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Rumors: Pakistan to acquire five C-130J Super Hercules

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I understand. I have been hesistant all day to post this news. Will keep you guys posted.

Wouldn’t their a notification issued for such a transfer? If these goods are coming within the next few months, I would think notification would be out by now. For the zulus, the reason for their delay is because of the funding issue. The USG believes Pakistan hasn’t done enough to justify getting coalition support funds; without the CSF Pakistan wouldn’t be getting these gunships. As far as we know, no policy change has taken place.
Wouldn’t their a notification issued for such a transfer? If these goods are coming within the next few months, I would think notification would be out by now. For the zulus, the reason for their delay is because of the funding issue. The USG believes Pakistan hasn’t done enough to justify getting coalition support funds; without the CSF Pakistan wouldn’t be getting these gunships. As far as we know, no policy change has taken place.

Americans never blocked sale of US weapons to Pakistan if Pakistan was going to fund it. The issue is Pakistan is not going to pay for American weaponry when it has CSF option.
Personally I will pick Trump over Biden, say whatever you want but Trump is unpredictable and he can play out both ways evil or good, he embarrass Modi and India when he mentioned about how Modi Asked him to be a mediator between Pakistan and India over Kashmir , Biden is from the Obama Creed, you know those Liberals who bite you harder but be sweet on your face ..

P.S don't tell my wife that I picked Trump over Biden, or else she will kill me :P

Trump mocks Modi’s accent for fun behind his back lol

Donald Trump 'imitates Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's accent'

Trump respects IK because both are legendary womanizers. IK in fact was friends with Trump’s ex wife Ivana and pictures of the two exist online. Trump puts more respect and weight on such things than strategic relationships, biggest democracy blah blah blah lol
Americans never blocked sale of US weapons to Pakistan if Pakistan was going to fund it. The issue is Pakistan is not going to pay for American weaponry when it has CSF option.

If Pakistan isn’t going to pay for it, then that means the USG is through CSFs. No policy change took place. The hold is still active.
Wouldn’t their a notification issued for such a transfer? If these goods are coming within the next few months, I would think notification would be out by now. For the zulus, the reason for their delay is because of the funding issue. The USG believes Pakistan hasn’t done enough to justify getting coalition support funds; without the CSF Pakistan wouldn’t be getting these gunships. As far as we know, no policy change has taken place.
As soon as that notification comes from the DSCA for the hercs, the Indian lobby will come into action.
They havent probably missed the game movement of the zulus either and we might see further efforts to block spares and the hellfires.
As soon as that notification comes from the DSCA for the hercs, the Indian lobby will come into action.
They havent probably missed the game movement of the zulus either and we might see further efforts to block spares and the hellfires.

Forget it, India’s role is highly exaggerated. I am never bothered with them. Indian lobby only exists in Pakistan’s minds. It doesn’t have the power to block or release anything related to Pakistan.
Dear all,

Thanks to @Blacklight, I dug a little deeper and was able to find conclusive evidence that indeed, 5 C-130J's are being acquired. The source of the aircraft is unknown, but 6 squadron appears to be preparing for it.

Also, there have been a 'number' of US bound flights being operated by C-130's in the past 3 weeks. Scheduled all the way until June end, the news of AH-1Z Zulu's return does hold water as @Blacklight mentioned.

I would request the readers to not post this yet on facebook. As it gets muddy and alot of brainless people there start yapping.

I think it is safe to speculate the if's, when's and what's.

Happy to wake up to good news.
The Indian lobbyists are effective at FMF blocking - when it comes to cold hard Pakistani cash.. the lobbies have no power against LM or Textron.

Absolutely not. The FMS were blocked because both the Obama and Trump Administration assessed that Pakistan wasn’t doing enough to degrade the Taliban or helping the war in Afghanistan sufficiently to justify continued American financial support.
So we are again going the American way and when 6 months down the road they will be blocked under one pretext or the other than our security elite would be left clueless and looking for alternatives. Haven we got enough with Zulus and Turkish Chopper deal.
Now dont jump the gun on me for stating the fuckin obvious.
If they are coming for free via Coalition support fund or something then good. Otherwise if we have to pay for it, Why not go for Y-9 Strings free? Even it is inferior to C130-J it will fulfill PAF needs at much lower costs.
Congrats if true :tup:

Should get as many of these beasts as possible.

We are after the standard length Juliets that RAF are letting go. 5 already confirmed. We might get more.

Don't know if there will ever be a more durable transporter.
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