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RSS plans to convert 4,000 Christian & 1,000 Muslim families to Hinduism .

Umair Nawaz

Sep 10, 2012
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NEW DELHI: This Christmas, the RSS plans to convert at least 4,000 Christian and 1,000 Muslim families into Hinduism under what it calls the 'Ghar Wapsi' (returning home) programme. Organisers claim the event in Aligarh will be one of the biggest ever conversion programmes. Among the prominent faces at the event will be firebrand BJP MP Yogi Adityanath.

It has chosen the city, Aligarh, and the day, December 25, carefully. "Aligarh was chosen because it's time we wrest the Hindu city from Muslims. It is a city of brave Rajputs and their temples on whose remains Muslim institutions have been established," said RSS regional pracharak Rajeshwar Singh.

Christmas was chosen as the day for conversion because the event is a "shakti pariksha" (test of strength) for both religions, said Singh. "If their religion is better, they can stop them. It is a test for both of us. If they come to us on Christmas, it is the biggest rejection of the faith."

The families have already been identified from 40 slums in Aligarh, Bulandshahr and Hathras, Singh said. "The 4,000 Christian families belong to the Valmiki samaj. The Valmiki samaj is the feet of the Hindu society. We are incomplete without them."

The 1,000 Muslim families who have been identified for the conversion are descendants of Thakurs and Brahmins who have been convinced of their "lost pride", Singh claimed. RSS workers said the conversion was an annual event but it has been low profile all these years.

"Now many more people want to join us. This time we didn't indulge in any threat. We just had to make people understand," said Pankaj Singh, an RSS worker in Aligarh.

Many see the instances of " Ghar Wapsi" programmes organised by sangh outfits as an indication of their intolerance for minorities. They don't expect them to be treated as equals once they reconvert.

"On one hand they say they will treat the converts as equals and on the other hand they believe in Sanatana Dharma under which these converts will always be treated as outcastes," said Roop Rekha Verma, a former Lucknow University V-C who runs Saajhi Duniya, a not-for-profit working on communal harmony in UP.

Converting to Islam or Christianity has not necessarily reformed lives of Dalits, but going back to Hinduism will mean they will "be used as fuel against minorities", she added. The Sangh has outsourced all arrangements of the event to be held at Maheshwari College in the city to the Bajrang Dal. "There will be a havan anushtaan and use of Ganga water to purify the converts.

Pictures of Hindu deities will be distributed to them. We will tell them methods of our worship and give them our religious books," said Pruthivi Kumar, a Bajrang Dal associate in the region and in charge of making arrangements.

RSS plans to convert 4,000 Christian & 1,000 Muslim families to Hinduism - The Economic Times
Like i said to the indians before....if yr sincere with yourself u will try to stop them, if not that then the world also wont be keeping quiet.
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NEW DELHI: This Christmas, the RSS plans to convert at least 4,000 Christian and 1,000 Muslim families into Hinduism under what it calls the 'Ghar Wapsi' (returning home) programme. Organisers claim the event in Aligarh will be one of the biggest ever conversion programmes. Among the prominent faces at the event will be firebrand BJP MP Yogi Adityanath.

It has chosen the city, Aligarh, and the day, December 25, carefully. "Aligarh was chosen because it's time we wrest the Hindu city from Muslims. It is a city of brave Rajputs and their temples on whose remains Muslim institutions have been established," said RSS regional pracharak Rajeshwar Singh.

Christmas was chosen as the day for conversion because the event is a "shakti pariksha" (test of strength) for both religions, said Singh. "If their religion is better, they can stop them. It is a test for both of us. If they come to us on Christmas, it is the biggest rejection of the faith."

The families have already been identified from 40 slums in Aligarh, Bulandshahr and Hathras, Singh said. "The 4,000 Christian families belong to the Valmiki samaj. The Valmiki samaj is the feet of the Hindu society. We are incomplete without them."

The 1,000 Muslim families who have been identified for the conversion are descendants of Thakurs and Brahmins who have been convinced of their "lost pride", Singh claimed. RSS workers said the conversion was an annual event but it has been low profile all these years.

"Now many more people want to join us. This time we didn't indulge in any threat. We just had to make people understand," said Pankaj Singh, an RSS worker in Aligarh.

Many see the instances of " Ghar Wapsi" programmes organised by sangh outfits as an indication of their intolerance for minorities. They don't expect them to be treated as equals once they reconvert.

"On one hand they say they will treat the converts as equals and on the other hand they believe in Sanatana Dharma under which these converts will always be treated as outcastes," said Roop Rekha Verma, a former Lucknow University V-C who runs Saajhi Duniya, a not-for-profit working on communal harmony in UP.

Converting to Islam or Christianity has not necessarily reformed lives of Dalits, but going back to Hinduism will mean they will "be used as fuel against minorities", she added. The Sangh has outsourced all arrangements of the event to be held at Maheshwari College in the city to the Bajrang Dal. "There will be a havan anushtaan and use of Ganga water to purify the converts.

Pictures of Hindu deities will be distributed to them. We will tell them methods of our worship and give them our religious books," said Pruthivi Kumar, a Bajrang Dal associate in the region and in charge of making arrangements.

