedge in Syria, however "even-handed" After Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya, we know they use any excuse to conquer and occupy. The Russians and Chinese know this. I approve of their tactics of delay.

May I ask, as a Syrian and a Patriot, do you favor intervention? If so, as a Christian, Syrian, and Patriot, who would you trust to wage such a "just war", on on behalf of what "justice" and for whom?

Not mocking. This is a serious question. A rational discussion of disagreements is what a seek. Name callers and spammers
kindly drop dead.

No intervention it will be bad for everyone, the ones who want intervene is Saudi Arabia, Israel, and USA, and unlike Gaddafi, Syria is 1000x stronger then anything Libya could put up.
India should support Bashar Assad.

I personally support him.

We have Great Respect for both China and India, I would rather have Both China and India working on a peace plan then the USA, despite having relations with Israel Indian has been very supportive of Syria Thank you India and China.
What Assad is doing is what almost EVERY govt. would do when faced with an insurgency. From American Civil War to Pakistani crackdown in E. Pakistan to India in Kashmir all govts. do what they can to try hold on to their land.
I know too little about Assad to defend or blame him. But if a Christian blogger here is defending Assad then there is probably something done right by Assad.

I also think Syria's regional posture is greatly influenced by trying to get the Golan Heights from the Israeli occupation. That's why Syria does what it does: Befriend Iran who can provide some support. And most probably that's why Assad is the target of the West: Remove Assad to remove the Iran-based threat via Hezbollah to Israel. Too bad, the leadership in some 'Islamic' countries are too blinded by an orchestrated fear of Iran to see the plot.

BUT...Not everything in that region works according to the American/Israeli plot. As events in Egypt tell you. And so, go ahead and remove Assad. You may find the repressed religious forces take their place in his stead. And that won't be pretty for either the secular Syrians or for the Israelis.
We have Great Respect for both China and India, I would rather have Both China and India working on a peace plan then the USA, despite having relations with Israel Indian has been very supportive of Syria Thank you India and China.

Syria has been one of the few Arab/Islamic countries supportive of India on Kashmir and hence its the duty of India to safeguard her interests by supporting Assad.
What Assad is doing is what almost EVERY govt. would do when faced with an insurgency. From American Civil War to Pakistani crackdown in E. Pakistan to India in Kashmir all govts. do what they can to try hold on to their land.
I know too little about Assad to defend or blame him. But if a Christian blogger here is defending Assad then there is probably something done right by Assad.

I also think Syria's regional posture is greatly influenced by trying to get the Golan Heights from the Israeli occupation. That's why Syria does what it does: Befriend Iran who can provide some support. And most probably that's why Assad is the target of the West: Remove Assad to remove the Iran-based threat via Hezbollah to Israel. Too bad, the leadership in some 'Islamic' countries are too blinded by an orchestrated fear of Iran to see the plot.

BUT...Not everything in that region works according to the American/Israeli plot. As events in Egypt tell you. And so, go ahead and remove Assad. You may find the repressed religious forces take their place in his stead. And that won't be pretty for either the secular Syrians or for the Israelis.

see how good bashar is

Syria has been one of the few Arab/Islamic countries supportive of India on Kashmir and hence its the duty of India to safeguard her interests by supporting Assad.

yes bashar himself a minority along with other minorities r ruling 75 plus percent majority. but this regime is going down no matter how many regimes support it and everyday close to 20 ppl die and see who dies by these criminal security forces of bashar


i didnot find the video where about dozen monkeys r killed by fire also if killing of human doesnot mean anything maybe animal rights grps will move after watching that video


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