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Rush Limbaugh calls Indian BPO workers ‘slumdogs’


Dec 28, 2008
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Top RJ in US calls Indian BPO workers ?slumdogs? - US - World - The Times of India

WASHINGTON: A radio jockey who frequently goes out on limb has once again pushed the limit of political correctness - this time referring to workers handling outsourced jobs in India as "slumdogs".

The epithet, derived from the movie Slumdog Millionaire, came from Rush Limbaugh, America's most widely heard radio host, during a discussion on the economy last week.

Responding to a listener's call about flight of jobs, Limbaugh referred to President Obama's statement that the jobs aren't coming back to US. He said, "They're outsourced for a reason, an economic reason, and they're not coming back. If you're sitting out waiting for a job that's now being done by a slumdog in India, and you're waiting for that job to be cancelled, for the slumdog to be thrown out of work, and you to get the job, it ain't going to happen."
Lmao. Blimpaugh Nation != USA. He leads an army of AM radio dittomonkeys who hang on every word that fat slob has to say. Republicans unfortunately love that turd. These are the type of people who miss the days of Lynching and advocate laying down a glass parking lot where Pakistan stands.

I'm curious to see if their hero designate Bobby Jindal will respond or will he know tow just like the RNC Chairman Michael Steele when Blimpbaugh called Obama as "Magic Negro".
Lmao. Blimpaugh Nation != USA. He leads an army of AM radio dittomonkeys who hang on every word that fat slob has to say. Republicans unfortunately love that turd. These are the type of people who miss the days of Lynching and advocate laying down a glass parking lot where Pakistan stands.

But the report says he is the most widely heard radio host!! Are most of the Americans republican then? Just asking...
But the report says he is the most widely heard radio host!! Are most of the Americans republican then? Just asking...

Yeah he claims 30million listeners. The republicans are a minority party because of incendiary closet racists like this turd. It's slowly devolving into Southern White Party which royally sucks. We need drop this anti-intellectual shtick that was developed under Bush and fight the Democrats with newer ideas and enlarged the tent to include Asian, Hispanics and Blacks who tend to be socially conservative.

Whether we like to admit it or not, Whites will be a minority demographically in 40years. Obama's election is testament to the shifting demographics. Using racial overtones can't win national elections anymore. But it good for that fat turds ratings and advertisers.
Yeah he claims 30million listeners. The republicans are a minority party because of incendiary closet racists like this turd. It's slowly devolving into Southern White Party which royally sucks. We need drop this anti-intellectual shtick that was developed under Bush and fight the Democrats with newer ideas and enlarged the tent to include Asian, Hispanics and Blacks who tend to be socially conservative.

Whether we like to admit it or not, Whites will be a minority demographically in 40years. Obama's election is testament to the shifting demographics. Using racial overtones can't win national elections anymore. But it good for that fat turds ratings and advertisers.

Hey mate, can you tell me which particular race is gonna outnumber the whites? Is it the blacks or Asians or Hispanics? Well by Asian I mean Mongoloids or yellow people, not brown Indians. With the rapid mushrooming of Indian migrants to America, is it possible that Indians will make a considerable number of population in USA? Why the whites are decreasing in number?
Hey mate, can you tell me which particular race is gonna outnumber the whites? Is it the blacks or Asians or Hispanics? Well by Asian I mean Mongoloids or yellow people, not brown Indians. With the rapid mushrooming of Indian migrants to America, is it possible that Indians will make a considerable number of population in USA? Why the whites are decreasing in number?

It's complicated but from what I've read non-white hispanics are projected to be largest demographic but will not form an absolute majority. They already outnumber Whites in California. The south west and Texas are also trending that way within 20yrs.

Indians are a drop in the bucket with respect to Asians in general. They along with the Jews make up the wealthiest and most educated ethnic group per capita in the US. And by Indians I mean South Asians(including Pakistani's, Srilankans, Bangladeshi's etc). Personally I have no problem with highly educated South Asians immigrating to the US. They tend to assimilate well and by and large are very productive unlike in the U.K.
It's complicated but from what I've read non-white hispanics are projected to be largest demographic but will not form an absolute majority. They already outnumber Whites in California. The south west and Texas are also trending that way within 20yrs.