RSS plans to convert 4,000 Christian & 1,000 Muslim families to Hinduism - The Economic Times
We should never allow this. All secular Indians should unite and donate their everything to Christian Evangelicals and Tablighi Jamaat to convert 10 or 100 times this number into their respective faiths. Only a demise of Hinduism in its entirety can guarantee communal harmony.
NEW DELHI: This Christmas, the RSS plans to convert at least 4,000 Christian and 1,000 Muslim families into Hinduism under what it calls the 'Ghar Wapsi' (returning home) programme. Organisers claim the event in Aligarh will be one of the biggest ever conversion programmes. Among the prominent faces at the event will be firebrand BJP MP Yogi Adityanath.

It has chosen the city, Aligarh, and the day, December 25, carefully. "Aligarh was chosen because it's time we wrest the Hindu city from Muslims. It is a city of brave Rajputs and their temples on whose remains Muslim institutions have been established," said RSS regional pracharak Rajeshwar Singh.

Christmas was chosen as the day for conversion because the event is a "shakti pariksha" (test of strength) for both religions, said Singh. "If their religion is better, they can stop them. It is a test for both of us. If they come to us on Christmas, it is the biggest rejection of the faith."

The families have already been identified from 40 slums in Aligarh, Bulandshahr and Hathras, Singh said. "The 4,000 Christian families belong to the Valmiki samaj. The Valmiki samaj is the feet of the Hindu society. We are incomplete without them."

The 1,000 Muslim families who have been identified for the conversion are descendants of Thakurs and Brahmins who have been convinced of their "lost pride", Singh claimed. RSS workers said the conversion was an annual event but it has been low profile all these years.

"Now many more people want to join us. This time we didn't indulge in any threat. We just had to make people understand," said Pankaj Singh, an RSS worker in Aligarh.

Many see the instances of " Ghar Wapsi" programmes organised by sangh outfits as an indication of their intolerance for minorities. They don't expect them to be treated as equals once they reconvert.

"On one hand they say they will treat the converts as equals and on the other hand they believe in Sanatana Dharma under which these converts will always be treated as outcastes," said Roop Rekha Verma, a former Lucknow University V-C who runs Saajhi Duniya, a not-for-profit working on communal harmony in UP.

Converting to Islam or Christianity has not necessarily reformed lives of Dalits, but going back to Hinduism will mean they will "be used as fuel against minorities", she added. The Sangh has outsourced all arrangements of the event to be held at Maheshwari College in the city to the Bajrang Dal. "There will be a havan anushtaan and use of Ganga water to purify the converts.

Pictures of Hindu deities will be distributed to them. We will tell them methods of our worship and give them our religious books," said Pruthivi Kumar, a Bajrang Dal associate in the region and in charge of making arrangements.

RSS plans to convert 4,000 Christian & 1,000 Muslim families to Hinduism - The Economic Times
Great news, I always welcome those brothers and sister to my religion which is mother of all religion.
As long as they are better fed, I am all for it. People should have the freedom to choose whatever religion they wanted.. Lets the religious organisations try to lure people with better benefits and incentives.. :D :D
Beat you to it. :D We thought about this possibility and so have tried our best to prevent it in our way. We have nationalized all temples as Government property while leaving the rest. So Hindus have much lesser funds. :enjoy: We smart. :D
Beat you to it. :D We thought about this possibility and so have tried our best to prevent it in our way. We have nationalized all temples as Government property while leaving the rest. So Hindus have much lesser funds. :enjoy: We smart. :D

Even Amarthanathamayi and Sai Baba along with all of the demi gods have enough funds to feed the entire poor people for a long time.. Ask them to give a tight competition too people like Dinakaran and other Evangelical organisations to attract common people. These organisations will have to behave like marketing companies to attract more people.. Might hire some people too for marketing purpose also results in more jobs :P :P..
Even Amarthanathamayi and Sai Baba along with all of the demi gods have enough funds to feed the entire poor people for a long time.. Ask them to give a tight competition too people like Dinakaran and other Evangelical organisations to attract common people. These organisations will have to behave like marketing companies to attract more people.. Might hire some people too for marketing purpose also results in more jobs :P :P..
They try surely, but without using all the Gold and temple funds, most Hindu trusts are underfunded(source is mostly only India). While evangelical missions get donations from ALL over the WORLD. So no competition. Down with Hindus. :tup: :D
Like i said to the indians before....if yr sincere with yourself u will try to stop them if not them the world also wont be keeping quiet.
Huh? Why should we stop people from voluntarily converting to or from any religion? The constitution states clearly that every Indian has the right to preach, practice and profess any faith they choose.

You are aware that there are plenty of evangelical missions in India, whos' aim is to convert people to christianity, right? And that there are muslim organizations that also urge people to convert? As long as the conversion is not coerced, it is legal.

Preventing people from converting of their own free will, would be an affront to our secularism. Govt shal neither propogate any established religion, nor prohibit the free exercise thereof.

It is precisely because we are sincere to our founding ideals, that we will defend anybody's right to convert to or from any religion.
Christmas was chosen as the day for conversion because the event is a "shakti pariksha" (test of strength) for both religions, said Singh. "If their religion is better, they can stop them. It is a test for both of us. If they come to us on Christmas, it is the biggest rejection of the faith

Such blatant pitting of one religion against another will never bode good for the people.

It's the same as some guest of mine breaks a glass, but to prove that it's my house, I break two!
Any peaceful and willing conversion is fine. Any violent or forceful conversion or the conversion due to gain some benefits should be condemned.

Well the problem with conversion is...... It will never be a peaceful one....... It may look peaceful now, but in long run it wont be......
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