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Russia agrees to tolerate Israeli attacks in Syria


Israel actually lost this confrontation because it used 2 missiles to destroy each Pantsir

Once again an immature man child that can't stick to facts but rather chest thumping and stupid cartoons. Israel destroyed on empty Pansir that was out of munitions months ago and another one recently that was not doing anything with the radar completely down and inactive but you boast as if it's a spectacular acheavment. Destroying a lone Pantsir is not impressive, impressive would be destroyed a layered defense with long, short and medium range SAMs backed by electronic warfare and a competent Air Force.

I have for years been saying any air defense battery can be destroyed if it's out of missiles or simply overwhelmed. air defense batteries themselves are nothing to boast about, it's integrating a system of air defenses, data-link systems, radars, electronic warfare systems, aircraft and highly trained specialist that make it dangerous.

Lol, and now we enter the final phase of the pro-Russia, Iran, Hezzbolah, and Syrian propaganda machine. After failing in literally every argument, switch to talking about how Russia cannot lose. Russia's expedition in Syria is fucked if Israel invades, and their commanders know that, hence there are literally NO reprisals taken against constant Israeli airstrikes, even when 15 Russian soldiers die because of it.

Russia is not Syria. Russia is a thorn in the Israeli side. It is Israel that tolerates Russia. If Russia was weak and doing what it's doing (relations with Hezbollah, Iran, Syria) Israel would have attacked Russia years ago, you and everyone knows it.

Bro, if you will do shit, Israel will target half the Russian fleet in the Mediterranean \ black sea will be sunk in the next 3 hours ,

With what, those rubber dingies Israeli bought from ripping off American tax payers? Does Israel also plan on flying over Turkey or launching missiles through Turkish airspace? :lol:

Turks would never allow Israel to use its airspace. It would put Turkey in the cross hairs. So Israel would be SOL, unless it plans on fighting both Turkwy, NATO as a whole and Russia.

all their bases in Syria will be craters within 6 and meanwhile their entire command and control system will be down so they won't even know what's happening and all of this is if Israel doesn't do a preemptive strike which there is 99% chance they'll do.

The Russian bases in Syria will be destroyed in the event of war, a few dozen aircraft and air batteries will obviously be overwhelmed with thousands of Israeli aircraft and missiles, on the other hand Russia can literally flatten Israel and they don't need nukes to do it, nor will Russia be constrained to Turkey and Greece like Israel. In other words Russia has strategic bombers and submarines that that can launch cruise missiles from thousands of KMs away while over international airspace. Israel doesn't have that capability hence why it tolerates Russia.
"The article says that “in so doing, Russia has tacitly acknowledged that the 44th division of the Syrian missile forces which operates the S-200 missile system in the vicinity of Latakia, made a mistake by shooting down the Russian plane, which was revealed in the investigation conducted by Russia and Israel”."

As supportive as I am of russia's help to Syria.
I believe Syria must distance itself from this helping hand as soon as it can.

because that quote, is an outright lie.

It is easy to pin the blame on a friendly fire than to reveal the truth to avoid any diplomatic complication.
And its a proven fact that the bear is not as confident in its prowess as it shows others to be.

Wrong! IsraHELL tacitly shot Russian Plane by hiding behind the Russian Plane. You don't know the extent to which these Yuds can go, Read the following article Carefully!

A Russian surveillance plane carrying 15 people was accidentally shot down over northwestern Syria by regime forces, Russia's Ministry of Defense says. However, officials in Moscow are blaming Israel for the incident, which killed all 15 service members on board.

The defense ministry says the turbo-prop Il-20 "Coot" used for electronic reconnaissance disappeared from radar near the coastal city of Latakia on Tuesday just as Israeli F-16s were launching airstrikes on targets in the area.

In a series of tweets on Tuesday, the Israel Defense Forces, or IDF, blamed "extensive and inaccurate" Syrian anti-aircraft fire.

Russian Defence Ministry: Russian Ilyushin Il-20 plane was downed by Syrian Air Defence missile after Israeli F-16 pilots used it as cover thus setting it up to be targeted by AA defence. Such actions can only be classified as a deliberate provocation https://t.co/qBcqPz2en6 pic.twitter.com/21mTTNXmpd

— Russia in RSA (@EmbassyofRussia) September 18, 2018

"The trace of the Il-20 on flight control radars disappeared during an attack by four Israeli F-16 jets on Syrian facilities in Latakia province," the Russian defense ministry said in a statement.

Russian defense ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said the F-16s were "hiding behind the Russian aircraft," and that the Israeli pilots put the Russian plane "in the line of fire of Syrian anti-aircraft systems."