Indians are a drop in the bucket with respect to Asians in general. They along with the Jews make up the wealthiest and most educated ethnic group per capita in the US. And by Indians I mean South Asians(including Pakistani's, Srilankans, Bangladeshi's etc). Personally I have no problem with highly educated South Asians immigrating to the US. They tend to assimilate well and by and large are very productive unlike in the U.K.

One more question. You told me that Indians along with Jews make up the wealthiest and most educated ethnic group per capita. Is not it alarming to the Whites, Blacks and Hispanics? Because due to a few outsiders whom you have given a shelter and food and everything, the original founders of America will suffer a lot. Because when wealth is confined to a few outsiders who are not bothered about the temporary residence, the original people will suffer. This is colonization. Anyway, is there any tension among the founders of America, the whites, I mean the Anglo Saxons and other Europeans for being deprived due to the Indian outsiders?
One more question. You told me that Indians along with Jews make up the wealthiest and most educated ethnic group per capita. Is not it alarming to the Whites, Blacks and Hispanics? Because due to a few outsiders whom you have given a shelter and food and everything, the original founders of America will suffer a lot. Because when wealth is confined to a few outsiders who are not bothered about the temporary residence, the original people will suffer. This is colonization. Anyway, is there any tension among the founders of America, the whites, I mean the Anglo Saxons and other Europeans for being deprived due to the Indian outsiders?

Not really. That's just a function of their small numbers and the fact that higher education tends to be rooted in their culture. Don't get me wrong, in gross terms WASP's(White Anglo-Saxon Protestants) by and large control the largest proportion of wealth and power in this country and thats not gonna change anytime soon.

We pride ourselves as being a melting pot and as long these people assimilate well and consider themselves Americans it's all good. Our ability to stay ahead of curve has always been rooted in our acceptance of foreign human and intellectual capita.

The problems your hinting at applies more to Hispanics. Some people complain about their refusal to learn English and forcing Spanish as a 2nd language on all. Also there are about close to 12million illegal or undocumented Hispanics in this country that further causes friction.

For example I was flying through Miami International the other day and the American Eagle counter lady started talking to me in Spanish and I politely told her that I don't speak the language(nor do I ever wish to). She of course rolled her eyes and then talked to me in curt broken English. Another one was a Mexican guy who sued the DMV in Florida for not offering the Drivers License test in Spanish even though every road sign in this country is in English. Stuff like that stands out.
Not really. That's just a function of their small numbers and the fact that higher education tends to be rooted in their culture. Don't get me wrong, in gross terms WASP's(White Anglo-Saxon Protestants) by and large control the largest proportion of wealth and power in this country and thats not gonna change anytime soon.

We pride ourselves as being a melting pot and as long these people assimilate well and consider themselves Americans it's all good. Our ability to stay ahead of curve has always been rooted in our acceptance of foreign human and intellectual capita.

The problems your hinting at applies more to Hispanics. Some people complain about their refusal to learn English and forcing Spanish as a 2nd language on all. Also there are about close to 12million illegal or undocumented Hispanics in this country that further causes friction.

For example I was flying through Miami International the other day and the American Eagle counter lady started talking to me in Spanish and I politely told her that I don't speak the language(nor do I ever wish to). She of course rolled her eyes and then talked to me in curt broken English. Another one was a Mexican guy who sued the DMV in Florida for not offering the Drivers License test in Spanish even though every road sign in this country is in English. Stuff like that stands out.

Thanks for the information mate. :)
Well, clearly, the name calling here comes out of frustration. And what does he call the US people who have lost their jobs to 'slumdogs'? May be slumcats?? :lol:

By the way, I heard there is a new verb 'to bangalore' added in English dictionary. "to get bangalored" means "losing job to an Indian Software/IT professional". :bounce:
Lol you hit it - torpedo, actually most of my american friends - dotn like the idea of their jobs comign to india, but the matterof the fact is.
Most of these slumdogs in gurgaon dont give a damn to their 200 $ a month job. they kick it back to them. infact i know many call center workign people. they abuse back the american when americans try to abuse their country- they switch off the recording and one guy is kept in each office to curse them back.because
WE DONT NEED YOUR JOB- if you have 1000 times more requirment than us and - if you beg to us we will do your job. or else you can take it where it hurt most.
Those days are gone - american company need indian BPO more than indian - worker need them. Just look at recession how many indian BPO workers are job less ????? infact these indian worker with cheap labors are running this compney on brink of sucess and failure.

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