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Rouhani is at it again


Jan 29, 2017
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iranian Government to Hold Referendum on Electoral Law


Two Iranians walk past a mural in one of Tehran’s streets on Wednesday, February 12, 2020 (EPA)
London, Tehran- Asharq Al-Awsat
The Iranian government announced Wednesday it was preparing a new draft law for a referendum that would limit the powers of the Guardian Council of the Constitution.

The 12-member Guardian Council consists of six Muslim clerics appointed by the Supreme Leader and six lawyers elected by parliament. It is charged with ensuring that draft laws do not contradict with religious laws or Iran’s constitution and overseeing elections and legislation.

Iranian president's assistant for legal affairs Laya Junaidi made the announcement and was quoted by news agencies as saying that the bill will be presented to the Iranian cabinet to set the framework for overseeing the Guardian Council.

She pointed to differences between the government and the Guardian Council in interpreting the task of corrective oversight.

“Any interpretation must respect the boundaries when implemented, she stressed, adding that “if it causes the prohibition, restriction, and loss of rights, the original right must be taken into consideration.”

Electoral campaigns will be launched on Thursday (today), eight days before the Iranians head to the ballot boxes to vote, amid fears of declining turnout.

President Hassan Rouhani slammed on Tuesday the disqualification of thousands of people, including 90 current lawmakers, from running in upcoming parliamentary elections.

Most of those rejected were reformist and moderate candidates who were disqualified due to “financial problems,” a reference to embezzlement and corruption.

He indirectly called for the need to hold a referendum in the country over a new system of rule amid internal criticism of the Supreme Leader’s control over state affairs and agencies, vastly exceeding the power of the government.

The President said the current system is based on the “will of the people” and the “referendum.”

He issued an order on Feb. 7 to submit a regulation on “reforming the supervision of the elections.”

Rouhani’s orders came in response to a message by the “Union of the Nation of Iran” - the largest reformist party - which asked the Iranian president, a few days ago, to submit a draft-law to conduct a referendum on the supervision of the Guardian Council.

The Union of the Nation of Iran party took advantage of Rouhani’s statements about the need to hold a referendum and urged him to return to the public opinion on sensitive issues, such as economy, politics, society, and culture.
Khomeini passed away in 1989 idiot!
by khomeini i mean supreme leader .

Limiting IRGC means weakening Iran. I am sorry to burst your comfortable bubble, but IRGC is only going to get stronger. As for Khomeini, I take it you mean Khamenei?
hmmm thn iranian people will face more sanctions and oppression :) .
Iran is already under the maximum amount of sanctions they can throw at it. What more are they going to sanction? Iranian leopards?
thts what i am saying . common iranians are facing sanctions due to irgc and the bubble of irgc super duper power and strength is already bursted .
thts what i am saying . common iranians are facing sanctions due to irgc

Sanctions have barely nothing to do with IRGC, please don't post misinformation.

and the bubble of irgc super duper power and strength is already bursted .

Right sure it "bursted". They just turned 100's of US soldiers into brain damaged hospital patients and nothing from the US. Not even a bullet. Let me know when another group can do that to the US.
by khomeini i mean supreme leader .

hmmm thn iranian people will face more sanctions and oppression :) .

The only oppressions on Iranian people comes from the U.S.!

You really know nothing of Iran's history and so you have no facts to offer and so your left talking out your behinds!

You wanna know who the Iranian people are? These are the real Iranians who came out for their country in sub zero temperatures to celebrate their countries revolution

You wanna know what Iranians think of the IRGC take a good look!

Have you ever seen anything like that for any military general anywhere in the world??????

Western propaganda can say what it wants but Iranians know full well that the IRGC is one of the LEAST corrupt organization inside Iran! Fact is if they hadn't been Iran today wouldn't of had a viable Missile Program or a viable UAV/UCAV program or a Space program,.....
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Propaganda mouthpieces defending IRGC and not the elected president/govt. Says alot.
thts what i am saying . common iranians are facing sanctions due to irgc and the bubble of irgc super duper power and strength is already bursted .
Iran is facing sanctions because of Trump. Aside from Trump, there was UN, EU, Russian & Chinese agreement that Iran was largely in compliance with the nuclear deal negotiated between Iran and other world powers and the UN.

That said, my issue is more with a religious figure holding so much power than the IGRC.

The Ayatollah should step aside from politics and become a purely religious figure similar to the Pope.
Good....guardian council my a-ss, disqualifying candidates before they can even run for office. There is a natural way of disqualifying candidates in a democracy it’s getting less votes than the other guy....thank you very much.

I don’t understand how anyone can possibly be against this move?, unless they’re a regime shill or insider.....more power to the people. Let Iranians vote who they want in office.
Good....guardian council my a-ss, disqualifying candidates before they can even run for office. There is a natural way of disqualifying candidates in a democracy it’s getting less votes than the other guy....thank you very much.

I don’t understand how anyone can possibly be against this move?, unless they’re a regime shill or insider.....more power to the people. Let Iranians vote who they want in office.

Right because a system where only the rich get to decide who becomes The President, PM, Governor,... (either by control of the media outlets or funding campaigns) Yea that's so much better! LOL!

Trump is all the prof I need that the U.S. style of politics is noting more than cooperate fascism where they only pretend to have a government for the people by the people to fool the masses and hide the truth of what U.S. style of governing truly is and that's true corporate fascism!