A Syrian S-200 surface-to-air missile brought down the plane, the ministry said.

The Moscow Times.

"Fifteen Russian servicemen died as a result of the irresponsible actions of the Israeli military," he added.

Konashenkov said Russia reserves the right to take appropriate "retaliatory measures," but he provided no specifics.

"At the same time Russian air control radar systems detected rocket launches from the French frigate Auvergne which was located in that region," the Russian ministry said in a statement, but a French military spokesman denied the warship had any involvement in the shooting down of the Russian plane.

IDF tweeted that "When the Syrian Army launched the missiles that hit the Russian plane, IAF jets were already within Israeli airspace."

"During the strike against the target in Latakia, the Russian plane that was then hit was not within the area of the operation," the tweets said.

An initial inquiry of the incident suggests:

1. Extensive and inaccurate Syrian anti-aircraft (Surface to Air missile) fire caused the Russian plane to be hit and downed.

— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) September 18, 2018
2. When the Syrian Army launched the missiles that hit the Russian plane, IAF jets were already within Israeli airspace.
3. During the strike against the target in Latakia, the Russian plane that was then hit was not within the area of the operation.

— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) September 18, 2018
4. The Syrian anti-air batteries fired indiscriminately and from what we understand, did not bother to ensure that no Russian planes were in the air.

— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) September 18, 2018
Syrian state media reported that Latakia came under attack at about the same time that the Il-20 disappeared as it was heading for a nearby Russian airbase. Syrian media say Syrian air defense batteries responded to "enemy missiles."

Russia's TASS news agency quoted the ministry as saying the plane was about 20 miles off the Syrian coast in the Mediterranean Sea when it went down.


Syrians did fired the Missiles but IsraHELL brought Russian Plane down by the way of Deception and Trickery!
russia not has capability to stop israel as israel technology is very advanced than russia
Russia is not Syria. Russia is a thorn in the Israeli side. It is Israel that tolerates Russia. If Russia was weak and doing what it's doing (relations with Hezbollah, Iran, Syria) Israel would have attacked Russia years ago, you and everyone knows it.
Yea, Israel tolerates Russia, right.
By bombing Russias allies merely kilometers away from Russ, Pantsiring their equipment, hiding behind IL20s and causing the death of 15 Russian crew members. You think anyone will buy a Pantsir anytime soon?
You just sit there like the little b*tch you are, letting us do whatever the f*ck we want. Thanks for that.

The Russian bases in Syria will be destroyed in the event of war, a few dozen aircraft and air batteries will obviously be overwhelmed with thousands of Israeli aircraft and missiles, on the other hand Russia can literally flatten Israel and they don't need nukes to do it, nor will Russia be constrained to Turkey and Greece like Israel. In other words Russia has strategic bombers and submarines that that can launch cruise missiles from thousands of KMs away while over international airspace. Israel doesn't have that capability hence why it tolerates Russia.
Ahahahaha go ahead try us we will literally evaporate Moscow, we will SAMSON the SHIT out of your crappy 3rd world shithole, and that's without any of our allies that each individually can HUMILIATE the Russian pathetic armed forces.

With what, those rubber dingies Israeli bought from ripping off American tax payers? Does Israel also plan on flying over Turkey or launching missiles through Turkish airspace? :lol:

Turks would never allow Israel to use its airspace. It would put Turkey in the cross hairs. So Israel would be SOL, unless it plans on fighting both Turkwy, NATO as a whole and Russia.
You'll see :)

We don't need anyone's permission to f*ck you up anywhere on this planet. We already flew over Turkey in some of our operations in Syria, however the result wasn't like when your pathetic jet was Pantsir'd when it crossed the Turkish border.
Oh, let's not forget once a war erupts between Israel and Russia, the US automatically enters the fight, which makes NATO join the equation, and then the countdown to NATO held Moscow starts.

Once again an immature man child that can't stick to facts but rather chest thumping and stupid cartoons. Israel destroyed on empty Pansir that was out of munitions months ago and another one recently that was not doing anything with the radar completely down and inactive but you boast as if it's a spectacular acheavment. Destroying a lone Pantsir is not impressive, impressive would be destroyed a layered defense with long, short and medium range SAMs backed by electronic warfare and a competent Air Force.

I have for years been saying any air defense battery can be destroyed if it's out of missiles or simply overwhelmed. air defense batteries themselves are nothing to boast about, it's integrating a system of air defenses, data-link systems, radars, electronic warfare systems, aircraft and highly trained specialist that make it dangerous.
Three Pantsirs :)

You're going to see a drop in request of Russian equipment. Because it's getting Pantsir'd!!
By the way, those Pantsirs were covered by electronic warfare from the Russian and Syrian side.
However we used low bitrate TV guidance so it's very hard to jam.

