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RSS plans to convert 4,000 Christian & 1,000 Muslim families to Hinduism .

Owaisi is of the very strong opinion that the RSS has a very real gameplan of a 100% Hindu Rashtra by 2025. The RSS centenary.
Well the problem with conversion is...... It will never be a peaceful one....... It may look peaceful now, but in long run it wont be......
Then that mentality requires rectification. It is like, short skirt is fine but it will result in rapes. People need to mind their own business rather than poking in other's life.
If these people are willing to change by themselves then it should be fine, but we have lots of thekedar who claim to be there to safeguards everyone interest but ironically serving only their interests to remain in limelight.
Then that mentality requires rectification. It is like, short skirt is fine but it will result in rapes. People need to mind their own business rather than poking in other's life.
If these people are willing to change by themselves then it should be fine, but we have lots of thekedar who claim to be there to safeguards everyone interest but ironically serving only their interests to remain in limelight.

Well my point on conversion was general not specific to this one......
Why should I be happy? My views against religious extremism are well documented in this forum, since I joined.

Then kindly share your views on these incidents arising out of Pakistan:

Quora Question: What does it feel like to be a Pakistani Hindu?

(Pardon me for my language and correct it if possible, I come from a relatively uneducated background)

Dreadful in my case.
I am a Hindu, used to live in mithi, (sindh - pakistan), probably the only town in pakistan with hindu majority .

It was 2005, My neighbor (my best muslim friends) had their daughter's wedding some time in December. Knowing the pitiful condition of non-islamic people in Pakistan I decided against taking my kids to the function, I myself wouldn't have gone had it not been for their special request.

I along with my wife went to the party, being the outcast no-one really bothered talking to us, we saw their ritual being performed, gave gifts to bride and groom, after having our dinner we decided to get back early, kids had their exams next day.

While we were walking back to the garage in the basement, all of a sudden someone put a strong rope round my neck, trying to suffocate me, with such sudden attack I couldn't keep up neither see who they were. I fainted, once I was awake I found myself lying in some desert area with nothing in vision. I felt immense pain, as if having been beaten. I could not stand up that entire day, struggled to walk by the dawn , somehow reached nearby highway by next morning and managed to get a lift. I reached my home that evening, only to find all my belongings robbed, even the plastic chairs and TV set were gone, my children had been beaten too, I could not find my wife there. I reached out to my neighbors, but most of them had gone to pay visit to their wedding counterparts unaware of what happened to us. I went to the police station to file a complain against the attack and disappearance of my wife. They didn't seem too interested in filing complain, they asked me to wait for a few days, made abusive comments on my wife that she might have fled with her lover and having pleasure with him. I fought for her dignity which only led to being jailed for that whole night.
Never saw my wife again, never knew what happened to her.

Finally after my neighbors returned, they helped us a lot, they came along with me to police station, police finally reported my complain but then that was about it, I don't think they cared much about the case. My neighbors were very sympathetic and helped us a lot emotionally and financially.
They shifted to karachi next year, putting their flat on rent.

Life went back to normal, my girl was in high school by 2011 and boy in college.
I went to pickup my girl everyday from her tuition.
This January she didn't turn up after her tuition was over, I went about asking her usual friends and then her tuition teacher, he said that they held a surprise test today, she completed her test early, submitted her sheet and went out. I started panicking, went about searching for her, didn't tell my son, he had internship set in Lahore, he'd have left everything and come.
Police didn't help again this time, I went about searching for her everywhere on highways, nearby lakes, showed her photo to every one I came across. After 4 days, I lost all hope, called my son up that night, sitting like a beggar by the road side, cried for the first time in front of my kid, like a helpless father.
He came back in 2 days time, we went to Karachi to seek help from police there, they seemed quite supportive, they asked us to go back home and that they'd do all they could to find her.

Next day while I was sitting in my balcony, analyzing my life, how I failed my wife and now my kid I saw her coming, With torn clothes about her, I knew then what had happened to her. They raped her for 5 days, made her do unusual things I cannot explain.
I decided then to leave pakistan, applied for visa to India, but it was denied, possibly because of the tension on pakistan-India border due to some soldier beheading case.
We went to Saudi Arabia in march and then to India just last month (October) .

My daughter never regained her usual self and has tried committing suicide twice. If anything , pray for her well being.

I hope I never have to go back to Pakistan ever.