Sorry but I prefer NOT to pretend! I'll leave that to fools like you!
Right because a system where only the rich get to decide who becomes The President, PM, Governor,... (either by control of the media outlets or funding campaigns) Yea that's so much better! LOL!

Trump is all the prof I need that the U.S. style of politics is noting more than cooperate fascism where they only pretend to have a government for the people by the people to fool the masses and hide the truth of what U.S. style of governing truly is and that's true corporate fascism!

Sorry but I prefer NOT to pretend! I'll leave that to fools like you!

DNC Lawyers Argue Democratic National Committee Has Right to Pick Candidates in Back Rooms
Attorneys claim the words 'impartial' and 'evenhanded'—as used in the DNC Charter—can't be interpreted by a court of law
By Michael Sainato • 05/01/17 9:08am
On April 28 the transcript was released from the most recent hearing at a federal court in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., on the lawsuit filed on behalf of Bernie Sanders supporters against the Democratic National Committee and former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz for rigging the Democratic primaries for Hillary Clinton. Throughout the hearing, lawyers representing the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz double down on arguments confirming the disdain the Democratic establishment has toward Bernie Sanders supporters and any entity challenging the party’s status quo.

Shortly into the hearing, DNC attorneys claim Article V, Section 4 of the DNC Charter—stipulating that the DNC chair and their staff must ensure neutrality in the Democratic presidential primaries—is “a discretionary rule that it didn’t need to adopt to begin with.” Based on this assumption, DNC attorneys assert that the court cannot interpret, claim, or rule on anything associated with whether the DNC remains neutral in their presidential primaries.

The attorneys representing the DNC have previously argued that Sanders supporters knew the primaries were rigged, therefore annulling any potential accountability the DNC may have. In the latest hearing, they doubled down on this argument: “The Court would have to find that people who fervently supported Bernie Sanders and who purportedly didn’t know that this favoritism was going on would have not given to Mr. Sanders, to Senator Sanders, if they had known that there was this purported favoritism.”

Jared Beck, the attorney representing Sanders supporters in the class action lawsuit, retorted that the DNC Charter is not akin to political rhetoric a politician would use during a campaign, but rather an inherent and important part of democracy in America. The entire argument of the DNC in this lawsuit is to conflate the promises of a political candidate with those of an election arbiter bound to neutrality by the DNC Charter, and to claim that fraudulent inducement cannot ever be proven as the DNC attorneys allege, “I think there’s an impossible showing of causation.”

“People paid money in reliance on the understanding that the primary elections for the Democratic nominee—nominating process in 2016 were fair and impartial,” Beck said. “And that’s not just a bedrock assumption that we would assume just by virtue of the fact that we live in a democracy, and we assume that our elections are run in a fair and impartial manner. But that’s what the Democratic National Committee’s own charter says. It says it in black and white. And they can’t deny that.” He added, “Not only is it in the charter, but it was stated over and over again in the media by the Democratic National Committee’s employees, including Congresswoman Wassermann Schultz, that they were, in fact, acting in compliance with the charter. And they said it again and again, and we’ve cited several instances of that in the case.”

Later in the hearing, attorneys representing the DNC claim that the Democratic National Committee would be well within their rights to “go into back rooms like they used to and smoke cigars and pick the candidate that way.” By pushing the argument throughout the proceedings of this class action lawsuit, the Democratic National Committee is telling voters in a court of law that they see no enforceable obligation in having to run a fair and impartial primary election.

The DNC attorneys even go so far as to argue that the words “impartial” and “evenhanded”—used in the DNC Charter—can’t be interpreted by a court of law. Beck retorted, “I’m shocked to hear that we can’t define what it means to be evenhanded and impartial. If that were the case, we couldn’t have courts. I mean, that’s what courts do every day, is decide disputes in an evenhanded and impartial manner.”


Argument from DNC Attorney. US District Court

The judge then questioned the DNC lawyers about what the Democratic National Committee does and what it is responsible for—and the DNC lawyers had trouble answering these questions. “I’m 90 percent on that,” responded the DNC attorneys in response to a question as to whether the DNC funded State Primaries.

The judge ended the hearing by stating to both parties he would issue an written order on the DNC’s motion to dismiss the lawsuit, though no specific timeframe was given as to when that decision may be handed down. If the class action lawsuit moves forward, it would entail a discovery process that would open up the inner workings of the Democratic Primaries and force figures like Wasserman Schultz to testify in court on their actions and decisions during the Democratic Primaries.



The last time the people chose the candidate in Amerika was Jimmy Carter, and the media allowed that to clean up the White House from scandal. There would have been a revolt if Carter was not push forward.

The whole US political system is corrupt and where CEOs choose and the public is given predetermined options that the CEOs like.
Right because a system where only the rich get to decide who becomes The President, PM, Governor,... (either by control of the media outlets or funding campaigns) Yea that's so much better! LOL!

Trump is all the prof I need that the U.S. style of politics is noting more than cooperate fascism where they only pretend to have a government for the people by the people to fool the masses and hide the truth of what U.S. style of governing truly is and that's true corporate fascism!

Sorry but I prefer NOT to pretend! I'll leave that to fools like you!
The only thing you’re good for in this forum is being on the wrong side of any topic, weather it’s JCPOA, protests, shoot down of civilian jets or elections....you never disappoint. The largest pea brain of this whole outfit
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