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Russia agrees to lease India a second Akula SSN K-322 Kashalot for ten years

Major Shaitan Singh

Dec 7, 2010
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Решение о передаче Индии второй российской субмарины в лизинг принято
Российская сторона готова передать Индии в лизинг на 10 лет вторую атомную подлодку проекта 971 «Щука-Б»
Об этом сообщили Интерфаксу-АВН в пятницу в кораблестроительной отрасли.

«Есть заинтересованность индийской стороны в приобретении в лизинг второй атомной подлодки. Принципиальное решение на этот счет принято. Почему нет?», - сказал собеседник агентства.

Он отметил, что это будет не обязательно атомоход К-322 «Кашалот», но в любом случае получится очередная субмарина типа «Чакра». В январе представитель ОПК сообщил Интерфаксу-АВН, что второй российской субмариной, переданной Индии в лизинг на 10 лет, может стать АПЛ проекта 971 «Щука-Б» - К-322 «Кашалот». При этом потребуется глубокая модернизация корабля в соответствии с пожеланиями иностранного заказчика.

По словам собеседника агентства, работы по изменению облика атомохода будут проводиться на Амурском судостроительном заводе. На модернизацию и испытания корабля, а также обучение индийского экипажа потребуется три года. В таком случае корабль может быть передан заказчику в 2018 году.

По данным собеседника агентства, К-322 «Кашалот» находится на Амурском судостроительном заводе (Комсомольск-на-Амуре). Командует подлодкой капитан 1-го ранга Д.Лаврентьев.


Российские корабелы имеют опыт по подготовке к передаче индийским ВМС атомохода проекта 971 «Нерпа». АПЛ была передана в лизинг на 10 лет стоимостью $ 980 млн. Акт по ее приему-передаче был подписан в декабре 2011 года. Субмарина, получившая название «Чакра», вошла в состав национальных ВМС 4 апреля 2012 года.

АПЛ «Нерпа» должна была поступить на вооружение ВМС Индии в 2008 году. Однако в ноябре 2008 года во время испытаний в Японском море из-за несанкционированного включения автоматической системы пожаротушения на подлодке погибли 20 человек, что привело к пересмотру сроков ее передачи ВМС Индии. Военные следователи предъявили обвинения в халатности командиру АПЛ капитану 1 ранга Дмитрию Лаврентьеву и трюмному машинисту Дмитрию Гробову, якобы неправильно отрегулировавшему датчик температуры воздуха в жилом отсеке. Судебный процесс был завершен 26 апреля 2013 года, когда присяжные повторно признали их невиновными в аварии.

АПЛ «Кашалот» проект 971 (шифр «Щука-Б») относится к подлодкам 3-го поколения. Вошла в состав Тихоокеанского флота 1 марта 1989 года. Подводное водоизмещение - 12,77 тыс. тонн, подводная скорость - 30 узлов, максимальная глубина погружения - 600 метров, автономность - 100 суток, экипаж - 73 человека.

Первую подлодку, также носившую имя «Чакра», Индия получила в лизинг на три года в 1988 году. В 1991 году срок контракта истек, и, как отмечали эксперты, под давлением администрации США советское руководство отказалось продлить арендный договор.
Подробнее: Решение о передаче Индии второй российской субмарины в лизинг принято | Еженедельник «Военно-промышленный курьер»



India's decision to transfer the second Russian submarine leased accepted

The Russian side is ready to hand over India in the lease for 10 years a second nuclear submarine Project 971 "Pike-B"
This was reported by Interfax-AVN on Friday in the shipbuilding industry.

"There is interest in purchasing the Indian side in the second lease nuclear submarine. The fundamental decision on this point is accepted. Why not? "- A spokesman said.

He noted that it would not necessarily atomic submarine K-322 "Sperm Whale", but in any case received another type of submarine "Chakra". In January, a representative of the defense industry told Interfax-AVN that the second Russian submarine transmitted India on lease for 10 years, can become a nuclear submarine of project 971 "Pike-B" - K-322 "Sperm Whale." You will need a deep modernization of the ship in accordance with the wishes of the foreign customer.