2nd response:

Syed Kashif: Enough of deceiving! I'm fed up of many Muslims simply lying. Telling half truths is even worse than lying.
I'll tell the truth. The important question is, "Are the so called moderates in India or Pakistan ready to accept the reality as it, the Tahiti?"
I've dozens of examples of Hindus kidnapped, trampled and just killed in broad daylight. Sadly many of these were carried by so called tribal mullahs who follow such a cruel form of Islam that I wonder?!
Educated Muslims sugar coat the plight of Hindus or Christians most of the times. Why? First, they don't want to let others know ( Indians) because honor and ego creeps in. Second, they think they might create trouble for Indian Muslims.
But enough! I've seen enough by now that I really don't give a shit. I'll tell you these horrific stories are true.
But I'll tell you what is more horrific! The apathy and half truths of so called educated guys. Where are our philosophers and rationalists! Who can tell the truth fearlessly! Where's Islamic Renaissance!?
You read these answers like the one by Chauhan saheb. But you can't imagine until you have suffered or you were there.
I'm ashamed to say that one of my aunts was abducted and forcibly married. Both she and my uncle came from rich, educated family. But he craved for her. I was always creeped out by how easily he got her (sadly abductions in broad daylight from home of a Hindu is still common and people cite Hadith when asked . That's why added a reference . I used to be thankful to Allah that we don't need to fear as we were Muslims and sayyids at that.
But gradually it dawned on me. The longing of my reclusive aunt for her family. My uncle died early age. And she has to endure being outcast even now. And she was always so humble( she is bedridden now a days). She never asked for her real family. Apparently they were threatened and shifted town. She just shut herself. Never loved my uncle really.

There, I said it. I'm ashamed for my uncle. Sadly, most of my family and friends are proud of my uncle. Apparently he reserved seats in heaven by converting her to Islam.
When for the few times I've tried to talk in my circle about the plight of Hindus ( closed circles of friends and family) , I've been ridiculed and rebuffed as it's taboo. Taboo because they deserve to suffer here so they don't suffer in hell fire. As if it is good?!

If you are a Hindu girl, the goons will have a field day with you! You will be touched, commented upon and harassed. You can't go to police. I specially feel for the educated one because they seriously become timid and live in fear.
People will down-vote me and try to give defensive answers. I don't have anything against my fellow Muslims. I admire Taslima. Pakistan needs many Taslima Nasreens. I'm alone in my thinking but I feel good because I speak the truth and follow the truth. Isn't that what Allah wants!

Abu Dawud (2150) - "The Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) sent a military expedition to Awtas on the occasion of the battle of Hunain. They met their enemy and fought with them. They defeated them and took them captives. Some of the Companions of the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) were reluctant to have intercourse with the female captives in the presence of their husbands who were unbelievers. So Allah, the Exalted, sent down the Qur’anic verse: (Qur'an 4:24) 'And all married women (are forbidden) unto you save those (captives) whom your right hands possess.'" This is the background for verse 4:24 of the Qur'an. (See also Muslim 3432& Ibn Kathir/Abdul Rahman Part 5 Page 14).
Please do read Hadith even if you are not a Muslim to understand our thoughts .
The religious sects of Ishthar was followed by Egyptians for 3000 years twice the time since birth of Islam. No one is today killing people on not following Ishthar. The religion of Allah and His three daughters.
God revealed Surah 53 to Muhammad up to and including vss. 19, 20. These two verses read: Have ye thought upon al-Lat and al-Uzza
And Manat, the third, the other? (53:19,20). These are the exaltedgharāniq(Godesses) , whose intercession is hoped for.
These are the so-called Satanic verses from which Prophet saws later reverted.The Meccans were overjoyed to hear this and joined Muhammad in ritual prostration at the end of the sūrah. The Meccan refugees who had fled to Abyssinia heard of the end of persecution and started to return home. This must have went on for days before it was abrogated!
So many religions have gone extinct. Each one held sway to millions in ancient times and clergy and priests. They thought they were the best and they would survive forever.

This is madness! Organized religion is madness. Violence in any form is madness. Madness is madness!

A commentor got it all wrong regarding my Aunt. Her family fled away from the town, never to return again. She also never tried to find her original family probably for their safety and her own.
And where did I write. my Aunt didnt want to meet or go to her parents. I can still see how sad she must have felt then and even today in this vegetative state.
In the end, I guess we can have hope (and thus fight for rights) from a country like India where everyone enjoys some fundamental rights instead of a place like Pakistan where minorities are persecuted in the name of religion and not even given basic human rights.
It doesnt matter what religion one follows,
What ever religion he or she follows, it should be followed on core principles and NOT only on basis of its religious practices.

Conversions, ,reconversion etc makes no sense if the individual doesn't has sense of core principles of the religion.
Most of the core principles of the religions are similar across the religions.
But then people follow the religious practices more then the religions core principles :(

If people time and again against your sane advise to follow "core principles" follow religious practices, then is it not time you re-evaluated your "core principles." Maybe your understanding of humans is wrong or may be your core principles are wrong. It cannot be both.

Sorry i guess an important word NOT was missing in my previous post that lead to confusion.
Please re read, I hope this helps in understanding the post.
Sorry i guess an important word NOT was missing in my previous post that lead to confusion.
Please re read, I hope this helps in understanding the post.

My statement stands. You need to update your understanding of humans. If time and again they follow some other principle, then what they follow is the core principle and not what you claim is the core principle.
Find nothing wrong with it .

Welcome back to the true path guys .... :p:
There are so many loopholes in this conversion business, I'm sure the Indian poor are entrepreneurial enough to reap handsome profits. First from the missionaries, now the Hindu right.
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