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RSS-backed body wants Ayurveda, Siddha in "integrated" medicine curriculum

Prove your ayurvedic treatment on a global level and maybe then it will be taken seriously.
How many peer reviews articles do the ayurvedic practitioners publish?
Most of your treatment doesn't work, and worsens the condition of the patient. Plus your ayurveda can't handle emergencies or any serious ailments.
We see many cases of heavy metal poisoning/kidney failure due to use of ayurvedic drugs.
Prove your ayurvedic treatment on a global level and maybe then it will be taken seriously.
How many peer reviews articles do the ayurvedic practitioners publish?
Most of your treatment doesn't work, and worsens the condition of the patient. Plus your ayurveda can't handle emergencies or any serious ailments.
We see many cases of heavy metal poisoning/kidney failure due to use of ayurvedic drugs.

Actually Indian Establishment is selling medicine only to friendly nations and those who are not having relations with Indian nation , we are removing our products . We are not having free trails for traitor nations . Already the reputation of Indian Medicine is well known in United States of America, GCC and African nations.
Actually Indian Establishment is selling medicine only to friendly nations and those who are not having relations with Indian nation , we are removing our products . We are not having free trails for traitor nations . Already the reputation of Indian Medicine is well known in United States of America, GCC and African nations.
You're talking about modern medicine I guess. Indian pharma companies manufacture a lot of generic medicines, which are also exported in large numbers.
Ayurveda is unscientific, for the most part.
So they teach how to use emoticons at the special needs school where you studied. I am impressed.

So what are are you working on currently? Are you writing a spam mail to raise "awareness" about Ayurveda? Or lauding Modiji by writing false WhatsApp messages for promoting yoga? Or mindlessly spreading Sanghi BS on some other thread/forum/website?

Did I miss something from your playbook?

Ah, the Stawman Defense............. the last resort of the truly incompetent. Pathetic. :tdown:

From Ayurveda to Sanghi to Vedas to MOdi to WhatsApp to Yoga :lol:


Prove your ayurvedic treatment on a global level and maybe then it will be taken seriously.
How many peer reviews articles do the ayurvedic practitioners publish?
Most of your treatment doesn't work, and worsens the condition of the patient. Plus your ayurveda can't handle emergencies or any serious ailments.
We see many cases of heavy metal poisoning/kidney failure due to use of ayurvedic drugs.

Its already proven.

The Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine (J-AIM) is an open-access, peer reviewed journal published jointly by The Institute of Trans-disciplinary Health Sciences and Technology (TDU) and The World Ayurveda Foundation (WAF), and published on Elsevier.

LOL at your ignorance .............. funny how foolish Indians actually take pride in their ignorance and Narrow minded stupidity just because Macaulay has taught them to feel smug in their ignorance.

You however are free to hold your opinion just like any other fool in this world. IT is after all a free country.

Do you have ANY Idea how many heavy metal poisoning AND kidney failures occur in real life due to "Modern Medicines" ? ........... only they are conveniently called "side effects". lol.
Ah, the Stawman Defense............. the last resort of the truly incompetent. Pathetic. :tdown:

From Ayurveda to Sanghi to Vedas to MOdi to WhatsApp to Yoga :lol:


Its already proven.

The Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine (J-AIM) is an open-access, peer reviewed journal published jointly by The Institute of Trans-disciplinary Health Sciences and Technology (TDU) and The World Ayurveda Foundation (WAF), and published on Elsevier.

LOL at your ignorance .............. funny how foolish Indians actually take pride in their ignorance and Narrow minded stupidity just because Macaulay has taught them to feel smug in their ignorance.

You however are free to hold your opinion just like any other fool in this world. IT is after all a free country.

Do you have ANY Idea how many heavy metal poisoning AND kidney failures occur in real life due to "Modern Medicines" ? ........... only they are conveniently called "side effects". lol.