In all seriousness though, this makes Russian AD look terrible. Israel literally bombs whatever it wants, whenever it wants, with zero losses or any indication of serious problem. In its hundreds (thousands?) of strikes on Syria in the last few years they lost exactly 1 jet and that was clearly a fluke.

It's launching fucking DAYLIGHT RAIDS on Assad's capital now, and still nothing from Russia, nothing from Iran, nothing from Syria
Yea, Israel tolerates Russia, right.
By bombing Russias allies merely kilometers away from Russ, Pantsiring their equipment, hiding behind IL20s and causing the death of 15 Russian crew members. You think anyone will buy a Pantsir anytime soon?
You just sit there like the little b*tch you are, letting us do whatever the f*ck we want. Thanks for that.

Ahahahaha go ahead try us we will literally evaporate Moscow, we will SAMSON the SHIT out of your crappy 3rd world shithole, and that's without any of our allies that each individually can HUMILIATE the Russian pathetic armed forces.

You'll see :)

We don't need anyone's permission to f*ck you up anywhere on this planet. We already flew over Turkey in some of our operations in Syria, however the result wasn't like when your pathetic jet was Pantsir'd when it crossed the Turkish border.
Oh, let's not forget once a war erupts between Israel and Russia, the US automatically enters the fight, which makes NATO join the equation, and then the countdown to NATO held Moscow starts.

Three Pantsirs :)

You're going to see a drop in request of Russian equipment. Because it's getting Pantsir'd!!
By the way, those Pantsirs were covered by electronic warfare from the Russian and Syrian side.
However we used low bitrate TV guidance so it's very hard to jam.

In all seriousness though, this makes Russian AD look terrible. Israel literally bombs whatever it wants, whenever it wants, with zero losses or any indication of serious problem. In its hundreds (thousands?) of strikes on Syria in the last few years they lost exactly 1 jet and that was clearly a fluke.

It's launching fucking DAYLIGHT RAIDS on Assad's capital now, and still nothing from Russia, nothing from Iran, nothing from Syria

Benya, we are openly suppling Syria and Iran with weapons that were used to send your Mercavas to scrap with poor Israleli conscripts inside, that are used to shoot down your aircrafts and drones, that are used to directly bomb targets inside Israeli territory. What did your backward war-ridden shithole do about that? Have you ever tried to attack Russian targets? Nope. Learn your place, pygmy quasi-state.
We already flew over Turkey in some of our operations in Syria, however the result wasn't like when your pathetic jet was Pantsir'd when it crossed the Turkish border.

when ? Turkey allowed Israeli Fighter Jets to use Turkish Airspace maybe in 1990s
but as of 2019 relationship between Turkey and Israel is not so good

russia not has capability to stop israel as israel technology is very advanced than russia

better dont provoke Russia ,, Russia even doesnt use its own Air Defense Systems S300 and S400 in Syria and Warships in the Eastern Mediterranean to block Israeli Fighter Jets

there are Jewish lobby in Russia
also even 10-15% of Israeli population came to Israel from Russia ( former USSR )
so Russia tolerate Israeli attacks in Syria

and if Russia want
Russian Airforce can destroy Israeli Airbases and Jet hangars even from 1500-2000km away over the Black Sea

Kh-47M2 Kinzhal air launched hypersonic ballistic missile has range of 2.000 km and speed of mach 10 and can carry conventional or nuclear warhead

and other Russian War Machines to rape all Middle East
the US and Russia are in another leauge , others not even close

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Benya, we are openly suppling Syria and Iran with weapons that were used to send your Mercavas to scrap with poor Israleli conscripts inside, that are used to shoot down your aircrafts and drones, that are used to directly bomb targets inside Israeli territory. What did your backward war-ridden shithole do about that? Have you ever tried to attack Russian targets? Nope. Learn your place, pygmy quasi-state.
And we are openly Pantsiring you :-)
Putin is a good goy, we know he won't do anything so we don't kill every single Russian based in Syria.

when ? Turkey allowed Israeli Fighter Jets to use Turkish Airspace maybe in 1990s
but as of 2019 relationship between Turkey and Israel is not so good

2007 Is the last time reported, however many occassions weren't reported.
2007 Is the last time reported, however many occassions weren't reported.

but after 2010 Turkey even did not allow the Israeli Air Force to join to Anatolian Eagle Exercise hosted by the Turkish Air Force and held in Konya
Iran invested billions in Syria to create their turf and now it seems Russia and Syria don’t give them air cover.
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