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RSS: No need for secularism in India; colour of flag should be turned saffron as tricolour injects c

you bring RSS favor constitution here... so they can do whatever they feel... yet you are blaming me?? wah sir jee

RSS are sons of soil and they have every right to project their vision for their society. Who were those Evangelists and Missionaries and Criminals from the West who you guys imported in thousands to change the demography of India and declare native Gods as False Gods? What right did they have? This is a civilizational war and Hindus are reclaiming Hindustan back.
RSS: No need for secularism in India; colour of flag should be turned saffron as tricolour injects communalism


New Delhi, Sept 20: The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh reiterated its stand that ‘secularism’ is deliberately imposed in Indian polity. Calling it a ‘foreign concept’, the right-wing body opined that those masquerading behind secularism are instead injecting communalism in the Indian society.

RSS conducted a seminar of columnists in Chennai on Saturday, which was attended by 80 renowned writers in the southern belt. At the event, RSS’s All India Prachar Pramukh Manmohan Vaidya said, “The perversion of the concept of secularism in India has resulted in the terming of nationalists as communal and people with communal thinking being hailed as secular.” (ALSO READ: Rajasthan: IPS officer allegedly targeted by BJP govt for acting against Bajrang Dal, VHP rioters)

Vaidya claimed that B R Ambedkar, the chairman of constitution drafting committee was against inclusion of the term secular in the preamble, since he believed India was inherently a secular nation.

he Bharatiya tradition has from time immemorial regarded all faiths and sects as one and that the artificial injection of secularism is not needed in a society as hospitable and assimilative as Hindu society,” Vaidya added.

Further validating his point, Vaidya said: “secularism evolved along the themes of separation of the Church and State in Europe and since India doesn’t have a history of theocratic states, the concept of secularism is irrelevant in the Indian context.”

Triggering off another controversy, the senior RSS functionary raised objections over the tricolour of the Indian flag. According to Vaidya, the usage of different colours to represent different religions in India, was bound to evoke a communal thought. He claimed that the Congress Working Committee in 1931, demanded a saffron flag with the blue chakra at the centre of it. “That would have been the best representation of Indian ethos,” he added.

RSS: No need for secularism in India; colour of flag should be turned saffron as tricolour injects communalism | Latest News & Gossip on Popular Trends at India.com
Agreed. We don't need this secularism that is followed here. #Support
Well its his opinion... freedom of speech is evryones right....and well 95% indian(including me) dosen't support his opinion on tricolor....:coffee:
But uniform civil code should be implemented... thats for sure..
He never said about changing the flag. He opined that the Congress saffron flag with the Ashok Chakra would have been a better design. That is a Muslim attempt to make him sound like a traitor.

lolz shows your attitude towards other religion. .. it's quite common for you guys blame others to impose your ideology on others isn't it...
The Evangelists are getting their shots up their rear. We will undo the damage done to us if things go as per our plan. If they don't, Hinduism won't exist. End of story. :)
Agreed. We don't need this secularism that is followed here. #Support

He never said about changing the flag. byHe opined that the Congress saffron flag with the Ashok Chakra would have been a better design. That is a Muslim attempt to make him sound like a traitor.

The Evangelists are getting their shots up their rear. We will undo the damage done to us if things go as per our plan. If they don't, Hinduism won't exist. End of story. :)

and saffron on raise... lol.. i don't accept Hinduism as my religion. .. so are you after me... oops...

RSS are sons of soil and they have every right to project their vision for their society. Who were those Evangelists and Missionaries and Criminals from the West who you guys imported in thousands to change the demography of India and declare native Gods as False Gods? What right did they have? This is a civilizational war and Hindus are reclaiming Hindustan back.
Everyone who born in India are the sons of soil... not some random maffoons who is after religious freedom. .
I like the current flag. Why bother changing - too much trouble for nothing.