I have no idea as to why you think I am in a debating contest with a hustler who peddles wonder drugs. I am only too happy to trade insults with you. There are other informative threads on this forum that actually do need a response, and I would rather invest my efforts there than on a Sanghi buffoon who believes in hocus-pocus cures.

In case you wish to continue debating this Natwarlal, kindly do ask him as to how self-published journals amount to peer reviewed validation. So I have some outlandish theories, and publish them in my own journal, thereby validating them? Where are the articles in Nature, Journal of Biology, New Scientist, Scientific American, Journal of Clinical Investigation, etc.?
I have no idea as to why you think I am in a debating contest with a hustler who peddles wonder drugs. I am only too happy to trade insults with you. There are other informative threads on this forum that actually do need a response, and I would rather invest my efforts there than on a Sanghi buffoon who believes in hocus-pocus cures.

In case you wish to continue debating this Natwarlal, kindly do ask him as to how self-published journals amount to peer reviewed validation. So I have some outlandish theories, and publish them in my own journal, thereby validating them? Where are the articles in Nature, Journal of Biology, New Scientist, Scientific American, Journal of Clinical Investigation, etc.?

Elsevier is one of the world's major providers of scientific, technical, and medical information you Moron :lol:
Elsevier is one of the world's major providers of scientific, technical, and medical information you Moron :lol:

Elsevier as over 2,500 different publications. In other words, it is a publication syndicate. It has a commercial arrangement with these journals whereby it markets them. It does not whet the articles. In any legal proceedings they will simply hide behind their position as marketing agency and deny all responsibility.

Natwarlal you know nothing about the publishing business, because you do no work apart from spreading lies. Now go back to circulating whatever fraudulent info you found on WhatsApp today.
Elsevier as over 2,500 different publications. In other words, it is a publication syndicate. It has a commercial arrangement with these journals whereby it markets them. It does not whet the articles. In any legal proceedings they will simply hide behind their position as marketing agency and deny all responsibility.

Natwarlal you know nothing about the publishing business, because you do no work apart from spreading lies. Now go back to circulating whatever fraudulent info you found on WhatsApp today.

Did you just google that ? :cheesy:

Its hilarious to read that Elsevier continues to risk its hundred year old reputation by not Whetting its own publications :lol:

One of my close family Friend is the HEAD of Elsevier India, its safe to say I know a LOT more about it than you can google up. You continue to be the clown that entertains. The comedy never ends.
Did you just google that ? :cheesy:

Its hilarious to read that Elsevier continues to risk its hundred year old reputation by not Whetting its own publications :lol:

One of my close family Friend is the HEAD of Elsevier India, its safe to say I know a LOT more about it than you can google up. You continue to be the clown that entertains. The comedy never ends.

Natwarlal I gave you their business model. Ask your imaginary friend he will confirm it. But kindly finish your rumour mongering work first.

So your wife is an MD and your family friend is the head of some publishing firm. I guess that is why you don't need to work and can spend your day doing nothing better than spinning tales about fictional medicine.
Natwarlal I gave you their business model. Ask your imaginary friend he will confirm it. But kindly finish your rumour mongering work first.

So your wife is an MD and your family friend is the head of some publishing firm. I guess that is why you don't need to work and can spend your day doing nothing better than spinning tales about fictional medicine.

Like I said, Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people

I can see that you are obsessed with me.

My sympathies, but Size does matter.
Like I said, Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people

I can see that you are obsessed with me.

My sympathies, but Size does matter.

No you didn't say that, Natwarlal. (Probably) Eleanor Roosevelt did. Just like Sanghis appropriate everything done by others, you decided to make it your own.

As for your size - considering that your wife who you say is a doctor married a con-artiste who markets alternative solutions to medical issues, I hope atleast you do have the size to make up for it.
No you didn't say that, Natwarlal. (Probably) Eleanor Roosevelt did. Just like Sanghis appropriate everything done by others, you decided to make it your own.