According to the source, work to change the appearance of the nuclear-powered icebreaker will be held at the Amur shipyard. For modernization and testing of the ship, as well as training Indian crew will take three years. In this case, the ship may be delivered to the customer in 2018.

According to the source, the K-322 "Sperm Whale" is on the Amur Shipyard (Komsomolsk-on-Amur). Submarine commanded by Captain 1st rank D.Lavrentev.

Russian shipbuilders have experience in preparation for the transfer of the Indian Navy nuclear-powered Project 971 "Seal". Submarine was leased to a 10-year cost of $ 980 million. Act on its acceptance-transfer was signed in December 2011. The submarine, named "Chakra", became part of the national Navy April 4, 2012.

Submarine "Nerpa" was supposed to go to the Indian Navy in 2008. However, in November 2008, during the tests in the Sea of Japan because of the unauthorized inclusion of automatic fire extinguishing systems on a submarine killed 20 people, which led to a revision of the terms of its transfer to the Indian Navy. Military investigators charged with negligence submarine commander Captain 1st Rank Dmitry Lavrentiev and hold the engineer Dmitry deathly allegedly improperly adjusted air temperature sensor to the living compartment. The trial was completed on April 26, 2013, when the jury found them not guilty again in the accident.

NS "Sperm Whale" Project 971 (code "Pike-B") refers to the submarines of the 3rd generation. Joined the Pacific Fleet March 1, 1989. Submerged displacement - 12.77 thousand. Tons, underwater speed - 30 knots, maximum depth - 600 meters, autonomy - 100 days, the crew - 73 people.

The first submarine, also nosivshuyu name "Chakra", India was leased for three years in 1988. In 1991, the term of the contract expired, and, as pointed out by experts, under pressure from the US administration, the Soviet leadership refused to renew the lease.
Details: Решение о передаче Индии второй российской субмарины в лизинг принято | Еженедельник «Военно-промышленный курьер»
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K-322 Kashalot is a Project 971 Schuka-B nuclear-powered attack submarine (SSN).

Pacific Fleet, Krasheninnikov Bay

The submarine was laid down on September 5, 1986 at Amur Shipyard in (Komsomolsk-on-Amur) under the name of K-322; launched on July 18, 1987; commissioned into Pacific Fleet on March 1, 1989; renamed into Kashalot on April 13, 1993.

In summer 1991 the sub carried out a patrol, having achieved the Navy's record in trailing foreign submarines – over 14 days.

The sub is currently under repair.

NATO classification: Akula-II
Surface speed: 11.6 knots
Submerged speed: 30 knots
Operating depth: 520 meters
Test depth: 600 meters
Endurance: 100 days
Crew: 73 men

Surface displacement: 8,140 tons
Submerged displacement: 12,770 tons
Extreme length (on design waterline): 114.3 meters
Extreme beam: 13.6 meters
Mean draft (on design waterline): 9.7 meters

Nuclear reactor OK-650B3 (190 mW); one 43,000-shp turbine

4 x 650-mm and 4 x 533-mm torpedo tubes







K-322 Kashalot is a Project 971 Schuka-B nuclear-powered attack submarine (SSN).

Pacific Fleet, Krasheninnikov Bay

The submarine was laid down on September 5, 1986 at Amur Shipyard in (Komsomolsk-on-Amur) under the name of K-322; launched on July 18, 1987; commissioned into Pacific Fleet on March 1, 1989; renamed into Kashalot on April 13, 1993.

In summer 1991 the sub carried out a patrol, having achieved the Navy's record in trailing foreign submarines – over 14 days.

The sub is currently under repair.

