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RSS plans to convert 4,000 Christian & 1,000 Muslim families to Hinduism .

Convert to Hinduism and let me know if you personally get even 1 hundred rupees. :D If you need money, I have contacts of Tableeghi Jamaats who really pay well. :P

Janab, abhi hum thode busy hain, but news reports suggest otherwise. Are you suggesting there were no incentives for converts in this case?

I have heard of families converting and re-converting to different churches multiple times just to earn money. The religion means jackshit for them. The same would be fate of these conversion drives and it's a fair deal for the converts if you ask my view.

Note that I'm comparing the hollowness of only the missionary work of all the religions, nothing else.

BTW, are you KP? Never met one with a Bengali last name. :what:
Janab, abhi hum thode busy hain, but news reports suggest otherwise. Are you suggesting there were no incentives for converts in this case?

I have heard of families converting and re-converting to different churches multiple times just to earn money. The religion means jackshit for them. The same would be fate of these conversion drives and it's a fair deal for the converts if you ask my view.

Note that I'm comparing the hollowness of only the missionary work of all the religions, nothing else.

BTW, are you KP? Never met one with a Bengali last name. :what:
My name is fake. Just like the PM of India. :D
My statement stands. You need to update your understanding of humans. If time and again they follow some other principle, then what they follow is the core principle and not what you claim is the core principle.

Can you tell me the core principles of what ever religion you follow, then we can discuss, else i am sure it not going to make much sense to you ...we can do it over pm or some other special topic if that stands as OT for the current thread.
Yes,,just like u are happy seeing many muslims reconverted.
Karma is a bitch.

350 illiterate people who are dirt poor, stomach so empty they dont care what religion they are - paid to become hindus (as the story goes)

you guys should be proud :laugh:
There is no such thing as forced conversion in Hinduism, these are willing converts.
Can you tell me the core principles of what ever religion you follow, then we can discuss, else i am sure it not going to make much sense to you ...we can do it over pm or some other special topic if that stands as OT for the current thread.

Read up the laws of satanism. That is the core principle.
350 illiterate people who are dirt poor, stomach so empty they dont care what religion they are - paid to become hindus (as the story goes)

you guys should be proud :laugh:

What a stupid comment from an analyst.
U should be ashamed and if u are not,,i am ashamed on the fact that u are not ashamed.

There is no such thing as forced conversion in Hinduism, these are willing converts.

but blame lies morewith up govt
this BS politics of UP made their peoples life hell

No, both BJP and UP govt are to blame They are not using this as a tactic of political expediency- to them this is their main tactic, this is their full intention.
No, both BJP and UP govt are to blame They are not using this as a tactic of political expediency- to them this is their main tactic, this is their full intention.
See.. i partly agree with you..BJP also part of the blame
the guys who doing it.. not dirtelt relted to bjp as political party.
The BJP has been open about this in the past too. You can see that in statements of people like Vishnu Som. He was later awarded for his statements by BJP.
Dear ..
Vishu som .. was difrent ball game..it was riot case i think..
here its totaly diffrent ..
please see WHO is doing it..
does BJP have hand behind it .. may be
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