As for your size - considering that your wife who you say is a doctor married a con-artiste who markets alternative solutions to medical issues, I hope atleast you do have the size to make up for it.

Kindly get over your obsession with me and stop wasting my time by forcing me to read and respond to pure Rubbish.

I suggest a good psychiatrist. Now .....shooo......shooo.
Ah, the Stawman Defense............. the last resort of the truly incompetent. Pathetic. :tdown:

From Ayurveda to Sanghi to Vedas to MOdi to WhatsApp to Yoga :lol:


Its already proven.

The Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine (J-AIM) is an open-access, peer reviewed journal published jointly by The Institute of Trans-disciplinary Health Sciences and Technology (TDU) and The World Ayurveda Foundation (WAF), and published on Elsevier.

LOL at your ignorance .............. funny how foolish Indians actually take pride in their ignorance and Narrow minded stupidity just because Macaulay has taught them to feel smug in their ignorance.

You however are free to hold your opinion just like any other fool in this world. IT is after all a free country.

Do you have ANY Idea how many heavy metal poisoning AND kidney failures occur in real life due to "Modern Medicines" ? ........... only they are conveniently called "side effects". lol.

It is funny that you have to integrate Ayurveda with all those other pseudo sciences.
Your integrative medicine journal also allows homeopathy and siddha.
By now, most of the world knows that homeopathy is just water.

Why don't I see an article in one of the established journals? Anyone can create his own world and be the king.
My suggestion to you would be to avoid modern medicine altogether. Maybe natural selection will come into play!

And when I hear the name Macaulay, I realise I'm talking to either a death- bed old guy or an unemployed dude from the northern plains.
It is funny that you have to integrate Ayurveda with all those other pseudo sciences.
Your integrative medicine journal also allows homeopathy and siddha.
By now, most of the world knows that homeopathy is just water.

Why don't I see an article in one of the established journals? Anyone can create his own world and be the king.
My suggestion to you would be to avoid modern medicine altogether. Maybe natural selection will come into play!

And when I hear the name Macaulay, I realise I'm talking to either a death- bed old guy or an unemployed dude from the northern plains.

"I" don't have to do jack shit.

It is not "ME" who is publishing these journals :cheesy: .......... or are you so stupid that you actually thought that I was publish these journals ? :lol:

Your "suggestions" are are useless as you English reading comprehension skills and critical thinking. My humble suggestion would be to go back to school and not play with the big boys until you are ready.

Since I am neither a "old guy" nor from the North , its time you realize that your understanding of the world is just "pseudo science".

BTW here is a complete list of Peer Review Journals on Ayurveda.


Finally Ayurveda is recognized as a valid branch of Medicine in India and Universities in India has been granting degrees to graduates from 1940 and they also have permission to practice modern/ allopathic medicine in some Indian states.

Its one thing to be ignorant, its quite another to be proud of your ignorance.
"I" don't have to do jack shit.

It is not "ME" who is publishing these journals :cheesy: .......... or are you so stupid that you actually thought that I was publish these journals ? :lol:

Your "suggestions" are are useless as you English reading comprehension skills and critical thinking. My humble suggestion would be to go back to school and not play with the big boys until you are ready.

Since I am neither a "old guy" nor from the North , its time you realize that your understanding of the world is just "pseudo science".

BTW here is a complete list of Peer Review Journals on Ayurveda.


Finally Ayurveda is recognized as a valid branch of Medicine in India and Universities in India has been granting degrees to graduates from 1940 and they also have permission to practice modern/ allopathic medicine in some Indian states.

Its one thing to be ignorant, its quite another to be proud of your ignorance.
So you have no idea that "you" and "your" can be used to refer to a group of people?
I won't fault you.
In this case, I was referring to the people like you who support ayurveda and other primitive nonsense.

There is no point of debating this if you don't understand modern science. I suggest you should advise people like you to try ayurveda when they have a medical emergency. Let's see if it has any value when the situation is serious.
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