Instead of these tokenisms, if RSS or any other organization wants really serve humanity through the great principles of sacrifice, renunciation and ahimsa, let them do things like teaching Sanskrit, cleaning streets, joining the police instead of politics etc.

I am an admirer of Modi and a lot of things BJP wants to accomplish but some of these RSS nuts are distracting from development ministers from focus. Meanwhile temple lands still are being misappropriated by atheist gangs, casteism still has not been eradicated by all Hindus, Sanskrit is still not studied by a majority and Vedas & Upanishads are still being misinterpreted by ritualists.

RSS is Rashtriya Swayam Sevak NOT Hindu Swayam Sevak
Secularism is imposition of Western ideology on India. India was never a theocratic state in its thousands year old history, so why should this artificial separation of its culture/religion from the state should be imposed on its people?

India never had constitution before, then why should have constitution now? Is it also imposition of Western Ideologies?
Also, what is wrong if adopt a good aspect of western ideology (Secularism). You can debate the Semantics of how it was inserted in constitution, but you can not criticize sanctity of Secularism itself. Secularism prevents religious freedom from whims and fancies of the ruler.
India never had constitution before, then why should have constitution now? Is it also imposition of Western Ideologies?
Also, what is wrong if adopt a good aspect of western ideology (Secularism). You can debate the Semantics of how it was inserted in constitution, but you can not criticize sanctity of Secularism itself. Secularism prevents religious freedom from whims and fancies of the ruler.

We have a constitution because we chose to define ourselves as a nation state which is a universal modern phenomenon but secularism was borne out of conflict between the church and the state in Europe which was not universal phenomenon then nor is it today. Adopting some measures of modern ideas fitting with 21st century does not mean irrational adoption of everything Western and becoming their clones losing our identity in the process. Secularism no more prevents religious freedom from the whims and fancies of the ruler than Hinduism does as has been seen in India. If anything secularism in India has been a vehicle to destroy Hindu religion and impose Christianity and Islam on India.


They steal secularism from us my Precious. We wants it, we needs it. Must have the Precious.
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Indian Hindus, Kindly tell me how to contact RSS. Does any of you have any contact details of any person working in RSS? It would be a great help. Thank You
well what's your problem with Thiranga ???saffron flag for thousands of years.. i don't know that... but my prob is someone trying to impose their own ideology on others.. if we don't agree we been tagged as Secular? ? first please tell me whats your problem with secularism ???

Secularism is imposition of Western ideology on India. India was never a theocratic state in its thousands year old history, so why should this artificial separation of its culture/religion from the state should be imposed on its people

Bhai o... jusss chill... nothing is going to change..people has right to express his/her opinion.. sab "bakch*di" mein lage hai... but nothings going to change ever ever ever...
Saffron = Hindu
Green = Fake secularism
White = Hindu
The Bhagwa Dhwaj is the symbol of Hindu culture and Dharma from times immemorial. It reminds us of our great heritage, it defines our identity and above all it inspires us.

The word ’Bhagwa’ comes from ’Bhaga’ or Sun. ’Bhagwa’ is a symbol of six things: all kinds of wealth, Dharma, reputation, prosperity, knowledge and detachment. It has existed and guided the Hindu society right from its origin. It has inspired and has been honoured by Hindu Saints and heroes. In the past the Hindu warriors would carry the flag into the battlefield. It would dispel all fears and lead them into victory. The Hindu monks wear Bhagwa coloured robes to signify that they have renounced everything and put themselves on the path of salvation.

The colour of the flag embodies the glorious orange hue of the Sun that dispels darkness and sheds light all around. It has the colour of fire. The fire is a great purifier. The shape of rising flames and orange colour tell us to shake off one’s lethargy and do one’s duty.

The Sun shines brilliantly throughout the day giving energy and life without demanding anything in return. So, we make sacrifices for the samaj without expectations. The rising flames tell us to rise above all our dogmatic arguments and make our samaj glorious.The Bhagwa Dhwaj is eternal (Sanatan) and universal (Vaishvic

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