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Royal Saudi Air Force becomes largest international operator of F110 engine

Arabian Legend

Mar 7, 2012
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia

Saudi becomes world's largest non-US F110 customer



The Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) has ordered 193 F110-GE-129E engines to power 84 new twin-engine Boeing F-15SA aircraft. With the order the RSAF becomes the largest operator of F110 engines other than the U.S. government. This follows earlier RSAF orders for 156 engines to power 71 re-engined F-15S aircraft.

The agreement calls for deliveries to start next year. In selecting the GE engine, the RSAF cited the F110's high performance, safety and reliability and the successful operation of their current F110-powered F-15 fleet.
"We are thrilled to continue to support the Royal Saudi Air Force by providing engines to power its expanding F-15 fleet," said Jean Lydon-Rodgers, vice president and general manager, Military Systems Operation at GE Aviation. “The ongoing demand for our F110 engine is a testament to the value of its upgraded technology and will keep the production line open for years to come.”
These engines incorporate GE’s new 6,000 Total Accumulated Cycles (TAC) configuration, which enables unmatched benefits of fleet flexibility and cost-effective operation. The United States Air Force (USAF) has approved the -129 for 6,000 TACs for both F-15 (F110-GE-129E) and F-16 (F110-GE-129D) applications. With these engines, the interval for scheduled engine visits increases from 4,300 TACS to 6,000 TACs, representing a 40% reduction in scheduled maintenance costs.
The Saudi engines also feature Service Life Extension (SLEP) hardware, which includes highly successful three-dimensional aerodynamic (3D aero) technology plus upgrades to the combustor and high-pressure turbine. The enhancements help provide up to a 25 percent improvement in cost-per-flying hour, a significant time-on-wing increase, and elimination of special inspections.
More than 3,000 F110 engines have been ordered worldwide since initial selection by the USAF in 1984, making it the best-selling engine for Lockheed Martin F-16C/D fighter jets. In addition to the USAF, 12 international forces fly F110-powered aircraft. The F110 powers 60% of the international F-15 aircraft.

Royal Saudi Air Force becomes largest international operator of F110 engines | GE Aircraft Engines (GEAC) | AMEinfo.com

Arabian Aerospace - Saudi becomes world's largest non-US F110 customer
Ummm ....

By this virtue Saudi Arabia should press for a local production plant ( not an assembly plant ).

Set the youth to work the plant ... and make sure the old heads don't step anywhere near it.

The Youth Will please everyone.
Ummm ....

By this virtue Saudi Arabia should press for a local production plant ( not an assembly plant ).

Set the youth to work the plant ... and make sure the old heads don't step anywhere near it.

The Youth Will please everyone.

Well we bought maintenance, overhaul and spare parts production rights for these engines.
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