NATO classification: Akula-II
Surface speed: 11.6 knots
Submerged speed: 30 knots
Operating depth: 520 meters
Test depth: 600 meters
Endurance: 100 days
Crew: 73 men

Surface displacement: 8,140 tons
Submerged displacement: 12,770 tons
Extreme length (on design waterline): 114.3 meters
Extreme beam: 13.6 meters
Mean draft (on design waterline): 9.7 meters

Nuclear reactor OK-650B3 (190 mW); one 43,000-shp turbine

4 x 650-mm and 4 x 533-mm torpedo tubes

OK now am very confused. Is it old sub or new one . As per the article this submarines under repair. And why only 8 torpedoes? For the submarine of this size. Shouldn't be atleast 40 ?
To those who say Russia is unreliable.... Which nation would lease a nuclear submarine to India ? None,except Russia.

OK now am very confused. Is it old sub or new one . As per the article this submarines under repair. And why only 8 torpedoes? For the submarine of this size. Shouldn't be atleast 40 ?

8 torpedo tubes.
I know it does fire missiles. But does it happen through torpedo tubes or VLS.
Thanks in advance.
OK now am very confused. Is it old sub or new one . As per the article this submarines under repair. And why only 8 torpedoes? For the submarine of this size. Shouldn't be atleast 40 ?
There are difference between torpedo and torpedo tubes.
Man! This sub is antique! It's 25 years old for crying out loud! By the time it joins the fleet it will be 28 years old - reaching the end of its service life!

At $100 million a year for its lease for the next 10 years means it would be 38 years old by the time it's decommissioned. It seems we're being taken for a jolly good ride!
Man! This sub is antique! It's 25 years old for crying out loud! By the time it joins the fleet it will be 28 years old - reaching the end of its service life!

At $100 million a year for its lease for the next 10 years means it would be 38 years old by the time it's decommissioned. It seems we're being taken for a jolly good ride!

dude we signed some 8 billion dollars for 6 SSK from French. And this is 10 year lease for 1 billion. Give the threat we are facing and the depleted submarine fleet this is a very good addition to our security and TRAINING purposes ( TO BUILD OUR OWN SSN ) One will be used for observations and ToTing them) If romours are true. We are in talks with Russians for 1 Ibiris nuclear monster. which may be completed by 2020 as 43-50% already completed. So this Submarine we are buying now well might be for our SSK projects .

got the point? With only few years left this submarine will be in India for ever.
Although Antic piece, this Akula 32 will provide india much needed boost in underwater deep lying strike capability. Record setting14 days trailing enemy sub underwater says a lot about its capabilities. Welcome addition to INs fast depleting submarine force. :welcome:

That being said 100 million a year seems a lot.


Welcome to 21st century. Ussr had a flawed system, but had a system.

This Russia, survives on gas sales and arms sales. Your question is more of an indication of affairs in Russian shipyards.

Thank You.


We are gonna use these for future design experience and crew experience.

You can't simulate a sub on land.

Thank you.

Call me when French or americans give a nuclear sub. Till then buzz off.Their shipyards are busy producing Boreis and Yasen class.

They would give us too, IF they were in Russian condition.

Thank you.

That's what you think !

But need not be infallible truth ..

Russia has helped in critical area time and again and stood by us at critical juncture ...even when she was not in so called " Russian " condition ...

Russia thinks India is a big fat wallet. Case in point every single piece of Russian equipment we have bought. Since mig21.
It was these migs that saved our arse in 71....keep in mind you are talking about a plane which was very successful among its class and time...now if IAF couldn't moderate its fleet on time how is this Russia's fault...also everyone thinks India is a big fat wallet...what's wrong in it...

They don't want us to change camps to western. Hence this goody. Just to remind us.Plus, they are in dire shit. Due to false Russian bravado.They need this more than us. Fact.Thank you.
P.S. : imagine you have no heart and think. Thanks again !
You are making it sound as if we are doing a big favor to them by leasing a sub from them...i will request you to imagine that you have no heart and then think...look how pathetic our state is when it comes to submarines...and then think about the so called look east policy...you may get the answer...
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